Questions tagged [banks]

Use for questions about security practices used by banks and other financial institutions.

220 questions
6 answers

Is it safe to tell credit card number to bank employee over a phone?

Recently, I got a new credit card via post. To activate it, it is required to call to the bank (phone number is attached to the card) and confirm, that card was received. For activation purposes, the bank employee asks me to provide full card…
Andrey Sapegin
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Anti Skimmer and Anti fraud?

Would you please tell me what is the difference between Anti-skimmer and Anti-fraud in ATMs?
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International bank transfer, what is safe to share?

Okay, so I am selling a smartphone, to the guy who lives in UK, or that is what he says. So for the money transfer he asks me these things. Name Bank Name Account Number Iban Swift Code. Is it okay to give them to him, BTW I live in the Latvia, and…
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Banking platform accepts password containing subset of real password

How would it be possible that if my password was 123abc that my bank also accepts something like 123abc12? Isn't that an extreme security flaw? If the password was hashed and salted, wouldn't the latter create a completely different digest?
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Is it possible that the same VISA debit card numbers could be issued to different people by different banks?

I'm wondering if is it possible that the same VISA debit card numbers could ever be issued to different people by different banks or companies?
M. Asad Ali
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Do normal SMS risks apply to DigiCel mobile banking? What mitigations are likely in place?

In this interview with Bill Gates and Bill Clinton, they discuss their work with Digicel, who I assume is this company, to enable mobile banking with normal KYC protections. This site is full of exploits for SMS phones, and so I can't conceive of it…
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2 answers

Bank Fraud Deposit

My daughter just discovered yesterday that a wire transfer of $12K had been made to her checking acct. at Chase. It said it came from a Wells Fargo in NY in the name of some name she didn't recognize. She called Chase and was told there was…
Linda Jones
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Where is RSA Digital signature used in the online banking world?

When i do online banking, i sign my digital transaction with a digipass. Ive been told that it uses a RSA-based digital signature scheme. But an rsa digital signature (1024 bit for the modulus) is a much greater then length of the code that my…
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Security: Plaid vs Quicken vs Mint

Why are people so quick to criticize Plaid for using login info when trusted apps like Mint do the same thing? They require username and password for bank info, but seem to be trusted. I wanted to use Plaid to build my own fintech app but was…
1 answer

Visa Secure / TAN App showing wrong amount charged

So, the other day I was charging my prepaid VoIP account from via credit card payment. I chose 10 Eur which is the default and entered my card details. As usual, I was redirected to a different payment processor which itself redirects me…
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1 answer

Is there a standard about storing the password of a bank's website bank-account-management-account in a password vault?

Please assume that I use some FOSS, SaaS, public key && passwordized private key protected password vault program to primarily store passwords of websites I rarely use (such as Q&A websites or free content enterprises), which are not very…
1 answer

How can hackers steal from a savings account that has no client card?

Someone I know was stolen a few hundreds dollars from a savings account. Looking at the history, she saw transactions like Uber rides and video games purchases she did not do. This account is used strictly for investing and is only accessed from her…
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Dedicated device for online investing and other security measures

I like to invest money online. I invest in both cryptocurrencies as well as regular stocks. As my bankroll grows (let's say 20k+ in the near future), I feel like I need to start taking more serious security measures. My idea is to buy a cheap…
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Is Gnucash's flatpak safe to use with online banking?

Can I trust the (official?) GnuCash Flatpak on Flathub, linked from here to here? Following up on this Q&A I'm asking myself if I can trust this, bearing in mind this. Other options would be to use a PPA, compile from source myself or wait for a…
0 answers

Can anything be stolen from me using bank Information?

I live on a Caribbean island and i am selling my pick up truck. Someone has contacted me saying they want to buy it and ship to the US.They have asked for all my bank info, IBAN, Swift Code, Acc.#, bank name and address etc... This all seems fishy…
Mike H
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