Questions tagged [electronic-voting]

IT systems which gather and count votes for a poll, preferably in a way which ensures the ballot is both secret and manipulation-resistant.

34 questions
2 answers

Anonymity of ballots when voting with BYCRYPT hashes

Hello Security Experts! I am implementing a small web application where users can cast votes. On the one hand, I want ballots to by anonymous. So the username is not stored with the ballot. But on the other hand I want that each user can verify for…
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2 answers

Does heartbleed effect effect electronic voting

Is electronic voting software compromised by the heartbleed issue?
2 answers

Election security is considered one of the most difficult problems in computer security

Not just electronic voting, but in election security general. I think it part is because there are many components to it, and it has many components that could be compromised. What are some of the top 3 reasons why this problem is a particularly…
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3 answers

Electronic Voting System Proposal: What are the flaws?

I just thought of an electronic voting system and wanted to write it down. After writing 1 line in a text editor, I thought I should share it here and ask you about the flaws in it. Let's see if you can find some. The goals of this system are: to…
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