Questions tagged [cloud-computing]

Cloud computing is about hardware-based services involving computing, network and storage capacities. These services are provided on-demand, hosted by the cloud provider and can easily scale up and down.

306 questions
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secure deletion in virtual machines

when we securely delete a volume in a machine which is installed in a virtual machine or docker, for example by overwriting 7 times or more, we securely delete the data in virtual disk (in guest) and some related data in real disk (in host) may…
0 answers

What are reasonable level of security for a interal-use organization application hosted on the cloud?

I'm working on an small web application (Flask). The application is only for distributed internal usage, e.g. only users with credentials created by the organization will have access to the services beyond the Login page and the organization creates…
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What (aside from the law) prevents cloud-hosting owners from eavesdropping on servers/code?

Given a server hosted on a cloud platform, what would stop the cloud platform owner from stealing the server's data and/or code? As far as I can tell, a motivated cloud owner could retrieve the data in its servers while keeping plausible…
1 answer

Unknown folders in OneDrive

Today I opened OneDrive by accident, since I do not use it. To my surprise, inside there were unknown folders, in foreign (to me) languages. Namely, "document" and "photo" folders in Korean and a shortcut in French with the meaning of…
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Cloud application Vulnerability assessment

Do you think server side assessment of application is important when application is hosted on a cloud like Amazon? Assessment on software used to host the application not the actual application, e.g. assessment of nginx webserver using nessus or…
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Is it possible to make a remote server part of VPN so that only machines within a domain network can access the server?

First, let me describe the problem I am trying to solve. I have a domain-based network. My Source Control server resides on this network. This meant only devices connected to the network (part of the domain) could access the Source Control server.…
1 answer

Using unique per-session gpg keys to store backups on cloud storage

I'd like to encrypt my server's daily backups and send them to dropbox / google drive / etc., as a backup. I've read of various approaches. Assuming symmetric encryption (passphrase rather than public/private keypair), people seem to: tar, compress,…
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Someone is Cryptomining from my Google Compute Engine Instance

I run an airflow instance which python process scheduler, which is used to trigger different python ML process which has no relation to crypto mining. This is the process which is running this dockerized process…
1 answer

Use of HTTP functions in GCP Cloud Functions Is Not Secure. Why they are still available?

As Google mentions itself in the documentation, the HTTP functions in Cloud Functions have no authentication and are not secure. HTTP functions are unprotected and will respond to any HTTP request, which means anybody on the internet could start…
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The main things a cloud data center could inject into its hardware

So some cloud service providers like Amazon use custom hardware to improve different characteristics of their servers. This also means they can control the security better, because there is nothing hidden inside their silicon since they made it. But…
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Meltdown checker says AWS and Rackspace is vulnerable - Why?

Today I was curious how my vmware environment stacked up against Spectre and Meltdown. So I ran spectre-meltdown-checker. It came back clean with 7 of 8 variants OK (the failed one is apparently not possible to exploit under VMware) Then I was…
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3 answers

Security risks of exposing a VM to single IP address on the Internet

I have a small office network with about 10 workstations and a single physical domain controller. I want to move it to the cloud. For that, I deployed a Windows VM on Azure, which I'm going to promote as an additional DC. Then, I'll shut down the…
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2 answers

Privacy of client's virtual machine in cloud computing

As we know clients can create and run their virtual machines (VM)in the cloud computing. My question is about the confidentiality of data stored in the client's VM. Question 1: Does data stored in a client's VM remain private in the cloud? Is the…
2 answers

How does the TPM provide security for the cloud?

The primary scope of TPM is to assure the integrity of a platform. In this context, "integrity" means "behave as intended". ~Wiki I'm learning more about how the TPM performs integrity covering aspects as root of trust, chain of trust, PCRs…
1 answer

Detect and Scan Open Ports

I am trying to understand two questions - I run Qualys/Nessus scans on periodic basis in our Azure/AWS environment and always run into issues while detecting for Open ports, A basic nmap scan would detect open port however a Qualys/Nessus scan…