Questions tagged []

For use only on 'ASP.NET Core' related. ASP.NET Core is a lean and composable framework for building web and cloud applications. This is not used for 'ASP.NET Framework'.

ASP.NET Core is a lean and composable framework for building web and cloud applications. ASP.NET Core is fully open source and available on GitHub. ASP.

This is not to be confused with a separate technologies by Microsoft; ASP.NET Framework.

34 questions
1 answer

Requiring e-mail from user when using ASP.NET Identity password reset features

I am implementing ASP.NET Core Identity with IdentityServer4. One feature is password reset, and I found that all the examples (e.g. the IdentityServer4 quick start and the ASP.NET Identity example) tend to do this: The Password Reset Token…
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1 answer

Secure authentication on SPA/Javascript application with “remember me” support

I have 3 website projects as follows; (asp.netcore + IdentityServer4) (asp.netcore webapi) (asp.netcore + aurelia) I am able to authenticate the user using SPA user-agent using implicit grant…
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1 answer

Is it ok to use the same SSL certificate (pfx) used for public website, for encrypting the AspNet Core Data Protections Keys persisted to Redis?

Is it secure enough to use the SSL certificate used for public website, for encrypting the AspNet Core Data Protections Keys persisted to Redis? Or must I use a separate certificate just for this purpose? Code: X509Certificate2 certificate =…
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2 answers

.Net Core MVC Clickjacking attack

How can we prevent a clickjacking attack using iframes etc. in .Net MVC core application?
Rithu Bimasha
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