Questions tagged [machine-learning]

How to use machine learning for security (e.g. for filtering or analytics) as well as security of machine learning systems (e.g. attempts to "fool" them).

22 questions
2 answers

What is the current state of author recognition software and what can be done about it?

I'm curious what the current state of author recognition software is, i.e. software that detects the author of a certain anonymous text based on a certain pool of texts obtained from elsewhere. This could identify people in dangerous positions like…
2 answers

ML approach to malicious attachments using email contents

Based on my understanding of the field, it seems like there is a lot of attention paid to spam filtering based on the contents and metadata of an email, and there is considerable attention paid to detecting malicious attachments on their own, but I…
0 answers

Detecting network attacks by processing individual or multiple network packets?

I am trying to create a tool that identifies network attacks using machine learning, something like a small intrusion detection system. I have collected benign traffic from the network and then deployed a couple of nmap scanning, hping, etc. To…
Irene Ant
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1 answer

How likely is it to see a commercial IDS/IPS that uses machine learning in the near future that performs better than a normal IDS/IPS?

I have to choose a field to study on and I want to know does it worth studying in this field and will the future IDS/IPS systems be using machine-learning/deep-learning or at least how likely is it? i heard that some companies showed their IDS/IPS…
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1 answer

What are some interesting project ideas that use machine learning to solve issues in IOT security?

I am interesting in IOT security and machine learning/deep learning. I am looking for good project ideas to work on. example:…
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2 answers

What do you call an antivirus that detects suspicious activity?

A traditional antivirus scans data at rest and data in transit for known virus signatures. (Where "virus" includes trojans, rootkits, et al.) This does not help when defending against zero-days and active intrusions. By definition they have no known…
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2 answers

Are there any real instances of threats to machine learning systems?

I recently read a paper on The security of Machine Learning. Are there any instances of attacks against machine learning systems besides spam filters?