Questions tagged [ajax]

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a popular technique for creating interactive websites, by providing a concept for data exchange between client and server asynchronously.

124 questions
1 answer

PHP/Ajax Data transmission security

I'm learning about web security mechanisms. I have developed the following system in PHP and JavaScript: assuming that I have a page named: messages.php which is a real-time chat system. first when the page loads, a page id is generated and then an…
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2 answers

Protecting sensitive content in JS source code and Ajax cals

I've been trying to see how to properly protect important content that's passed in ajax calls with java script. Considering JavaScript can be viewed at any point, it is inevitable that some of your ajax parameters will be exposed as well. I know for…
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2 answers

Why do so many websites use third-party sites for hosting JavaScripts?

Why do so many websites serve JavaScripts from and other third-party sites? Wouldn't it be securer for these sites to host these scripts themselves?
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1 answer

When logging into a web page what exactly happens when a user types the wrong password?

I have two related questions as to what happens when a user tries to log in to a website If the entered password is wrong what should happen? I have two ideas: Redirect to a page saying "wrong username/password, click here to try again" Always…
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