Questions tagged [infection-vector]

Infection vectors are methods and channels used by attackers to infect computer systems.

34 questions
2 answers

my websites got infected with a malware i cannot get any info on

we have a server, on which we host about 30 sites. these are test sites for our customers. most of them are not even indexed by google. some run on php, some on nodejs, some on ruby. all of them that run on php have been infected. on 27 and 28 of…
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1 answer

Can a device be remotely accessed without anything needed?

Suppose you have a target machine (desktop, smartphone, server) and that you have any needed knowledge about the target machine to perform the following task. Is it possible to infect given machine using that information, without needing the user to…
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2 answers

Malware or buggy software gives Low Disk Space warning

Since a few days, I am getting an alert that in my c drive disk space is low. When I verified, free space in my c drive was decreasing hour by hour and there was a stage when it simply said that 0 mb free in C drive. Initially, I thought my system…
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3 answers

What File Types Should I Scan Before Opening?

In general, a person downloads some files from the Internet. Secure practice is to, at least, scan them before opening them. In light of this, what file types (i.e. extensions) should a normal user (not analyzing malware) scan with a commercial…
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