Questions tagged [aslr]

Address Space Layout Randomisation (ASLR) is a technology used to help prevent shellcode from being successful. It does this by randomly offsetting the location of modules and certain in-memory structures.

93 questions
0 answers

NX + ASLR bypass - troubles with return address of .bss

I have one problem, while doing NX + ASLR bypass. I'm going through this tutorial step-by-step. Everything is going well, I have prepared my exploit, just with another address and some small modifications: #!/usr/bin/python from struct import…
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Buffer overflow and register contents?

I am doing an exam practice question, suppose I have a function like; void func(char* arg) { char buf[32]; strcpy(buf, arg); } command break func: -buf begins at 0xbffebfb0 -(gdb) x/2wx $ebp 0xbfebfd8: 0xbffec068 0x08048fe1 machine is…
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How to exploit with Control over return address and knowing the address of printf

I have this program that uses ASLR and it leaks information when i overflow a buffer, namely the address of printf. Furthermore i can overwrite the return address. How can i use this to spawn a shell? My approach would have been to calculate the…
1 answer

Is a single infoleak enough to break ASLR if you don't have access to the binary?

With a single infoleak and access to the binary you can calculate the other addresses. Is this still possible when you don't have access to the binary?
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How does ASLR work if in the assembly code the addresses are the same

Let's say I have this piece of code that changes the 10 address to the value 20 and the following one to 30 mov ebx,10 mov [ebx],20 add ebx,1 mov ebx,30 How can the address change each time it is executed? is it require change that the compiler do…
for the
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ASLR doesn't work?

I have following code: #include #include int main() { int *ptr1 = malloc(16); int val1 = 0x12345678; printf("stack: %p\nheap: %p\n", &val1, ptr1); return 0; } Compilation: gcc -fpie -pie…
1 answer

Security in memory and between local windows processes over localhost

I have a windows application that runs in 2 processes and communicates over localhost network port. This application can hold secrets, such as a web cookie. I'm trying to think through the security vulnerabilities. My impressions: With modern…
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Backdooring PE binary compiled with ASLR

I'm practicing backdooring PE binary compiled with ASLR in a WOW64 environment. The approach is pretty straightforward and basically is something like this: Find code cave and a hijacking point. In this case, I choose not to patch the entry point…
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Does every modern buffer overflow require multiple exploits in end user devices to be utilized?

On modern user oriented devices, such as Android phones, iPhones, PCs(Windows, MacOS, Linux), if there is a remote buffer overflow 0 day, are they only exploitable with the aid of multiple vulnerabilities? An example of this is the need to bypass…
john doe
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Why is Address Space Layout Randomization not effective against the Open SSL Heartbleed Vulnerability?

My understanding is that ASLR randomly arranges the key data areas of a process, and so reading contiguously above a buffer as is done in heartbleed would not be enough to achieve the exploit.
Anthony O
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Simple buffer overflow trying to leak address of system()

Code: #include void vuln(char *arg) { char buffer[10]; strcpy(buffer, arg); } int main( int argc, char** argv ) { vuln(argv[1]); return 0; } I've determined I can input a buffer of 26 total characters to overwrite…
2 answers

How to defeat ASLR in linux kernel?

Possible Duplicate: Stack Overflows - Defeating Canaries, ASLR, DEP, NX is there anyway to disable ASLR in Linux kernel 2.6.32-71.el6.x86_64, with Apache privileges?? I tried this commands: sudo bash -c "echo 0 >…
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How is executable shellcode inserted?

How is shellcode (the payload) added to an executable file? Assume it is close source. How does the hacker then get the address of where it is? They need this for when they overwrite the return address... After the above is clarified, an example of…
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Why would modern OS allocate static addresses or why is ASLR still needed?

I have a question about ASLR which allocates randomized addresses for things. Based on my understanding (which might be wrong), a modern OS has pretty complicated memory management mechanisms and it seems REALLY challenging to allocate the same…
1 answer

BOF - How to determine adress of system() using a leak memory?

I am training myself for BOF and ASLR in 32Bits. I wrote a program that seems like this : int main(int argc, char **argv) { char buffer[32]; printf(argv[1]); gets(buffer); return 0; } With a format string I can get main's return…
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