Questions tagged [amazon-s3]

For questions about securing the data stored in Amazon's S3 storage service or Amazon Simple Storage Service, vulnerabilities associated with it, mitigating the risks, etc...

49 questions
1 answer

Getting file from Amazon s3 encrypted based on user

I am storing my files on Amazon S3. My problem is that whenever a user asks for a file I want to generate an encryption key (user specific key) and encrypt the file and send it to him. So basically I want to direct S3 server that I want this file…
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Domain authenticated video links, prevent video link sharing

I'm running WordPress and I have s2member pro plugin. I have videos that I'd like any body to watch on my website and only on my website, I realize that they could record or capture the screen, it doesn't matter for me, I just want to prevent…
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How hard to hack are S3 Last-Modified timestamps?

Context: There are many reasons for wanting a very trustworthy timestamp on a document, as discussed in many other questions here such as this one I wrote in 2010. E.g., in an election auditing context, one thing we're interested in is a cheap,…
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Risks of web crawlers on public buckets

So I have some data that isn't overly sensitive, but I'm still on the fence on whether or not we should invest the additional time into managing it as a private resource, vs just publicly available. The data (images & pdfs) are to be hosted on aws'…
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Amazon AWS S3 Unrestricted File Upload

While I was pentesting a web application, I found out that files that are uploaded to the web application are stored in an AWS S3 instance. Based on my experience, when a web application needs to store all types of files, including files with…
Emanuel Beni
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Server Upload to presigned URL

I am writing a ReST service which enables user to get a tar archive of a set of requested documents. When the request succeeds, the service should upload the file to a pre-signed URL that points to an s3 bucket or azure blob storage or a private…
2 answers

No SSL between Cloudflare and S3 static site. A big security issue?

So I have a S3 static website. Domain, DNS and proxy is managed via Cloudflare. Cloudflare is set to communicate with browsers using SSL and it in fact enforces SSL for non-SSL requests. However, traffic between CF and S3 is http only, as S3 buckets…
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DigitalOcean Spaces for personal backups

Sorry for the naive question. I wonder how DigitalOcean Spaces (S3 compatible) fits personal backups. I found a lot of information about security of Amazon S3 and its security is undoubted, however, nothing about DigitalOcean. On DigitalOcean…
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Can't Amazon see my files if I use s3cmd/gpg with a complex password?

Since the early days of s3cmd I use it in combination with random generated filenames (uuidgen loop) and a complex passphrase (pwgen -n1 -c 32 -y). On search there is only 1 result for s3cmd. I use Amazon S3 (Glacier) for…
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3 answers

Making S3 objects viewable only for logged in users

As a service provider, I allow logged in users to upload documents to a web server, and upload it to S3. The logged in user should subsequently be able to view his own documents, and I want to serve it directly from S3, with some token-based…
2 answers

Are public website s3 buckets vulnerable to DDoS attacks?

We are trying to make our web app the most cost effective and secure we can. For that reason we are using Cloudflare instead of CloudFront as a CDN for our frontend resources. We put CloudFront between Cloudflare and S3 to be able to use Full SSL…
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Encrypt backup files and send them to AWS S3

I have a backup routine via crontab on Ubuntu. This routine generates a compressed tar.gz file and sends it to AWS S3. But I want to encrypt these files and be able to decrypt them when necessary on another machine only if I have the private…
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Security considerations when naming S3 Buckets

What security considerations should be taken into account when naming an S3 bucket?
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Is it safe to store user-uploaded ID scans in S3 (with server encryption)?

Currently my web app stores user-uploaded ID scans in S3. I am concerned about an eventual data leak. The S3 bucket is encrypted with server-side encryption (AES-256) but I figure the next obvious risk is an attacker gaining access to the AWS…
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Is Bucket Upload Policy a good pratice for upload files to AWS S3?

In AWS docs page has the following instructions to upload files to an AWS bucket from browser: This solution send to browser a policy and a signature using the secret key that is…
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