Questions tagged [azure]

A cloud computing platform offered by Microsoft.

116 questions
0 answers

Azure AD Application Proxy Security Concerns + Azure Application Gateway (WAF) Better?

I am still new to security and still learning the basics so was interested in getting some feedback on two Azure services. Edit: We are a school and the application's host 4000+ parent and student records including medical records so security is…
Andrew P
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1 answer

How do I protect the Azure Client ID and Client Secret in HashiCorp Vaults with AKV Auto-Unseal?

Say I set up a HashiCorp Vault, on dedicated hardware, with an AKV seal stanza like the following: seal "azurekeyvault" { tenant_id = "46646709-b63e-4747-be42-516edeaf1e14" client_id = "03dc33fc-16d9-4b77-8152-3ec568f8af6e" …
1 answer

Detect and Scan Open Ports

I am trying to understand two questions - I run Qualys/Nessus scans on periodic basis in our Azure/AWS environment and always run into issues while detecting for Open ports, A basic nmap scan would detect open port however a Qualys/Nessus scan…
0 answers

Azure AppService - Configuration vulnerability - Would you also consider this as a vulnerability?

just in short. I was playing around a Azure AppService as I wanted to know how secure it is. I have discovered it is possible (using the regularly deployed application) to write to complete d:\home folder where also the wwwroot and bin folder are…
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Limiting information disclosed by server

I host a web application on an Ubuntu 14.04 based VM hosted on Microsoft Azure infrastructure. The webserver is nginx. Recently, someone was trying to probe my server, and later correctly surmised that I was using Microsoft's cloud. How would they…
Sarah Micj
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2 answers

Are there any PCI compliant firewalls that can be installed on Linux through normal means and not through an ISO?

We are trying to install a PCI compliant firewall on our Azure Vnet. The problem is, that ones like opnsense can only be installed through an iso, having to install it on a local VM and then having to upload around a 4GB disk to Azure create a VM…
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2 answers

Is traffic encrypted using IPSec intercepted in transit over public internet, hackable?

In the official Azure documentation describing Azure VPN Gateway, I read this about Site to Site VPN "Though traffic is encrypted using IPSec, it can be intercepted in transit since it traverses the public Internet." Is it a grave concern if…
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How should I detect and respond to bad actors who perform SQL injections?

SQL Azure has a logic component called Threat Detection. I assume it looks for SQL Injection, but also evidence of dangerous commands like sp_exec. I would like to expand that scope, and also inspect the following aspects of user traffic for SQL…
1 answer

Feeding Azure portal logs into a SIEM solution

Currently working on a cloud transformation project where all infrastructure is being placed into Azure. We currently use a SIEM solution to monitor and assess events across the environment. The adoption of Azure has added an additional level of…
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1 answer

Microsoft IP Blocked by my fail2ban

Yesterday at 3AM our Fail2ban blocked an IP, not tremendously uncommon, however it appears to relate back to a Microsoft address. This could perhaps be an Azure server being used for the abuse. My main concern is exactly what it was attempting to do…
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1 answer

Robots trying to login to Azure VM when SSH port is closed in manager

I have many robots trying to do SSH login in a Azure VM. In the resource manager SSH is disabled but attacker IPs are public, as you can see below, where I copy a log for auth.log (I have an Ubuntu machine). Fail2ban is blocking these IPs but I do…
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