Questions tagged [certification]

We use the certification tag for questions about programs designed to vouch for an individual's competence in security-related work. Use the "compliance" tag for programs like PCI-DSS that assess the security of a server.

94 questions
2 answers

Evaluating candidates for Hacker/Pen Test Positions

If I need to employ Penetration Testers, what are the procedures to follow and how to examine candidates to know their skills and qualifications. Also, I need to know what are the examinations/certificates that I should look for in the employee and…
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1 answer

Certifications comparisons

I have been asked to compare "officially" some pentest certifications, namely: GIAC CEH OPST OSCP ...and if you have some more, they're welcome! Now, I have my points of view and I don't want to be biased by them, hence I would like to ask you…
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2 answers

Cheap, Foot-in-the-door certifications?

Could you recommend cheap certifications to get your foot in the door of the industry.
Keith Loughnane
  • 257
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1 answer

Secuirty related certification/training for .NET Developers

I would like to know if there are any Free certifications related to writing secure code that myself and our team of .NET/AngularJS web-developers take up, So that we can write secure code and also assure our customers that the developers of their…
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