Questions tagged [breach]

48 questions
3 answers

What is the difference between a data leak and a data breach?

What is the difference between data leak and data breach? Could you give an example of what the insider threat would be for a data leak and a data breach? Reading the section "Who Causes Data breaches" on Kaspersky page I think I understand, but…
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How to check if a user's password has appeared in a breach?

The latest advice (e.g. from NIST) recommends that user's password are checked against known breaches and compromised passwords are forbidden. What are some relatively straightforward steps that a regular web dev who is not a security expert can…
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Receiving Junk Email that is related to Skype conversations

My Microsoft email address and account are linked to Skype, OneDrive and Windows 10 (products I use by Microsoft). This account is not linked to my phone (Android). I don't use this account for Email (I use Gmail for email). Absolutely sure I don't…
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What can somebody do with just name and passport number?

What is the risk if just full name and passport number were to be leaked? just those two pieces of information and nothing else.
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Data breach for my router in chrome

I have just logged into my router in Chrome, Win 10. I got this warning. I immediately changed the password. But I have several questions. Is the message reliable, in the sense that the breach occurred? If so, how could that breach happen? How…
2 answers

Effective ways to hash phone numbers?

Suppose a company wants to implement 2FA for it's users using phone number OTP system, but does not really want to store their phone numbers as it could get breached and phone numbers are considered private. What they intend to do is store some kind…
1 answer

We were hacked and have no idea how

Last Friday, 7 of our employees' office365 email accounts were hacked simultaneously. We saw successful logins from random US addresses. The virus went through emails and basically does a reply-all with a virus called They all have eset…
Don Draper
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Are there services to detect data breaches?

There have been quite a lot of data breaches in the past and I wonder how the companies got to know them. Were they only finding it in the news? Did individuals inform them? What about small data breaches, e.g. if you have a user who has an account…
Martin Thoma
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Does TLS 1.3 mitigate the BREACH vulnerability?

Section 5.4 of the TLS 1.3 specification describes record padding. One of the mitigations for BREACH is to add random padding. Therefore, I'm wondering: Does TLS 1.3 require random record padding? I'm also unclear on if this padding is optional or…
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WhatsApp spyware application through WhatsApp call

Probably everyone heard that there was high security vulnerability in WhatsApp this week Can anyone make me…
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Are there any known examples of companies who were successfully breached using POODLE, BEAST or SWEET32?

When this was first announced back in 2014, Brian Krebs reported on how much of a threat these kinds of birthday attacks were, but I have not been able to find a case study of a successful breach. Is there anything in the public domain that goes…
Pete Mahon
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Got "Security alert" e-mail from Google about a sign-in from an unknown device I'd like to track down

How can I investigate a potential security breach on my Google account that was perpetrated via an unknown device that I do not own? I just got a horrifying e-mail from Google that seemed to indicate I had been hacked: it led to a webpage stating…
3 answers

Why are data breaches like the one at Quora considered so bad?

Today, I read this article that said that some hacker stole personal information of 100 million users of Quora — which allegedly is half of the total user base of Quora. This is kind of like when Facebook users' data got stolen a couple of years…
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GDPR - Personal Data breaches for invoices

A short question and scenario. Company X receives by mistake invoice of Company Y ( there is no relation between them ). Company X is reporting the case to Controller : - invoice is not mine , please send it in the right place. Y's Invoice …
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Optus cyberattack could have exposed up to 9 million Australians, now what?

Optus cyberattack could have exposed up to 9 million Australians Hackers have breached Optus’ systems in one of the largest cyberattacks in Australian history, accessing names, dates of birth, phone numbers, email addresses, physical addresses and…