November 15th, 2008, 09:23 PM
This is very recent, so there is no telling how it will run.
How the word revenue is used in French in the article, this is the problem of translation. However, the tone of the article is not about for-profit websites, it is about websites that give instructions on the manufacture of explosives.
Alliot-Marie wants a "standby force" against internet revenue bombs
AFP | 14-11-08 AFP | 14-11-08
The Interior Minister Michele Alliot-Marie sent Friday to all police and gendarmerie training to organize an "active standby" to close internet sites hosted in France that would give revenue manufacture of explosives.
In this direction, which AFP has learned Friday evening, the minister request to deploy "great firmness" in this area, whether terrorist or not, when warning of revenue manufacture of explosives or devices in behavior.
"Once a site clearly illegal about its contents will be spotted by police or gendarmerie, it will be reported to the host, in return for the closing or delete content target", it was explained the Ministry of Interior.
If the host does not, the judicial authorities "will be seized", it provided the same source.
Thus, Thursday, the Interior Ministry has reported "Daily motion" a video showing a young explain how to make an explosive mixture was visible. The host in question "was immediately removed," said Place Beauvau.
In the case of a site hosted outside of France, Europol and Interpol will be notified ", it added.
It is the Central Office for the fight against crime linked to information technology and communication (OCLCLTIC, the central management of the judicial police) which is responsible for all alarms.
How the word revenue is used in French in the article, this is the problem of translation. However, the tone of the article is not about for-profit websites, it is about websites that give instructions on the manufacture of explosives.
Alliot-Marie wants a "standby force" against internet revenue bombs
AFP | 14-11-08 AFP | 14-11-08
The Interior Minister Michele Alliot-Marie sent Friday to all police and gendarmerie training to organize an "active standby" to close internet sites hosted in France that would give revenue manufacture of explosives.
In this direction, which AFP has learned Friday evening, the minister request to deploy "great firmness" in this area, whether terrorist or not, when warning of revenue manufacture of explosives or devices in behavior.
"Once a site clearly illegal about its contents will be spotted by police or gendarmerie, it will be reported to the host, in return for the closing or delete content target", it was explained the Ministry of Interior.
If the host does not, the judicial authorities "will be seized", it provided the same source.
Thus, Thursday, the Interior Ministry has reported "Daily motion" a video showing a young explain how to make an explosive mixture was visible. The host in question "was immediately removed," said Place Beauvau.
In the case of a site hosted outside of France, Europol and Interpol will be notified ", it added.
It is the Central Office for the fight against crime linked to information technology and communication (OCLCLTIC, the central management of the judicial police) which is responsible for all alarms.