View Full Version : Information Swap Alternatives
August 28th, 2008, 08:04 PM
This thread is for anyone who wants to discuss alternative methods of swapping computer files for whatever reason. Maybe you can't get high-speed because you live in the sticks, thus shafting you with 10MB per HOUR downloads (like me). Maybe you want to be less traceable. Maybe someone else has a file and only wants to trade for it rather than upload. Maybe you don't want torrent software on your computer.
My personal lack of internet resources got me to thinking: Flash drives are cheap and easy to get these days. They are also small enough to be mailed for a paltry sum. Is there enough interest out there on RougueSci to start swapping flash drives via mail? Certainly this would let us sidestep a few uncomfortable neccessities associated with downloading.
The plan is pretty much this: People who are interested will simply let the public know here in this thread. They then contact eachother via PM and discuss details. Once the details are agreed upon, both users will publicly post here that they agree to trade with eachother. Once each user receives the flash drive in the mail, he will copy and paste all wanted files onto his hardrive, then promptly return the flash drive to it's owner with the files intact, via insured mail.
I forsee a few possible drawbacks:
Viruses - Passing around files is like passing around girlfriends. Use protection!
Dishonesty - Posters may keep the flash drives or never send one out.
Address required - You really don't have an option on this one. You'll probably want to use a fake name when sending and receiving.
Backup - For numerous reasons, you will need to back up every file you send out.
Lost in mail - Insurance will be required. And, as I've just stated, backup.
Anyone else see any drawbacks? This may save a lot of trouble. Or maybe it's just a dumb idea.
P.S. This idea could just as well use CDs, external hard drives, or anything else you're willing to risk losing permanently.
August 29th, 2008, 01:02 PM
Doesn't the insurgents in Iraq use small sd cards to swap info and files around?
Hell those thing are the size of a postage stamp, and cost something like 10eur for a 2gb one and one can get 128 to 512mb ones for less than 4eur.
They are solid state and not so expensive to get lost. The solid state is a real blessing when you come to think about everything the card/hdd/dvd might be subjected to while in transit. One COULD send a normal 3,5 hdd to some one to copy his/hers e-book collection on, but the bulk of the packing going to the shock proofing and all could be quite big.
I'd go with cheap usb sticks and sd/mmc memory cards. They are cheap and everywhere.
August 30th, 2008, 12:31 PM
You can buy 2GB Micro SD cards (these are the ones that iHME refers to) for around $6 US and they are only 15 mm × 11 mm × 0.7 mm and could be sent in a regular letter. Fry's has 8GB memory sticks frequently on sale for around $20 US.
I have no problem exchanging info this way or by mailing CD's or DVD's, as with these there is no need to return them and you can label them whatever you want (Yani's Greatest Hits :) ).
August 30th, 2008, 02:23 PM
For those who don't have scanners, an alternative option might be to take high quality photos of books or documents. That was my only alternative for years.
August 30th, 2008, 02:57 PM
FWIW, US cities have "General Delivery" through the USPS. This enables you to give out an address that is basically useless for tracing someone's exact whereabouts. The address is the post office itself, except with a different tag (sometimes) on the zip. There is no cost other than postage.
The major drawback on this one is that you are required to show ID:p to retrieve anything mailed to you so your name would be known by the sender, unless you have an alternative ID.
A Sandisk Cruzer Micro 2GB UFD is 58 mm long x 21.5 mm wide x 9 mm thick and weighs 10g. Cost is ~ $15. The 2GB Micro SD cards mentioned earlier kicks ass over these!
If using this or similar, the extra $0.20 postage should be used to get the envelope hand-cancelled.;)
August 30th, 2008, 03:50 PM
Address required - You really don't have an option on this one. You'll probably want to use a fake name when sending and receiving.
Who really wants to give out their address? If you are using your real address, then anyone (fedgov or otherwise) can find you no matter what name you use. Plan on using a fake address? Are you going to set up a mailbox on some road, or are you planning to rent a box at a post office, or mailing center? Renting a box is even more difficult these days as you are require to show two pieces of ID to get the box. Setting up a mailbox you're possible facing federal mail charges.
Lost in mail - Insurance will be required.
Why? Are you insuring the $6 flash drive or the info contained on it (you'd be a complete dumbass if you didn't keep a copy of it)? Insurance would not be necessary at all.
Maybe you can't get high-speed because you live in the sticks, thus shafting you with 10MB per HOUR downloads (like me). Maybe you want to be less traceable. Maybe someone else has a file and only wants to trade for it rather than upload. Maybe you don't want torrent software on your computer.
Less traceable than the internet? Not a chance. Who are you worried about tracing you, the fedgov, or someone you pissed off on the net? If you're talking about the fedgov you're risking DNA, fingerprints, even metadata on the info you are trading. Have you ever heard of EXIF data on you jpegs? Hidden data on a text file is how the BTK killer was caught, after nearly 30 years since his first murder.
Why do you want to TRADE? Are you profiting on someone else's work, or is it original content you developed? The dissemination and sharing of information is a main point of Roguesci, and the forum. If you really would prefer trading over sharing, then this might not be the place for you.
Not having high speed can be a problem, we have all been there once, but there are many ways around this problem. Leech off a neighbor. Bring your laptop to a cafe/restaurant that offers wifi (Starbucks, Panera, etc), many rest areas offer wifi, or even just go sit in some hotel parking lot and leech off theirs. (Hospitals and libraries are great too!!) There must be a hotel, hospital, or library within 30 minutes of you!
At least uploading/downloading there is a measure of anonynimty, and you can also increase your anonymity by using fake/shell email addresses, proxies, tor etc.
In the end, all I have to say is just use the FTP. Share your information.
August 30th, 2008, 06:55 PM
Intrinsic has a very good point. For the cost of a gallon or two of gas at most, 99% of us could drive to an open wifi connection and download material anonymously. In most cases 70-80% of us could find such a connection within several miles of home. You make the necessary arrangements with the uploader to put his content online so you can grab it as needed, when and where you want.
The fedgov can track the connection you are downloading from, but they will not be able to swoop down and grab you. Unless you are stupid enough to use the same connection at the same time for days and days, you can not be implicated.
If you do swap drives, encrypting the contents is a simple thing to do. Copy a PGP encrypted archive to the portable media and send it off. Even if the fedgov does get it there is no law saying things can't be encrypted. In fact all things should be encrypted as a matter of habit just to nullify the nanny state efforts of the fedgov.
DNA is easy enough to get around. Buy a box of envelopes from the store, a generic ubiquitous brand, wear latex gloves when opening the box and handling any envelopes. Do the same thing for the drive, bought new from the store just like the envelopes. For added precaution handle everything in a large plastic bag so you don't cough any spittle on it.
These efforts will not help you if they come to your home and find the same brand of envelopes, gloves, plastic bag, paper, your printer, etc. Also, if your intended recipient is a fedgov agent, encryption will not matter (i.e. you shared the decryption key with him already). The point I want to make is to use these precautions to prevent them from placing you on the list in the first place.
September 1st, 2008, 08:06 PM
It's definately a very limited use idea. I'd like to share many .PDF files I downloaded from eBookee (now sadly defunct) while the getting was good , but do not have the ability to upload them due to my sad-sack dial up. Many of these titles are not on any torrent sites.
As far as identity goes, if I were a betting man I'd say I'm already being monitored by the Gov just for recreational habits such as browsing RogueSci. I'm not really scared that they have my name and address. They already have it from the dozen or so gun purchases I've made, so if they want to bring the hammer down one day, well, I'm already on the radar.
I should be getting a laptop here within the next week, so maybe when I'm in town I can upload there. I don't stay in town very often, though. Anyway, just thought I'd here what others had to say about this. If anyone wants to trade, let me know.
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