Questions tagged [homomorphic-encryption]

Homomorphic encryption is form of encryption which allows mathematical operations to be carried out on an encrypted message, using only the ciphertext. Cryptography.SE may be more suitable for some questions on this topic.

21 questions
2 answers

Are there currently any standards for Homomorphic encryption?

I am curious if there are any released standards for homomorphic encryption, or computing on encrypted data. Perhaps by NIST, ANSI, or ISO. If not, are there any that are under development right now? If you have any estimates for a time frame about…
1 answer

Why cant all voters be authorities in homomorphic encryption based voting scemes?

In voting scemes I have seen so far that are based on homomorphic encryption, a group of partially trusted "authorities" share the task of decrypting the result. The voter has to trust at least one of the authorities to be sure that his personal…
0 answers

PGP public key flagged as malicious to root. Was ran before

Hello I had used this pgp public key on my win10 OS with pgptool to message someone. Then when i used that same public key in whonix OS console it came back with some type of warning about malicious item that could go into root? SO i didnt use it…
1 answer

Is it possible to search HTTPS messages using homomorphic encryption?

We're trying to build a packet sniffer that can search and quarantine malware in encrypted transactions without decrypting said transactions. At present, we're exploring whether homomorphic encryption schemes can help us look for patterns that match…
1 answer

How to safely handle non public data in memory

Alice needs to get non public information from Bob, validate it (let's say check that birth day is between 1900 and now) and forward it to Charlie. There's an end to end encryption between Alice and Bob and Alice and Charlie. If the computer Alice…
0 answers

Can homomorphic treatment lead to disclose the context, and so break confidentiality?

Example: I want company X to perform an analysis on the data I output from a campaign of tensile testing. I send them encrypted data and ask them to fit a function between deformation and constraint (I say to X, my data is u and v), to obtain the…
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