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October 2nd, 2008, 08:13 AM
I just wanted to get some feedback on this campaign poster parody here. I rather like it myself. :p

October 2nd, 2008, 08:41 AM
Im not sure what it wants to say. Except the "nope"/NO on Obama.

Whats with the hammer and the sickle. Did he make any like-commie remarks lately or is this suppose to have some historic relevance?

October 2nd, 2008, 08:56 AM
Obama's theme is supposed to be "Hope" for America. Obama also happens to be a Marxist sleazebag.

October 2nd, 2008, 09:50 AM
Did he make any like-commie remarks lately or is this suppose to have some historic relevance?

Lately? There's a Cuban flag with a picture of Communist punk (and murderer) Che Guevara on the wall of his Houston campaign office. It's been there for at least the past nine months. :eek:

October 2nd, 2008, 10:09 AM
Great for printing out as targets, I guess.

Mr Science
October 2nd, 2008, 11:35 AM
Moved to The Water Cooler.

October 2nd, 2008, 01:56 PM
Lately? There's a Cuban flag with a picture of Communist punk (and murderer) Che Guevara on the wall of his Houston campaign office. It's been there for at least the past nine months. :eek:

OK. Im not THAT familiar with american politics.

I dont even know how old McCain is. 1000? :D

October 2nd, 2008, 04:22 PM
Politicians are politicians are politicians.........

But remember they called social security, the 40 hour work week and overtime pay communist/socialist too (USA). :)

October 2nd, 2008, 06:14 PM
Both Barack Obama and Joe Biden are both big time advocates of all sorts draconian anti-gun laws and restrictions. Just don't try to tell the public about all this with television commercials like the NRA has been doing lately though -


or the Obama people will attempt to intimidate you with letters like these -


When the form is filled out with the pertinent personal details, the letter looks something like this:

"Dear Sir or Madam,

Please stop broadcasting the misleading and phony NRA attack ad against Barack Obama on your stations.

Time and again, Barack Obama has defended the right to bear arms created by the Constitution. However, this shameful ad misrepresents Barack�s position on illegal guns and tries to scare voters with incorrect information about his stance on the issue.

This NRA ad is a lie, and is not fit for public broadcast.

The public airwaves are no place for this kind of hateful and misleading trash. I hope you will stop broadcasting this deceptive ad on your station and prevent the level of discourse to be lowered by the lies it presents.

Please take this ad off the air at once."

While I don't know about the rest of you, this all seems rather quite Marxist/Communist/Socialist to me. :eek:

October 2nd, 2008, 06:27 PM

It has always been the same to me since 1968 and history tells us the same. :)

October 2nd, 2008, 10:49 PM
See, if that letter was actually true, they would be suing people for defamation, not just sending them letters that don't mean shit.

Here is what that letter sounds like to me:

"Dear Sir or Madam,

Please stop saying nasty things about me.

I've said I only want to take big guns away from everyone, not all guns. Sling shots are ok.

We don't want the public to hear our lies.

I'll tell the teacher on you!!!."

October 2nd, 2008, 11:59 PM
OK. Im not THAT familiar with american politics.

I dont even know how old McCain is. 1000? :D

Actually, John McCain is just 72, which is 12 years younger than Jimmy Carter's age of 84, and 10 years younger than Jimmy Carter's commie comrade Fidel Castro's age of 82. :p

October 5th, 2008, 10:18 PM


That is perhaps one of the greatest reasons why he shouldn't win. Does it (our vote) even matter? I mean in North American politics especially. It seems so many are sleeping at their desks not caring to do the slightest amount of research. How are so many unaware that our land is slowly being turned into a free range penitentiary?

I apologize in advance for my venting and getting slightly O/T. But what I am getting to is that I think (rather know) our freedoms are being chipped away in ever larger chunks. It seems the chance of fighting this on a level playing field has long since passed us.

October 13th, 2008, 10:52 AM
The biggest funny haha with Obama is the Black "African-American" thing. Obama is 6% black, 46% Arab, 48% white. He has NOTHING in common with African-American blacks in the U.S. other than his people's history in Kenya was RAIDING black villages and selling the captives into slavery for the British and the U.S. market.

October 13th, 2008, 10:08 PM
Policy is everything to me when I cast a vote. I won't vote for any candidate
who advocates gun control and/or higher taxes. Obama has already stated
his desire to re-implement the infamous Assault Weapons Ban Of 1994. He
also talks about raising taxes against the rich although such increases would
eventually come out of the hides of the middle-class and working poor as
prices are increased to offset said tax increase. My vote will be for McCain.
IMHO, the best way to vote is to select the issue(s) most important to you
and cast your vote accordingly.

I've heard reasons to vote for or against a candidate based on issues such as
race, religion, income level, etc. Personally, the most ridiculous example was
my stepsister who voted for Bill Clinton over George H.W. Bush in the 1992
election because she thought Clinton was more "handsome" than Bush ! This
is an example of sheeple being herded into polling booths. Some politicians
count on this exact brand of stupidity !

October 15th, 2008, 03:34 AM
Policy is everything to me when I cast a vote. I won't vote for any candidate
who advocates gun control and/or higher taxes. Obama has already stated
his desire to re-implement the infamous Assault Weapons Ban Of 1994.

Obama won't just settle for a re-implementation of the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban - he'll likely want an expanded version of it. This expanded version could mean that any semi-automatic firearm, whether it be a pistol, rifle, or shotgun, which can accept a detachable box magazine, will thereby be considered an "assault weapon" under the guise of this law, therefore falling under the ban on such firearms. This type of on-the-fly revisionism is how the city council of Washington, DC, initially defined all semi-automatic pistols as "machine guns", thereby making them illegal to possess, when writing their provisional new gun laws after the Supreme Court ruled that DC's 32-year-old ban on handguns was unconstitutional in the DC versus Heller decision last June.

Obama will likely also call his new and expanded version of the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban a "reasonable restriction" on American's second amendment rights, and that such a restriction is allowable under the Supreme Court's Heller Decision. He'll probably even go so far as to give some sort of lame rationalization that a hunter doesn't need an AK-47 to shoot deer. Bill Clinton made comments such as this back in 1994 from what I can recall. :mad:

October 15th, 2008, 02:40 PM
Obama will likely also call his new and expanded version of the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban a "reasonable restriction" on American's second amendment rights, and that such a restriction is allowable under the Supreme Court's Heller Decision. He'll probably even go so far as to give some sort of lame rationalization that a hunter doesn't need an AK-47 to shoot deer. Bill Clinton made comments such as this back in 1994 from what I can recall. :mad:

And you're telling me that's not true? I don't get what you American folk have with weapons. Why make something that kill people? Why not make something to help them?

October 15th, 2008, 03:54 PM
From the October 14, 2008 of a local free paper in Baltimore, Maryland:

Link: http://ads.bthesite.com/BTheSite.asp?page_name=Page13.swf&Date=Tuesday

If the link expires, bottom-left of page:

Barack Obama and Joe Biden won the endorsement Monday of the
Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. The group is named after
Jim Brady, the press secretary to former President Reagan, who was
wounded by a gunman who tried to assassinate Reagan in 1981. {AP}

If John McCain is considered unfriendly to gun owners, then Obama
is outright hostile by comparison. Bill Clinton blamed gun owners for
the 1994 Democratic loss in Congress. He also blamed them for the
defeat of Al Gore in 2000. Let's hope he's right and Obama will get to
make the same claim. :D

October 15th, 2008, 05:18 PM
And you're telling me that's not true? I don't get what you American folk have with weapons. Why make something that kill people? Why not make something to help them?

Weapons can help people. By this I mean that weapons can be used to liberate the oppressed from tyrannical governments. If you don't believe me, take a look at history.

On the smaller scale, weapons are used for defensive purposes. Are you telling me that you would rather give criminals the advantage of catching you unarmed? How about if some gang member breaks into your house in a home invasion - just trying to get his street-cred - and kills your whole family? Think you shouldn't be able to lay that mother fucker out? Or how about if a crackhead sticks a pistol in your face demanding more after you give him your wallet? Are you really willing to give up the right to fight back?

Working on helping people is great, but remember that humans are naturally greedy, mean, selfish, desperate creatures who will step all over their brothers in the name of success. Being ready to defend against these traits is a natural born right.

October 15th, 2008, 07:51 PM
I like this one too. :)

October 16th, 2008, 03:44 AM
McCain is a disaster. Obama is "flopper" FESA anyone. Of the two McCain is worse. *Sigh* both are not gun friendly.

October 16th, 2008, 05:17 PM
Stop quoting whole posts

Look at Europe. You're being paranoid, and humans arn't naturally greedy, mean, selfish ... It's MONEY that makes us those monsters, my moto is: no money - no problem

And by the way I can actually say that comming from a not-so-poor-family if you know what I meen. It's money that corrupts and it's weapons that help the criminals. If a guy pressed a gun on my face I'd probably panic like anyone else, but if I didn't, then I'd beat the heck out of him BUT not kill him.

October 17th, 2008, 01:57 AM
Politicians are politicians, not more than that

Skean Dhu
October 18th, 2008, 12:34 AM
Just remember when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.
And the second ammendment was NEVER about hunting. It was about giving the we the people the means to keep government in check, if a government is afraid to have its citizens armed, it probably isn't serving them. Every dictatorship in history has started by disarming it's citizenry.

While europe might be a bunch of ninnies used to living unarmed under someones crown , not all that long ago in the grand scheme of things, we Americans killed the last people who tried to confiscate our guns.

Back to the topic though, I find the poster mildly amusing, and I have mentally replaced every Obama poster I see with it's image and it gives me a chuckle most days.

Jacks Complete
October 18th, 2008, 07:10 AM
Freelancer, you are going to do what to the guy with the gun? Ask him nicely to put it down so you can bitch-slap him? That's not how it works.

'bama is a nutter, McCain is a nutter who dreams about throwing nukes. Vote Libertarian.

October 18th, 2008, 04:57 PM
Just remember when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.
And the second ammendment was NEVER about hunting. It was about giving the we the people the means to keep government in check, if a government is afraid to have its citizens armed, it probably isn't serving them. Every dictatorship in history has started by disarming it's citizenry.

While europe might be a bunch of ninnies used to living unarmed under someones crown , not all that long ago in the grand scheme of things, we Americans killed the last people who tried to confiscate our guns.

Back to the topic though, I find the poster mildly amusing, and I have mentally replaced every Obama poster I see with it's image and it gives me a chuckle most days.

I'm sorry for this, but you're post made me smile :), what's that "patriot" act I keep hearing about? It's amusing to see someone talk about "dictatorship". And in Europe it's the government that fears the citizens, in America things are the other way around. Hint: We protest, and changes happen. And there's a lot I hear about man in black knocking on your door if you buy some stuff there, now what does that mean?

I'm not trying to be impolite and I'm sorry if I sound like that, I just think that weapons don't help people. I actually hope Obama wins (not that he can make a lot of difference, politics is all talk no action)

October 18th, 2008, 06:09 PM
From what I have perceived over here in Europe. It is like Obama looks like a good choice. But From the gun point of view ;) Obama is very bad, and McCain is only "bad".
It is like voting between Adolf and Josif, while being a rich land owning Jew, You are fucked what ever you do! :D

Anyways, I'd vote for Obama, you know for kicks. I can live with single shots.

You in America have your strange two-party political system. So I have some trouble perceiving it.

October 18th, 2008, 11:03 PM
...and humans arn't naturally greedy, mean, selfish ...You sure about that?:rolleyes:

October 18th, 2008, 11:31 PM
Good ol gunban Osama Obama. He supports abortions, but wants to ban guns. I guess this is wise since all the defenseless women who get raped and impregnated will want to abort the innocent child. Surely getting an abortion after being raped must cheer you up enough to forget all your worries, but killing some scumbag only looking for a little rough love would scar you for life...

October 19th, 2008, 05:16 AM
Good ol gunban Osama Obama. He supports abortions, but wants to ban guns. I guess this is wise since all the defenseless women who get raped and impregnated will want to abort the innocent child. Surely getting an abortion after being raped must cheer you up enough to forget all your worries, but killing some scumbag only looking for a little rough love would scar you for life...

I don't quite agree. You'd never feel better, even if you kill him. It's because of the way you people think, you'll never support peace. But here's my idea:

Money is the problem for probably 95% crime in the world. (even if say your wife leaves you for money and you kill that other son of a cow)

No money - no problem

But wait! There's still 5%, well actually there isn't (sociopaths, psychopaths..). It's been proven that if you neglect your child during the first 8 months of it's life, you've got some big chances of the kid killing everyone on the block. Here's the thing: why would anyone neglect his/her own offspring? One of the reasons is for sure: Money!

Say we're down to 2% .. and for those I have no solution (build prisons just for them?) Where's the point? They'll escape. Kill em? Probably...

Cobalt, yes I'm very sure

October 19th, 2008, 06:08 AM
Jacks Complete,

I was going to vote Libertarian. Then they picked Drug War, Lautenberg Amendment, Patriot Act Barr.

So, given that there are no actual libertarians running, I'll be staying home.

October 19th, 2008, 02:25 PM
"No money - no problem" and "...humans arn't naturally greedy, mean, selfish ..."This is so naive and simplistic as to be utterly laughable.:rolleyes:

The basic nature of Man has been debated for ages. I choose not to debate. But to assume that the basic nature of Man is good leaves you wide open to those who do not hold your warm, fuzzy emotions to heart.

Hope for the best but be prepared for the worst.

Skean Dhu
October 20th, 2008, 02:12 AM
You're absolutely right FreeLancer, in Europe the governments do fear the subjects, that is why most demand that one acquire a license in order to own a firearm or limit you to 17th century technology. When you control who has licenses you control who has the weapons. Even Switzerland is being pressured to do away with the 'fighting rifle in every household' ideal that they have maintained for generations.

I can't argue the USA PATRIOT ACT, that atrocity was rushed through congress before anyone had a chance to actaully read it. 435 pages of legalese written and voted on in 6 weeks? I'm willing to bet few actually read it before voting. And we can thank the war on drugs for the JBTs kicking down your door a 0'dark thirty after you order chemicals online.
All of those can be attributed to apathy. No one wanted to stand up for them because 'it didn't affect them' well with some 84 million gun owners in the USA there are plenty of people affected by weapons bans. And there are many interest groups with deep pockets to sway politicans votes their way.

You may believe with all your heart and soul that people are nice and the only reason they rob, rape and steal is because mommy breast fed them too long or not long enough but at the end of they day the reason YOU want to get rid of weapons and the reason your Government wants to get rid of weapons are completely different.

If you or others would care to continue this discussion we should probably create another thread so as not to hi-jack this one further.

October 20th, 2008, 06:31 PM
Look at Europe.

What about Europe? Ever been to Eastern Europe, they'ed slit your throat for bus fare there.

You're being paranoid, and humans arn't naturally greedy, mean, selfish ... It's MONEY that makes us those monsters, my moto is: no money - no problem

Exactly, no money, no shelter, no clothing, no food and soon no life, then your dead you've got no problems, but hard a lifestyle I think many would embrace.

If a guy pressed a gun on my face I'd probably panic like anyone else, but if I didn't, then I'd beat the heck out of him BUT not kill him.

If a guy press a gun in your face and you Tried to beat the heck out of him you'ed probably die with a large hole in your face, thats why people tend to carry guns.

October 20th, 2008, 08:53 PM
And you're telling me that's not true? I don't get what you American folk have with weapons. Why make something that kill people? Why not make something to help them?

I don't get why you would even be here on the EXPLOSIVES AND WEAPONS FORUM if you would also have such an anti-weapon sentiment such as this. :confused:

The Second Amendment has nothing to do with hunting, by the way. It was drafted into the United States Constitution by America's founding fathers as AN INDIVIDUAL RIGHT for posterity as a guarantor against tyranny the people. An armed populace is not all that easy to tyrannize compared to an unarmed one. ;)

October 22nd, 2008, 07:37 AM
You're being paranoid, and humans arn't naturally greedy, mean, selfish ... It's MONEY that makes us those monsters, my moto is: no money - no problem

And by the way I can actually say that comming from a not-so-poor-family if you know what I meen. It's money that corrupts and it's weapons that help the criminals. If a guy pressed a gun on my face I'd probably panic like anyone else, but if I didn't, then I'd beat the heck out of him BUT not kill him.

Hey, FreeLancer. Have you ever actually tried having NO money? I agree that money does make us monsters, but it certainly isn't a case of "No Money, No Problem". These people have no money, that is WHY they are trying to take yours. What else did you think they want your wallet for? It sure as hell isn't your photo.

When it comes down to it, a lot of humans would choose themselves over someone they don't know. I think that is selfish.

Also, beating the heck out of someone doesn't work, it just pisses them off. This isn't the movies. If you beat on them, and they can find you later, they will come and fuck you up with more stuff than they had the first time. If someone sticks a gun in my face and I get the chance to take them down, they will go down and not get up again.

Perhaps you have never had the privilege of meeting truly nasty people?:rolleyes:

October 24th, 2008, 12:58 PM
Looks like the Democrats are using their sleazy tactics to get votes for team
Obama bin-Biden. This is from the October 27, 2008 Time Magazine. Page 26
in the printed version:


I was told by the very nice election-
board workers that in person early
voters come in two varieties:the super-
informed and the people Obama sup-
porters pick up off the streets and throw
into a van. You can tell the difference
mainly by the smell. ...

One thing I've learned about these bottomfeeding pandhandlers is that they're
con artists playing on peoples' sympathies rather than getting a job. They're
more allergic to work than I am to pollen. Often what they can't get by
panhandling they'll manipulate out of social services systems for welfare and
disability payments. And sometimes they'll just outright steal. I have no use
for them but the sleazy Democrats obviously do !

October 26th, 2008, 07:06 PM
Heh, I think Obama and McCain are bad and worse (not neccesarily in the order). As for voting Libertarian do you actually think someone without corporate phallus in their rectum and a PAC cum on their face actually has a chance of getting any Electoral college votes?(/blatently offensive)

October 30th, 2008, 03:01 PM
Wow - so far, 50% of my poll's respondents apparently do feel that Obama is something akin to a Soviet-style Marxist, while less than a third surely must feel that he isn't, and just a bit less than that are on the fence over it.

Korimyr the Rat
November 13th, 2008, 09:29 AM
And you're telling me that's not true? I don't get what you American folk have with weapons. Why make something that kill people? Why not make something to help them?

Because if you give something useful to people without weapons, people with weapons are only going to steal it from them-- all of the aid in the world is meaningless if the people you supply it to cannot defend themselves.

Wow - so far, 50% of my poll's respondents apparently do feel that Obama is something akin to a Soviet-style Marxist, while less than a third surely must feel that he isn't, and just a bit less than that are on the fence over it.

Or maybe they just appreciate the art.


Don't double post


November 14th, 2008, 04:09 AM
Or maybe they just appreciate the art.

Yes, perhaps they would also just appreciate art such as this -


because it might remind them of art such as this -


or this -


or this -


November 14th, 2008, 06:32 AM
Good for targets, as I said before.

I don't have a Che Guevara one, that's for sure...

Korimyr the Rat
November 14th, 2008, 10:09 PM
Yes, perhaps they would also just appreciate art such as this

How can they not? These are beautiful, iconic images whether you agree with the ideologies behind them or not-- that's why they are so powerful, for propaganda purposes. They evoke powerful, positive emotions that become associated with the subjects of the posters.

Ever seen Chinese propaganda posters? The combination of bright colors, photorealistic detail, and fantastic images make them incredible art.

November 15th, 2008, 04:20 PM
How can they not? These are beautiful, iconic images whether you agree with the ideologies behind them or not-- that's why they are so powerful, for propaganda purposes. They evoke powerful, positive emotions that become associated with the subjects of the posters.

Ever seen Chinese propaganda posters? The combination of bright colors, photorealistic detail, and fantastic images make them incredible art.

Yes, I am quite familiar with the artistic styles of all of the numerous propaganda posters from Red China, North Korea, The Soviet Union, Cuba, and other former or current Communist nations. One thing that many of them have in common is that along with other forms of mass media, they serve to help establish a "cult of personality", so as to create a heroic public image through unquestioning flattery and praise. Cults of personality are often found in dictatorships.

What troubles me about Barack Hussein Obama-Soetoro's choice of artistic style for his own "Hope" poster is that it seems rather apparent to me that he is attempting to emulate these very same personality cults that despots and tyrants have used throughout the 20th century for himself. This is why I wanted to illustrate the similarities of his poster and that of other Communist icons above.

I can see no good whatsoever coming from a smarmy and smooth-talking leftist radical demagogue like Barack Hussein Obama-Soetoro if he winds up actually taking the office of POTUS. Just like his own "Hope" poster subtly suggests, and from his very own rhetoric, the guy keeps giving me this creepy vibe that he has every intention of becoming America's first Communist president.

What's wrong with Communism, you say? Oh, not much, I guess, if you're willing to overlook the deaths of over 100 million people worldwide as a result of it since 1917. That's way, way more death than G.W. Bush's wars, Hitler's aggression in the late 1930's, the Holocaust, and all of the other deaths from WWII combined. :mad: