Questions tagged [file-access]

143 questions
1 answer

users avatar names based on Primary Key, is it safe?

We upload users avatar with their primary key name. avatars name are 1.jpg,2.jpg,3.jpg,... according to their primary key. We implemented this to omit avatar field from database, instead with use their primary key to access their photos. Is it…
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I need to transfer user's private key (RSA) to my App. Is file sharing a good solution?

I've asked a similar question here earlier iOS: Is it ok to store a RSA private key (use to decrypt text) in your application document directory? However, the person recommend me to use keychain access. This will not work for me because after…
2 answers

Windows / Sensitive Data / Prevent access by various process

It's my understanding if you're logged into your Windows PC as DOMAIN\DUDE.NAME and you have access to \DOMAINFILES\SECRET STUFF\SUPER SECRETS.xlsx any process you run can also access that file - there is no easy way to "launch process without…
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reading/downloading big files in metasploit module

I am writing a post exploitation module that supports meterpreter sessions. For my module to work, I need to read/download some files from the victim machine that may be small or bigger. I am having troubles when the file is bigger than 2MB. I…
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Protect files on webserver, allow only internal use

I have a website and it has an audio player to play music files. The music files are hosted in a public directory. Since they are there anyome can point there and use the files on their website. Is there a way to only allow my webpages to use the…
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Can benign software modify Widnows DLL files?

On Windows (XP, 7, 8, NT ...): can .dll files be modified (in any manner) by benign programs/software already installed/running on the computer ?
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Is a properly configured server secure against unauthorized data access?

Take for example a game. Typically, when you buy or download a game that can be played offline, all of the data required to run the game is shipped with the executable. In order to protect these resources, developers use various protection methods…
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Restricting locations for unzipping a zip file

I hope that I have found the correct place to ask my question regarding unzipping files. I would like to see if there is a way to restrict the locations available to the user to unzip a password protected zip file in order to ensure security of the…
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Luhn algorithm applied to file access

I am in the following setup: given department ids, employee ids and file ids I want to check whether employee xy of department AB is allowed to access file f. E.g. department id = "012", employee id = "123" and file id "012" Then the application of…
Richi W
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Is my invitation based file access authorization scheme worthwhile?

I need to allow users to upload files with sensitive data to a server, then invite other authenticated users to access specific files. This is my proposed solution: Each user will have his own folder to which he uploads files, and the parent folder…
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Restrict file access in php.ini

What is the difference between include_path and open_basedir in PHP? My php.ini looks like this: include_path = ".:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear:/var/www" If, for example, I try using include('../../etc/passwd'); the file is included. On the other…
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PHP - How to block files access in specific directory from the external

I made a very simple dashboard with HTML/PHP/JS (and a MySQL database) where some users (after a secure login with username and password) can access and insert some activities with details and attach a file in PDF format. My dashboard is in a…
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Ways to inject malicious content during a HTTP file transfer

Assume an Apache server (http, no authentication just hosting static files) is running in my local network which is hosting some zip files. Assume User A is requesting a zip file from the Apache server. Is it possible for User B on the same LAN…
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How to prevent a user retaining file access with an open handle on Windows?

Suppose a user is a member of a group, and they open (in the Windows API sense) a file whose DACL grants access to that group. Then, the user stops being a member of the group. Since access checks are performed at the time of opening the file, the…
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How can opening a non-existing file cause a security vulnerability?

I was reading on race conditions when I encountered the paragraph below: How exactly does trying to read a non-existing file cause a security vulnerability?