I've read some informations on AES-256 crypting methods. But I'm still confused on what's the importance of the key length?
Context: I want to crypt a 7Zip archive with the AES-256 option. And I'm wondering how long should my password be. I don't want to consider the ways of generating password here, let's assume I've the capacity to generate a fully random password with characters, numbers and symbols. I don't want to talk about time to crack the encryption, since I've got no example to propose on this.
Question: If I'm using 256-bit AES, does that mean I should use at least a 256-bit key, thus, 32 characters? If that's wrong, why is it wrong?
I've read some information regarding AES here, How secure is AES against Brute Force Attacks. And it seems to say that we should use a 256-bit key.