View Full Version : Kid hits molotov cocktail with a baseball bat
August 29th, 2008, 07:49 PM
I laughed for 5minutes.
Also I have found a way to combat bad grammar, k3ls and idiots on the internet. Its called the Stupid Filter.
Check it out.
August 30th, 2008, 03:19 PM
"Oh shit, you're on fire!" HA!
That's approaching Darwin Award level kewldom/stupidity.
September 11th, 2008, 06:45 PM
The ONLY thing this coupla ass-hats did right(?) was to not use gasoline for fuel. Otherwise, this is a sure sign God watches out for fools and drunks.:p
September 12th, 2008, 01:35 AM
Link hopping from there, some of those home made flame throwers ( are pretty cool. Also a link to some protesters using a home made flame thrower against police ( seems interesting and food for thought.
September 12th, 2008, 10:09 PM
An improvised flame thrower can be made from a Home Depot-sourced sand-blaster.
The thing uses a fair amount of air as-is, but w/a constricted orifice at the point where the sand would ordinarily be ejected (the ceramic "pills" are replaceable) would result in a less air-hungry appliance.
One could be powered by a CO2 paint-ball cartridge or an over-the shoulder freon canister (along w/the fuel container a la WWII-era 'throwers), hell even a propane tank!:eek: It would be interesting to see the results w/some 325 mesh Al added to the fuel. Likely not a whole lot more lethal, but visually would be quite a show. Provided one was wearing dark goggles, just the blinding effect to the enemy would be useful.:cool:
An improvised flame thrower can be made from a garden sprayer as well, but I'm sure this has been done to death already.
One modification that will increase the effectiveness of a sprayer, would be to perforate the suction tube w/small holes so that air would be drawn into the fuel before being released from the nozzle and ignited.
Distance would be limited, as well as quantity of fuel released but in close-quarters, it could be effective.
September 12th, 2008, 10:26 PM
One modification that will increase the effectiveness of a sprayer, would be to perforate the suction tube w/small holes so that air would be drawn into the fuel before being released from the nozzle and ignited.
Ooooohh *wince*. That could get a little exciting if you had back burn. Also, it might result in less of a directed "beam" of flame, and more like a fireball at the end of a stick. Personally, I would rather have the fuel ignited at the end of the tube.
I like the idea of the propane tank. Anyone that has had a tank and a campfire has probably flipped the tank over and sprayed liquid propane at the fire. Interesting to say the least. If you could get a propane tank that was "thin" like a fire extinguisher as opposed to a fat boy like your regular BBQ ones, then I think you might have a plan.
Otherwise, I have seen some flamethrowers made with some thick PVC piping and a kind of pressure source (possibly a battery pack and a pump or just charging a used fire extinguisher with air or nitrogen.)
Throwing the Al in is a good idea as well. Add some kind of syrup to make it all nice and sticky, and you have a pretty effective device.
Riot Police: "Cease your protest and come along quietly for processing"
*flame thrower*
Protestor: "Your face is on fire! Now what, Bitch?"
September 13th, 2008, 12:18 AM
Ooooohh *wince*. That could get a little exciting if you had back burn. Also, it might result in less of a directed "beam" of flame, and more like a fireball at the end of a stick. Personally, I would rather have the fuel ignited at the end of the tube.My explanation was too vague, sorry. The perforations would be into the tube inside of the pressure tank, i.e. suction tube, as opposed to discharge tube. An air/fuel emulsion would then be expelled (as per usual sprayer function) at the tip.
September 13th, 2008, 03:45 PM
An improvised flame thrower can be made from a garden sprayer as well, but I'm sure this has been done to death already.
Oh yes it is. Some guy in Germany pulled a rampage with one filled with gasoline.
He hit a elementary school, killed a fair bunch of small children and one teacher.
There was hirosima style black & white silhouettes on the walls in the hit class room.
I would not be surprised if I originally was linked from here to it. :p
September 14th, 2008, 07:45 PM
Just for S&G I modified an old sprayer w/holes in the aspirator tube as mentioned above.
The results were, well, less than spectacular. The range was down by ~50%. But the size of the resulting fireball was increased about the same amount. And it did feel something "like a fireball at the end of a stick"!:eek:
Best results were achieved (when using modified suction pipe) w/no tip on the wand.
Probably the biggest problem w/this modification is the short "run-time". The pressure gets used up quickly.
Alexires has a good point when he mentions flashback; while I didn't have a problem it would be wise to not try any of this because of just such a problem. You've been cautioned...;)
September 14th, 2008, 08:51 PM
Otherwise there are those old style "weed killer" packs that people wear on their backs. The stick and nozzle are made of copper, so that is a lot better for any kind of flammable liquid than plastic.
A couple of modifications (reinforcing/replacing the pressure vessel) and then rig up a compressed CO2 bottle for pressure. Stick a pressure regulator (maybe off a LPG setup) to keep pressure low and you are ready to start cooking with gas....or petrol as the case might be.
September 15th, 2008, 02:38 AM
I don't know how much of an issue blow-back would be with a supersoaker, but it's still a little reckless looking for my tastes.
Let these kids go out in a field somewhere and play with fire though, it will do us all a favor and keep pollution from the gene pool.
Perhaps they could go out in the woods and make pipe bombs with Potassium Chlorate, Aluminium powder and some extra Sulphur just to make sure it's k3w7.
Better yet, make them at home with some AP and run out into the woods carrying them.
September 15th, 2008, 05:11 AM
Honestly, I think the danger of flashback would be pretty low. The petrol has nothing to burn with. It needs oxygen and in a supersoaker set up, the pressure comes from the air in the tank that you pump in. The only real danger would be having a tank rupture from it being dissolved, or having some flashback when you run out of juice.
If you used something inert like CO2 or N2, then there would be no danger from the flashback. If you used a cylinder resistant/immune to your selected solvent then you are ready to start torching away.
Seriously, who DOESN'T want to pretend they are a Balrog and flail around a firey whip in the form of hot supersoaked DEATH. Then again, maybe I'm just too attached to whips?:rolleyes:
September 15th, 2008, 07:54 AM
One thing's likely- the phenomena of flashback only has to happen once to be the final thing ever experienced before becoming a scarred-for-life (or worse) statistic.
In the case of oxygen/acetylene torches, a device is used to suppress flashback. A supersoaker or a weed sprayer isn't so equipped and relies the user to release their finger from the valve to prevent back-flow of liquid (and subsequently, atmospheric O2) into the reservoir.
Flashback would happen when the tank had returned to atmospheric pressure. Then, gravity along with the operator holding the valve open (as in to get the last shot from the device, or a failure of the valve) would be all that's needed to cause a back-flow of fuel into the tank followed by a wisp of flame feeding on the air being drawn along w/the fuel.
The resulting flashback might be anything from nothing to a mild *pop* to a catastrophic explosion depending on the air/fuel ratio, etc. within the tank.
Not likely to happen, but WELL within the realm of possibility, IMHO. Just be very careful, is all.:)
September 16th, 2008, 07:31 AM
Might be worth some experimentation. My leave is coming up soon, so I'll get back on the the EtOH bike engine and I might pick up a supersoaker and sacrifice it to the cause.
This really is an interesting project in my opinion. Flame throwers can be small, compact, devastating and a good diversionary tactic as well (nothing like a face full of fire to distract you).
Just as a teaser, I saw this a long time ago, but I thought you guys might appreciate it. From our brothers at (
September 16th, 2008, 01:05 PM
That is an impressive build. I'm gonna search to see if any plans were ever shown when I get some time.
But I really don't get the way the thing was *raved* about-:confused:
Some responses to the PVC flame thrower:
Ho-lee gently caress.
Holy poo poo!
Holy goddamn poo poo, that's awesome!
That thing is loving awesome.
loving AWESOME.
Holy gently caress I want one.
uh holy poo poo
Just a very curious way to applaud the work, is all. Maybe it's a software thing. But in the Official Rules, the admin uses "fuck" and "shit" and language isn't specifically mentioned so I'm not sure what the deal is, but it's queer, THAT'S for sure!
Also, I couldn't help but notice they charge $10 for membership over there.:(
So folks here should be damn grateful that Mega still offers up this place for $0.00.
One more example of how this forum rules all others.:D
September 16th, 2008, 10:49 PM
By brothers, I meant those who bash the blatantly stupid mercilessly. I'm not vouching for their over all intelligence.
Also, I don't know about that $10 thing, but I do know that you can pay money to change other peoples names and user groups. Quite a funny way to make money, but hell it works.
I am eternally grateful for and all the work that Mega has done to keep this site free.
September 18th, 2008, 09:28 PM
The only problem with home flame throwers is that, real ones have a range of like 200 feet, while home made ones will go MAYBE 40. For instance, a fire extinguisher will not go very far.
Earlier research on this forum lead me to believe that the gelled fuel of the real flame thowers allows for this kind of range, as even with high PSI, a non-jelled liquid (with viscosity like water), will not go very far.
September 19th, 2008, 09:47 AM
Earlier research on this forum lead me to believe that the gelled fuel of the real flame throwers allows for this kind of range, as even with high PSI, a non-jelled liquid (with viscosity like water), will not go very far.If this is the case, is it the physical consistency or the specific gravity that would let a jelled-fuel ‘thrower shoot further than a liquid gasoline one? The thick-consistency fuel behaves more like a single mass, where gasoline breaks apart soon after leaving the nozzle, so the actual SG wouldn't be as important as keeping the stream together.
If it’s a SG thing, that would mean a saltwater supersoaker could shoot further than a freshwater one, with both optimized for pressure and orifice diameter. And "jelled saltwater" might shoot further yet.
Likely both consistency and SG contribute- at least intuitively, this seems correct.
September 19th, 2008, 01:53 PM
So far as flamethrows go in general, I like the idea of putting out the "pilot light" and soaking the enemy with just the liquid napalm (for a "WTF?" effect). A flare gun underneath lights the "match" so to speak, when they just get over the "WTF?" thought process... (oh shit! THAT! :eek:).
I've watched FAR too much TV in my day, sorry, and my mind is corrupted by it sometimes (like when I think scenarios are slightly rediculous). I don't care much for flamethrowers anyway, to be honest. Too much chance for danger to the user, or friendlies even.
Just my opinion, of course.
September 19th, 2008, 11:13 PM
From a video I have seen, Cobalt, the range comes from raining the burning gel down. The actual jet of flame burns out about at most half way, but it is the burning gel that is interesting (see here (
I would think that due to the surface area as it comes out of the nozzle (scattering of the fuel), you would want to use something that is no overly volatile, like a light fuel oil (perhaps kerosene). Traditionally, petrol has been used with some kind of fuel additive to make it thicker.
Down side is the size and the weight. 25kg loaded for some and they are VERY big (about the size of a well laden ALICE pack).
A good thing about it is it doesn't need to shoot fuel. Why not water with CN in it? Or Chloropicrin?
Otherwise, just a plain water jet can be used to counteract the effect of CS (which is rapidly hydrolysed in the presence of water with a half life of 15 minutes) or an alkali solution can be used (around pH 9) to reduce that half life to 1 minute (from Wikipedia).
September 21st, 2008, 12:42 AM
Might be worth some experimentation. My leave is coming up soon, so I'll get back on the the EtOH bike engine and I might pick up a supersoaker and sacrifice it to the cause.
This really is an interesting project in my opinion. Flame throwers can be small, compact, devastating and a good diversionary tactic as well (nothing like a face full of fire to distract you).
Just as a teaser, I saw this a long time ago, but I thought you guys might appreciate it. From our brothers at (
Brothers... SA!!! Thats k3wl central right there! And a close second comes 4chan!
September 21st, 2008, 11:05 PM
*laugh* While here isn't perhaps the place to discuss the merits of 4chan and SA, I enjoy reading both (or the classics from them both). Might I also add that the user from SA had actually made something which gives him credit in my books.
Where as is a bastion of light in the darkness of ignorance and k3wldom, SA and other sites such as it are more like looking for a diamond in the rough. It would do to remember that not everyone that frequents those sites are a k3wl, while not every member of RS is immune from the disease of stupidity.
Jacks Complete
October 4th, 2008, 08:40 AM
Ah yes, the legendary SA flamethrower. It's a nice idea. Of course, his use of alcohol based fuel means that unless he uses a gelled fuel he won't get much range, and nor will he get lasting burn.
Of course, it was three years ago I last looked at that thread, and back then, I'd not come across the gelled hand cleaners that are some vast percentage of alcohol... However, I'm pretty sure they aren't actually flammable. If anyone has some, try adding a match to some and see what happens - all the ingredients are flammable. If it does burn, then result. Load your freshly scented napalm and off you go, with nothing more than a supersoaker and a little flamer to light it.
If it doesn't burn, try adding some more alcohol to it, until it does burn.
(I'd also suggest running a pressure test on the supersoaker with this jelled stuff in it before carrying one around with you. But you know that already.)
Post results. With pictures. SA got over a million hits to that thread. We might want to lock them out to avoid bringing down the server!
October 4th, 2008, 09:29 PM
Zep has a type of gelled hand sanitizer that's 60% ethanol. Jailbirds use it for hooch.:p
Neglected to mention that Phrankinsteyn was the OP of Zep as hooch in another thread.
October 4th, 2008, 10:40 PM
If anyone is interested on how they make it (the hooch from the zeb gel sanitizer) and a few other ideas they have come up with (the inmates :)) see my thread in the :Rogue Science Virtual Library- Prison contraband.
October 10th, 2008, 08:04 AM
Any other wild land firefighters here?
We've got these 5 gallon backpacks (think an oversize Camelbak) with a rubber hose connected to a 1-1/2 foot or so trombone style wand (make of some kinda brass). They're called Fedco's (the original brand), piss pumps, bladder bags... whatever.
Anyways, we've had quite a bit of fun while doing backburns filling those things with driptorch fuel (a mix of gas and diesel) and running around flaming everything ^_^
Course, you can't let the backpack catch on fire, its just a plastic bag... I imagine if it burst on you and caught fire it would be pretty much a sure death...
October 27th, 2008, 08:26 AM
A couple of Russian 14-year-olds play with a captive bolt pistol loaded with mace rounds :)
October 27th, 2008, 06:08 PM
Oh, those Ruskies with their crazy shenanigans. :p
"I maced my little brother in the face."
"Don't just stand there, give him some Vodka!"
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