Questions tagged [automated-testing]

Test automation is the use of software to control the execution of tests, the comparison of actual outcomes to predicted outcomes, the setting up of test preconditions, and other test control and test reporting functions. Commonly, test automation involves automating a manual process already in place that uses a formalized testing process (

As per

Test automation is the use of software to control the execution of tests, the comparison of actual outcomes to predicted outcomes, the setting up of test preconditions, and other test control and test reporting functions. Commonly, test automation involves automating a manual process already in place that uses a formalized testing process.

The principle of automated testing is that there is a program (which could be a job stream) that runs the program being tested, feeding it the proper input, and checking the output against the output that was expected. Once the test suite is written, no human intervention is needed, either to run the program or to look to see if it worked; the test suite does all that, and somehow indicates whether the program's output was as expected.

Test Automation also has dedicated section in Software QA & Testing community.

73 questions
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Pathping for test Pinging from subnets

Does anyone know if PathPing or NMAP can ping or scan from predefinded source IPs? I am checking connectivity from agents on remote hosts to a destination site from my host. Is there a switch or tool to force a network test via a predefined source…
1 answer

Are there approaches/mechanism to detect hardware backdoors?

Background: A nice Chinese based manufacturer (AllWinner Technology Co.Ltd) produces very useful SoC used boards that often claim to be open source hardware. Question: If need be is there by way of logic and testing a way to find out or at least…
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Automatic vs Manual

When it comes to technologies that directly affect information security, how do you determine when it is better to use an automatic option instead of a manual option, and vice versa? I already feel uncomfortable letting my browser remember my…
3 answers

What is best method for retest blind sql vulnerability

I tested web site application with commercial automated tool.There are some blind sql injection.I want to retest this results .Is there any good method for test blind sql injection with tool or anything else ?
1 answer

Choosing the right tools

I'm totally new in the field of penetration testing, like almost no experience, only read lots of books and papers. I encountered lots of interesting tools during studying, many are famous like Metasploit, Nmap, OpenVas... etc. and other tools that…
Dee Taha
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what is dynamic code analysis? is it the same as DAST (Dynamic application security testing)?

I'm confused a bit between the terms, what I know is there is SAST and DAST, SAST is scanning code statically for possible vulnerabilities, this is done usually b automated tools, also equivalent to static code analysis. And there are DAST, which is…
0 answers

Security testing best practices when opening a project to the community

I notice that although we have many tools for security tests (SAST, SCA), I couldn't find an open source project on github that implements those tests. I've searched for google, Mozilla, OWASP and other big companies repositories, some of them use…
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Auto-login to refresh token in Burp Suite 2

I want to run an automatic scan on a web application made with Angular and JSNode. On this one I have access to different types of accounts. On ZAP OWASP I can select the POST request, it detects the parameters in the request, I show it which…
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performing authenticated scan for xss using selenium and xsstrike tool

I'm automating XSS security test, I automated XSS reflected and stored, now for automating XSS dom I'm required to use XSSStrike tool ( Im using Selenium to automated the business logic (login) get…
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How to configure webapplication vuln scanner for local web apps

I am in the process of evaluating a number of webapp vuln scanners. For this task, I attack intentionally vulnerable web apps. So far I tried: Scanner > BurpPro Scanner, arachni, ZAP, wapiti, nikto, w3af Apps > JuiceShop, DVWA, WebGoat, bWAPP For…
1 answer

Using Selenium to automate data entry

We have a report that generates ~100 rows daily and our customers have to enter the data into third-party software. We hoped that the software allows some kind of data upload so that our customers don't have to do the tedious data-entry, but it's…
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Criteria for selecting fields and network protocols for fuzzing

I want to test a specific device connected to different networks using fuzzing. For each network interface, there are different services listening using different protocols, with open specification. As i can not fuzz every network interface using…
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What makes detection of optimized-away memory clearing non-trivial?

In this 35C3 talk, it is said that while it is possible to manually inspect whether a package optimizes away memset() that clears sensitive memory, doing it automatically would be challenging. Assuming that the binary is compiled with -ggdb which…
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2 answers

How to test the security of a hardened Web Browser?

I want to actually test the security of a sandboxed and hardened web browser after I implemented 3rd party security tools that claim to harden the browser. So how can I or what approach should I follow to test the security of a web browser? Edit:…
1 answer

Host Testing Automation in Kali using Python

I posted the following question link on stack overflow and it was pointed out that I should possibly forward it to security exchange. For convenience the question is re-iterated below: I started creating a script to automate host setup testing in…