Questions tagged [cloud-storage]

110 questions
2 answers

Will encrypted files on a volume still be encrypted when uploaded to a cloud service?

If I encrypt some files in a folder using EFS, and then I upload such files to a cloud service, will they be encrypted on the cloud? While the logical answer seems to be yes, I think in reality the answer must be no: because when I upload I am…
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How Secure to is to forward CCTV stream to device's cloud

In my home CCTV, the video stream is forwarded to the Device's own cloud environment and we need to hook up our mobile views via that. I hope all the other device's streams are also forwarded in to the same could environment(same manufacturer). How…
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Security of a password container in the cloud

I currently use Keypass to manage my passwords and I sync the container between my desktop and my smartphone via USB. My wife has an older tablet that I cannot sync via USB because I cannot mount it as an external disk, but I know that Keypass can…
Serge Ballesta
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Parameters to check before storing data on cloud

I want suggestions regarding the storing/securing my data on cloud. I want to upload my data on cloud, so it will be safe and can be accessible from anywhere. I have around 15 GB of data which I want to store it on cloud. Can I use Google Drive (for…
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Client's Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in the Cloud

Is it safe to put a client's personally identifiable information on Microsoft's Office-365, or another Cloud provider storage?
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Combining Boxcryptor and encrypted cloud service

I want to store highly critical documents on a cloud storage as an additional backup. I am using boxcryptor which encrypts files before these get synced to cloud. Boxcryptor encrypts files using AES-256 cipher. I am using a cloud storage service…
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How do companies deal with storing their source code on GitHub from a data-loss risk management point-of-view?

When it comes to storing my data "in the cloud" (aka: on someone else's server), I alway have kind of a bad feeling that something like "Google's deleted an artist's blog, along with 14 years of his work" might happen to my data, too. On the other…
Uwe Keim
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Sensitive files in the Cloud: Automated mounted TrueCrypt volume

My current setup currently I'm using Boxcryptor Classic 1.x (still compatible to EncFS) to mirror some files with SyncBack Pro into the virtual Boxcryptor-Harddisk. Those get then encrypted by BC directly into C:\Dropbox\BoxcryptorTarget. The…
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Are files hosted on cloud servers/websites/databases manually checked by people?

I was wondering ... when I upload a file to, say, Dropbox, does anybody personally check it to see what it is? Say I upload a copy of my Blu-ray movie to cloud storage ... will anyone check, and could they possibly tell law enforcement that I…
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0 answers

What's the most secure mounting method for external storage in Nextcloud when not using encryption on rest for performance reasons?

My threats are: MitM basically, eavesdroppers I have a Nextcloud instance and I was thinking of mounting sshfs locally and selecting local as the external storage type and then putting the data there, but is it the most secure option? Nextcloud…
Sir Muffington
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0 answers

How do social media networks handle data?

I got this idea of digital diary app and I’m planning to store the user’s info on the cloud. I’m just curious how do social media keep user data safe from unwanted eyes. I personally find it weird if I’d be able to access a user’s journal entries…
1 answer

Does a hash-based storage cache design require additional access-control?

Please forgive the vagueness of the question title. I am currently working/designing an opaque storage of immutable files. The purpose of the service is simple: storing files and being able to retrieve them by their identifier. As the service is…
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Does Microsoft scan the contents of documents uploaded to onedrives personal vault?

Specifically do they, but not "Can they" only because I'm fully aware that they are, and always have been, capable of intruding on any/all personal/sensitive data that isn't encrypted on a local drive or removable hard drive. I'm fairly new to the…
0 answers

Detect Security Configuration Changes on MongoDB Atlas

Is there a way to detect security configuration changes on my MongoDB Atlas project and trigger an alert if e.g. somebody changes Network Access rules? I can't find any suitable rules in Alert Settings.
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3 answers

Naming encrypted files in the cloud, without leaking info about their content

I'm working on a photo sharing app that stores files in the cloud, encrypted, and lets you share those files with others. To do that, as suggested in answers to this previous question: files are encrypted locally with a (random) symmetric key, then…