Questions tagged [http-proxy]

138 questions
1 answer

Risk in having the PAC file in a server with no authorisation

So basically I’ve put my PAC-file under a non-secure web server with no authentication whatsoever in my organization. Later, I found out that there have been many attacks using this file type in other countries. How true is it that there’s a risk…
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proxies do not render HTTPS pages with javascript correctly

In technical terms, how come all proxies fail to display https pages (e.g. Facebook) correctly? The use of javascript is almost always disabled. The problem is in https? Can someone technically explain why there is always this problem?
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insecure HTTP Methods Enabled -- how to control?

Here I am new to insecure HTTP Methods Enabled. The server allows HTTP methods that are considered dangerous. The following methods were enabled: PUT,DELETE Software used: Apache-tomcat-6.0.29. How to reproduce the same? How to fix this…
Ramakrishnan M
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