Questions tagged [code-execution]

The process of executing code, either maliciously or not, on a system or device. The term is often used when talking about code injection vulnerabilities.

The process of executing code, either maliciously or not, on a system or device. The term is often used when talking about code injection vulnerabilities

82 questions
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Web application secrets protection following code execution

I would like to clarify protection practices for handling database secrets with database connected web application, using Docker containers. The aim is to determine how to protect secrets even if an attacker attains a shell in the context of the…
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2 answers

Is there a secure way to run a bat file from a Java program without command injection vulnerability?

Since using Runtime.exec() and ProcessBuilder trigger command injection vulnerability in static analyzing tools, is there any other recommended secure way to execute a bat file from a Java program? Java code:…
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Is there any way to estimate the safety of arbitrary binaries, which are usually released with unofficial patches?

Frequent scenario: An old game is released on GOG / Steam. It proves to be incompatible with new Windows systems. (Crashes, game breaking bugs, fps of 0.5 and the likes) An unofficial patch is released by the fanbase, either for this particular…
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What can an attacker do in this scenario? (unwritable bashrc, profile, etc.)

Scenario: Typical Linux desktop setup: unprivileged user but with sudo capabilities to do basically everything For the sake of argument let's forget about X11 and its way to allow trivial keyloggers, so let's say the distro is using Wayland or…
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Bufferoverflow attack shell code address calculation

I've completed a bufferoverflow attack by injecting shellcode into buffer, and executing exploit by: ./binary $(python -c 'print overflow +shellcode + adressofshellcode') Above exploit is working and I'm able to exploit the binary successfully. But…
1 answer

SERVER-IIS multiple extension code execution attempt

Sourcefire detected a SERVER-IIS multiple extension code execution attempt event and captured a packet. It originated from a Chinese IP, AbuseIPDB has several records about its malicious activity. Some of the logs included a user-agent string…
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What was the root cause for the recent (March 2017) Struts2 file upload vulnerability (S2-045)?

The recent Struts2 vulnerability allowed remote code execution by providing a bogus Content-Type header, as explained here: The…
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Hacked: Can a UTF-8 encoded script execute non-UTF-8 characters?

To be honest, I'm not really sure the best title for this question, or the full scope of it, but the motivation behind it is: Motivation Assume your server was hacked, you open up your UTF-8 encoded php script and you find a block or lines of…
1 answer

Large header/footer of shellcode bytes when going from x86 asm to exe?

I coded a simple bash shell in x86 and compiled it via nasm and ld into an exe. When I do this I can see the 31 bytes of instructions that I actually made but there are 100's of bytes before and after my code that get added to the executable. It…
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2 answers

Trusted (sealed) execution environment in Linux

Is there any trusted (or sealed) execution environment for Linux that can guarantee the integrity of executable applications? My use-case is like this: I have an executable that reads a file and applies crypto operations on the file. The attack…
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1 answer

Functions in common server-side languages which are used to execute code

I want to know the list of functions which are used to evaluate strings to code. For example: in PHP we have the eval function which evaluates a string to PHP code. Input passed into eval without filtering could be used as remote code execution by a…
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1 answer

What can I do with a Pdf upload vulnerability on a CTF server?

A web server running iis 10 ,PHP (windows) allows users to upload any type of pdf (the location and filename does not change on the server ). The files uploaded go though some file extension check which I was unable to bypass(I tried adding a null…
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What ways a website could hack a device?

Is it possible that clicking a link would hack a device? For example: injecting a malicious code into the device directly from the link's host website connecting to the device remotely in a way through its internet connection And how to protect a…
0 answers

Possibility of arbitrary file upload where upload converted to png

Would a file upload function be vulnerable to code execution where the uploaded file is always converted to a PNG file by the application? For example, if one uploads shell.php and this file is converted into somerandomstring.png, can one assume…
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1 answer

Would it be useful from a security perspective to harden an interpreter like Python or NodeJS by removing support for unused features?

When hardening a system you want to remove any features that you do not need. I have been thinking about this concept from the perspective of interpreters like Python, NodeJS, PHP etc. and am wondering if it could provide any meaningful benefits to…
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