Questions tagged [automation]

35 questions
3 answers

How to tell if human is using website or automated script?

I know some websites say in their terms and services that the website can only be accessed by humans and not bots or scripts. How do they tell who is accessing? Especially with tools such as AutoScript that just record the mouse movements and…
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1 answer

What security considerations should I keep in mind when setting up home automation using IFTTT?

My next personal project is going to be setting up some basic home automation for my parents (not very tech savvy but have a potential to learn). This involves some thermostat, lighting and notification control. I have been using IFTTT in the past…
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What are proper methods to automatically detect malware and are current methods reliable?

What I have seen so far is the ability to automate signing hashes and string offsets as a way for an AV-engine to detect possible malware. Does this prove to be a good strategy for malware detection? It doesn't seem to be so since it relies on…
1 answer

How can I improve and secure automated signing?

Automated signing of files, such as software packages or file backups, is inherently risky if a certain level of trust is given to it. Having signing be an automated process means that there's no user sitting by and verifying the files themselves.…
Naftuli Kay
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Projects similar to SCAP Security Guide

Are there any other projects similar to what SCAP Security Guide (SSG) is doing? Automated security policy compliance using Ansible playbooks and Bash scripts. I'm trying to put my systems in compliance with CIS and STIG, but CIS only provide PDFs…
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Is Arduino Mega Hackable Over The Air

I am collecting data (by reading input registers) from a machine by RS-485 protocol and Arduino Mega 2560 hardware. I am also sending this data from Arduino Mega to a NodeMCU which is connected to the internet over WiFi. I made 100% sure that no…
1 answer

Use linux firewall rules for windows too

I'd like to improve security on my home network. I have a PC and a laptop with Microsoft Windows as well as a PC and a laptop with Linux There are a few HTTP services installed in the network. The devices should only be allowed access to DNS to…
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1 answer

Any campus email systems automatically testing links?

I heard that there are some university campus email systems that "click" all the links on incoming emails and thus inadvertently unsubscribe recipients from email distribution lists if the email contains a one-click unsubscribe link. Does this…
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0 answers

There is a difference between malware detection using automata and family behavior graph?

Is there a difference between dynamic malware detection using automata and family behavior - graph? I think that they are both relying on API function calls but I don't understand if there is any major difference between them. If you're not sure…
1 answer

Give users a powershell script to run - Secure?

Is there a secure and practical way to give a group of users a powershell script to run on their laptops? The users all have active directory accounts, but their computers are not joined to any domain. The end goal is to get a basic hardware…
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2 answers

How safe are the password prompts of the SafeNet eToken 5110 or similar cryptographic hardware tokens?

I'll need to use an hardware token, specifically the SafeNet eToken 5110 that comes with DigiCert's EV certificates, for code-signing on Windows. I know that they issue a prompt to manually enter the token's password at each signing attempt (or at…
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2 answers

Wireshark decrypt and save wireless packets from command line

I have a question that I can't seem to find a complete answer for. This may not be something that is possible, but I am hoping someone will have a solution. At my work, we process wireless sniffs in wireshark. We have a shell script to merge and…
2 answers

Application that uses USB token to assign user on a server

I have the following situation: One user with a USB token certificate access a site and log-in using this certificate, the logging process ask for the USB token password; When the user is logged he can make anything in this site. My objective is…
2 answers

Getting the uploaded file path without knowing the uploading destination

Imagine a scenario that we are able to upload a PHP file on the server. However, we are not aware of the uploading path. I simply mean that, we are able to upload the file but we don't know where it would be stored after uploading. Is it possible to…
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1 answer

Automated server security testing best practices?

Is there a standard way of automatically testing the basic security of my web server? I've found a couple on-line services, (e.g., and they seem ok, but I'd like to start off with the basics. Is there a go-to method for…
Sauce McBoss
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