View Full Version : Global Population control. Why not?
July 20th, 2008, 06:46 AM
I am starting this thread expecting to be slammed and at the risk of sounding like yet another lunatic extremist . Here is my 2c worth anyway.
Here in Australia kangaroos sometimes reach plague numbers so large numbers are culled if this is not done the local population will die from over grassing.
Can a large scale cull of the human race be a solution to the global problems of famine lack of resources and global warming to name a few ?
It seems here in Australia as I am sure is the same in many other places that the more intelligent professional types are putting of starting families in favour of furthering their careers while the poorer unemployed by choice, drug addicted, or just plain stupid are breeding like rabbits . I live on the edge of a public housing estate and see single mothers with 5 and more kids most destined to be the next generation of criminals and single mothers. While I don't support killing them all as a solution maybe super gluing closed their cunt's and chopping of their balls would be a start?
With all the population growth in the 3rd world and amongst the less intelligent is the devolution ( the human race a possibility or at least a drop in the global average IQ?
Perhaps next time we send aid to the starving millions in Africa we should spike it with some kind of drug to sterilise the masses and prevent the birth of the next generation of babies doomed to a short life of slowly starving to death.
The Population Control Agenda
Stanley K. Monteith, M.D.
Body Count: Population and its enemies - the population-control movement is gaining steam
National Review, Oct 25, 1999 by Stephen Moore
July 20th, 2008, 07:01 AM
That plan sounds all good and well except for that little thing called human rights...
Are you ready to get sterilized for the human race's wellbeing?
And once it was started, where does it end?
I'm not totally bashing the idea, it has its merits if done right, but I don't think it will ever be done by people. The bacteria and viruses are getting better and better at it every day :).
Tom Sawyer
July 20th, 2008, 07:35 AM
I think it is an abominable idea to "spike" aid to sterilize a troubled third-world population. In my opinion that's only about half a click up from the WWII-era Deutsche National Socialist "Final Solution". No bashing intended, but as a hard-core libertarian, I'm disagreeing with that point of view.
If it makes you feel any better, I have heard whispers that such a program is already on the cards and all the "excess baggage" may be disposed of. BTW: Under this supposed plan, you and I and just about everyone we know are "excess baggage" along with the poor Africans you were talking about. You cannot be a useful consumer in a First World society if your earning power is destroyed by a major Depression. You then become a useless eater simply taking up space.
Of course, that's assuming the coming resource wars don't don't purify certain parts of the earth by fire first.
July 20th, 2008, 11:37 AM
It's very interesting, of course as an idea. The major issue is simply that if you check the history of rate of deaths/births over the last 20 years or so, disease is doing a supremely efficient job of doing this for you in Africa.
Since this is a theorectical discussion void of any real application or moral contraints, I believe you could accomplish the same thing here as well in the First- and Second-world nations as well by simply applying (temporary) sterilisation meds to low-end foodstuff such as fast food, pre-packaged snacks, etc.
Most of us geeks would care less in the long-term as when WE want to have children we know we will have to get our "game" up so to speak by eating properly.
Realistically, applying mandatory birth controls to places like South/Central America and other locations who believe birth control is "evil" or that having a lot of children is a "blessing from the Gods" would have an excellent long-term curbing effect on poplulation.
This would curb POPULATION admirably, what really needs to happen is the largest consumers of resources (something like 1/5 the population use 4/5 of the oil, for instance) need to curb their usage because totally wiping the other 4/5 the population would have an insignificant mid-to-long-term effect on the resources consumed.
You want to save some for humans in the future?
* Walk when you don't absolutely NEED to drive.
* Don't buy Chinese things, South American fruit, etc. Get things near home.
* Make things yourself.
* KEEP your old PC/Car/Furniture/misc. instead of replacing them when they seem "old" compared to your friends' ones or the ones you see on TV. Put XP or Linux on instead.
* Support Nuclear/Solar/Wind/etc etc energy.
* Support birth control in up-and-coming societies about to join that "1/5" in using everything up.
You could eliminate every living human on Africa and still only get a few more years of oil, and your Big Mac would cost you exactly the same as it does now.
Does anyone honestly think those poor souls in Africa are using up YOUR food and oil?
Realistically: it's very likely indeed it is the opposite way around...
You want to save the world's resources for humanity?
1) Kill every human in the New World, Old World and China, or
2) Just stop using everything up so damn much...
More money is spent on highway maintenance in the US every year than all the entire World's aid to Africa put together .
Those Africans are NOT eating your french fries and driving around in their Mercs with your oil...
We are.
July 20th, 2008, 02:56 PM
That plan sounds all good and well except for that little thing called human rights...
Are you ready to get sterilized for the human race's wellbeing?
And once it was started, where does it end?
I'm not totally bashing the idea, it has its merits if done right, but I don't think it will ever be done by people. The bacteria and viruses are getting better and better at it every day :).
Human race? We're a species. And we're all different. We should sterilize those not deserving of the right to reproduce.
Before anyone says that would require too much man-power and resources.. If the Nazi's can supposedly systematically execute 6 million Jews in a few short years, then there is no reason a Gestapo-esque force couldn't sterilize the worthless lives of the world.
July 20th, 2008, 04:59 PM
Yes, it is not the ones in the 3rd world countries that we have to worry about too much. Those poor souls are already living terrible deprived lifes. What we should do is take all the scum from the 1st world countries and destroy them. Or at the very least, sterilize them so they cannot reproduce and spread their hideous existences. The hardest part here is where does the red line go?? What seperates the good from the bad?? This is impossible to state exactly and would be hard to seperate the two, but I would say capital punishment for all paedophiles and child molesterers to start with. This should get rid of a nice number and free up our prisons. Cold blooded murderers can go this route aswell. Of course the problem is what if one of those cold blooded murders was fighting for his freedom and was done over by a bent cop. This is where this law would be hard to use, and then it wouldn't be fair.
To sterilize all the benefit leeches, low life pykeys who just keep reproducing and can't seem to manage a job would be a good start. These are the types of people that need to be killed off. All the slutty single moms who go and have 4 or 5 kids just so they get a free council house and loads of benefits. Get rid of them and their kids. The kids will only grow to be like them.
Human rights... They are pathetic really. They prevent so much justice being served and are a terrible excuse for many criminals and low lifes to be given an easy time. "He can't possibly go to jail and serve 20 years for raping and killing that defensless little girl, he gets clostrophobic in small spaces and won't be able to survive in his 12 by 6 cell." Unfortuanetly sentences like this aren't actually far form the truth at all, and there is always some piece of shit willing to defend an obvious criminal and his inhumane acts because of one thing called money. Of course the criminal wasn't thinking about the little girls rights when he was torturing her, but what does she matter, shes gone now right?? People who defend these types of people are no better than the criminals themselfs.
Hitlers ideas were genius and pathetic at the same time. You can't kill people because of their beliefs or religion. Religion on the whole is pathetic, so there is no need singling one type out. Opinion is a freedom. However you should be able get rid of people for what they are are. Get rid of the jews?? and people with who don't have blonde hair?? Nonsense. Get rid of the scum who have bought this world to its knees.
July 20th, 2008, 05:21 PM
This topic invariably enters into politically distasteful ground, so it never gets addressed in any meaningful way. In fact, in this politically correct world, it is now forbidden even to mention the fact that the global population is out of control. I remember in the 70s, when the world population was roughly three billion, that overpopulation was seen as an immense problem and openly discussed. No more..... Now the population has more than doubled in 30 years, and no one will talk about the situation. Does that fact alarm anyone besides me?
Political sensibilities aside, the planet will only support so many people. In terms of simply keeping people alive, I will admit it can probably handle more than are here now. But the real question is, what sort of life will it be? Do any of us want to live in a world where all available space is either crowded cities or agricultural land? What effects would this have on the planet that we are too ignorant and short sighted to see? For my part, I think there are way too many people already.....
Extermination of existing people is not the answer. Time will take care of that. What is needed is sensible global birth control. We on this planet are so far from having any chance of that happening at this point, that discussing details is a waste of time.
We will eventually have to confront this problem. Based on what I have seen of the human race, nothing will be done until we have absolutely no other choice. When that happens, it scares me to think what point the planet will have reached. I am glad I will be gone by then.
July 20th, 2008, 05:53 PM
You don't have to do a darn thing to control world population. A massive die off is coming, I guarantee it. WHERE you live will probably have more to do with your survival than your intelligence or any other intrinsic worth you may or may not have, however- I would suggest you be located farther from any city than a starving person can walk in two days, just for a start.
July 20th, 2008, 08:53 PM
Population growth in African nations is still the high despite HIV And famine.
Also china's population is climbing despite there one child policy.
Perhaps we should look to countries such as Belgium for the answer they now have a zero population growth.
Birth and Death Rates by Country
I am aware that this is a dangerous idea and the agendas of some of these pro population control groups is truly frightening. who could we trust to implement such a program? Not our politicians as their all concerned with reelection and would never suggest such an unpopular idea . Ideally every country should be responsible for their own back yards.
As for sterilizing criminal types as someone who follows his own rules I my self would have to get the snip.
July 20th, 2008, 09:03 PM
Mike-Hunt, - ask Alexires about what to do about it in Australia - see his "Absolutely Disgusting" thread.
As for Africa, a combination of AIDS (especially in South Africa, Botswana, Swaziland, Kenya, Uganda, Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe), drought/starvation (especially in Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan, Chad, Mali, Djibouti), Mugabe (Zimbabwe), and civil war/whore (especially in Congo/Zaire, Sudan, and Somalia), are already doing the job, without much need for contraceptives or euthenasia.
July 20th, 2008, 09:20 PM
Well said, Kaydon. I agree with Bert as well. I do think that day is coming, but in the event that we are all wrong and somehow this dead horse called society manages to flog itself just a little further, birth control should be introduced.
Perhaps instead of mass sterilisation of the unworthy masses, a blanket restriction on birth of only 2 children per couple. Thus the population has no choice but to remain the same or decrease.
Those saying that mass extermination in Africa doesn't need to happen because of AIDS might want to think about that a little more. AIDS is like nothing we have ever seen before, and I would be very shocked to find out that it wasn't a product of post WWII research (or even WWII research).
I think that sterilising criminals or killing them is a stupid idea. Honestly, who deems them criminals? The State. Do you trust The State to make a balanced and unbiased verdict against it's "enemies"?
July 21st, 2008, 07:14 AM
Population growth in African nations is still the high despite HIV And famine.
Also china's population is climbing despite there one child policy.
You don't have to do a darn thing to control world population. A massive die off is coming, I guarantee it.
And furthermore:
Do any of us want to live in a world where all available space is either crowded cities or agricultural land? What effects would this have on the planet that we are too ignorant and short sighted to see? For my part, I think there are way too many people already.....
Both are true, but as with all statistics and other damned lies they do not tell the whole story...
The RATES of death/birth in Africa are still high - true. However, the trends of these show quite dramatically that these two rates versus each other (the overall population trend, if you like) are dropping and this rate is increasing. Some of the nifty statistical tools shown on TED illustrate this very clearly.
Also, a mass die-off in Africa, Bangladesh, etc etc. is fairly plausible.
My point remains this: these poor buggers do NOT hog your oil, hamburgers, Land Rovers (or Ford trucks if you like), internet bandwidth or anything else of yours.
If you are concerned for what is left of the world and its resources, look around. Look who is REALLY using them so your children cannot.
I guarantee you will find these Land Rovers, McDonalds, and internet cafes on your city streets, my internet-using friends.
Let's put it this way: no Americans, Germans, Swedes, British, Portuguese, etc. people are going to starve due to the West's sudden interest in biofuels taking all the grain away. Your BLT may cost you more, but you can always eat cake instead - so to speak.
We are stealing from our own futures, people. No poor dirt-grubbers are doing it for you.
At the end of the day here's the rub:
Sure, you may mostly be in urban or agricultural areas, with no green spaces around - and I feel for you (and myself). The UK is fairly jammed full herein the Southeast.
But in perspective: you're not looking around you are the desolate burned ground, wondering if you are going to have to eat your dead relatives. Let's keep a bit of perspective. Sure: you may not have to drive so far to reach the next town as you used to, or may have to grab a train for 30 minutes to see a forest but get a grip.
When our oil runs out (or whatever next major disaster takes place in our lives)... those poor bastards will probably never even notice.
I say again: our 1/5 is using 4/5 of everything as it is... killing off the other 4/5 won't make a squat's worth of difference in the long run.
If someone made a suburbia-killing virus/weapon the world would be far better off. That would solve the overcrowded cities in the west, overuse of resources and HUGE increase in farmland in one fell swoop.
Let me tell a story about a friend of mine in Ohio.
He was an old man way back in 1983 (about 70-75 years old...) He grew up in Celina, Ohio - a small town about a hour from Dayton, Ohio... in other words about as far as you can be from ANYWHERE in the Midwestern USA.
I asked him why the steeples were so damned high on the church about 10 miles out of town in a small village called Carthegena, near the local seminary.
He told me that when he was a boy, they built this stupendous 300-foot steeple on this tiny church for this simple reason: in the 1920's, western Ohio was almost totally forested - as far as the eye could see...
(Anyone who has ever been to Central Indiana or Western Ohio would think you were crazy for saying this. You can stand in some places in this area, with the ground so flat you can see 50 miles in every direction and not see more than 10 trees of any size in any one place not lining someones driveway on some farm.)
He said the steeple was basically built so people living in the area didn't get lost walking from one place to another because this was the only landmark you could see above the woods for miles and miles!
He said this forest was completely gone before he was 35 years old. The leveling of this forest is now replaced by hundreds of thousands of miles of flat, souless soybeans, rape and cows.
I doubt there's a forest worth the name within a hundred miles of Carthegena, Ohio now.
Who's stealing our food and oil?
We are.
July 21st, 2008, 10:16 AM
I like where you're coming from ygarl. The Western nations, particularly the US, uses A LOT of natural resources in comparison to the rest of the world. Hey, we gotta make sure our SUV that gets 10 mpg can get us to the movies or to the bar! Who cares if I use 30 gallons of gas every 5 days. This was obviously sarcasm illustrating our false sense of need for more resources than we actually do.
On the topic of population density, given the size of the United States, we really don't have that many people, especially when you start getting out in the Western states. I remember driving on highway 50 for 3 hours through the salt flats of Nevada and Utah. I maybe saw 1 or 2 cars during that 3 hours, otherwise I was completely alone. I actually feared running out of gas until I came to a small town that had been built in the bottom of an old quarry. Talk about some strange folks ;) There are many desolate places in this country. This is probably another reason we use so many resources. With a country so vast and relativley spread out, it takes more resources to get from one place to the other, or to ship goods from one place to the other. In Europe, if you have relatives living in another country, just catch the train. In the US, you either have to drive a great distance and spend lots money on fuel or fly, same story. Hell, the US actually uses CDMA for cell phones, which is less efficient than more modern types of broadcast but is still used because it has a greater range. It hasn't been improved all that much since the early 90s! Compare this to Europe, where you probably aren't going to find any CDMA towers.
As for global population, I have a simple solution. Nature will find a way. It always has. There will come a time when the Earth will balance everything out again, and LOTS of people will die. This is all part of a cycle that has been happening before our race came to be. We will either kill each other off, a new ice age will begin, a meteor will hit the Earth and kill 90% of all life, or something of that crazy nature. Some think it has already begun, and maybe it has. We'll see...
Combustable Wishes
July 21st, 2008, 09:31 PM
Some valid points about resource limitations and usage have been made in this thread and thats all well and good, but wouldnt it be more useful and interesting to not just discuss the MULTIPLE CAUSES of the problems which face this planet, but the solutions? I know people of mentioned steralization and, for lack of a better word, executions, but there has been little talk of what it would take to get conscripted into those posistions, what, as Kaydon so bluntly put it, is the benchmark of those "not deserving the right to reproduce"? and if the benchmark is at anyway questionable, the richer one is the more likely you could sue your way out of it. And it cant be a single persons gross product income, as it would yet again depend on wealth in a country where investing is the norm. IQ? some of the most brilliant people, on the far ranges of genetic differences, are comparably stupid in things other than thier specialty, the best artist is not always the best mathimatician. Criminal history, well i guess if you are stupid enough to try and get caught it is your fault, but what about race crimes like those against Martin Luther King jr.? (if of you want to even try to say he is not an american hero, you obviously need to do more research into how much he had to give up just to stand as the target of hate) The point being there are times when one has to fight the law head on and man up to the consequences, and sometimes its just fun to shoplift and release a little stress :P also would only felonies warrant sterilaztion or would certain misdemeanors mean it as well?
Besides the genetic diversity breeding brings about is nessecary to our survival as well.
And so it is left to the minds to cast a net with no holes and to stop before it is to late...
July 22nd, 2008, 02:41 AM
Combustable - I agree that sterilisation or execution is a slippery slope, for who makes the decisions? I doubt it will ever be anyone that favours us...
That is why I suggested a two child maximum on all people. Best of both worlds....kind of. Population is limited and hopefully begins to fall as a result.
I absolutely agree with Ygarl, hence why I support the above idea of 2 child max (not to mention I suggested it :p).
I think some of us are supportive of the execution/sterilisation of untermensch cultures (such as India/Pakistan/Africa/etc.) for more personal reasons as opposed to solving the problem of our decadence.
Still doesn't change the fact I think the world would be a better place if those billions of people weren't breathing my air :rolleyes:.
July 22nd, 2008, 02:46 AM
I have read Alexires "Absolutely Disgusting" thread. It accurately describes some of what angers me about my own community and inspired me to further research population control as a global solution though it is something I have thought about many times before.
Over population is something that needs to be dealt with before damage to the planet makes it uninhabitable . Possibly a natural die off of the majority and perhaps the entire of the human race is on its way . If we look to Africa today this may also be our future here in the first world . If it takes the death of 50% or 99% of the current population to insure the survival of the future of the human race who would be prepared to sacrifice their own life or the life of their family ? There are also very few capable of exterminating the majority of the human race . I guess the most likely out come is our own slow extinction .
Yes Africa may be consuming only a small percentage of our oil resources . A trip to any large Asian city and you will see, hear and smell how this resource is needlessly wasted .
The deforestation of the planet is also a problem with South America the biggest offender Africa comes in the number two position.
"Africa suffered the second largest net loss in forests with 4.0 million hectares cleared annually. Nigeria and Sudan were the two largest losers of natural forest during the 2000-2005 period. "
World deforestation rates and forest cover statistics, 2000-2005
Every country has its own unique problems with over consumption and over population needing there own unique solutions . The Tree Huggers had it right when they said, "think globally and act locally" . I only hope that it isn't to late to prevent the human race consuming its self into extinction.
July 22nd, 2008, 03:40 AM
Topics like this do so much to make me cynical.
We are light years away from reaching a point where there will be any level of international cooperation in an area such as this, and globally is the only way that any meaningful results can be acheived.... And as I stated earlier, from a standard of living and health of the planet standpoint, I believe there are too many people now.
I am not generally anti-religious, but when I see a huge family and hear from the parents, smiling insipidly, "it's god's will that we have 10 children", it is all I can do to control myself.....
I truly believe in the cycle of evolution, followed by mass extinctions, with evolution then resulting in a new dominant species. The dinosaurs dominated the planet for hundreds of millions of years, and it appears likely that their disappearance was due to factors outside their control. Modern man has been around for roughly two million years. How long before we breed ourselves to extinction, and what will be left of the planet when we do?
Secong Nature
July 22nd, 2008, 09:11 PM
I found an interesting article in my Nat Geo, its not online but basically it shows a healthy coralm reef ecosystem, they work by having a reverse pyramid, more predators than prey. The way it works is to have such a high refresh rate among the prey that all the predators are fed, so if this works for the world then Mother Nature's carrying capacity may not have reached critical yet.
Though im hoping for a non-govt SHTF scenario to wipe out most of the human population, it seems better to have an apocalypse than to have the population controlled through communism, which is really the only way to hold down a massive population. Look at china, if they had a democracy shit would already be flying.
If you want someone to blame for the worlds state its white people (sorry Kaydon but its true), sure commie asia sucks but look at the way that its supported such a huge population, besides you cant call them planet killers until you realise that all the shit they produce ends up in your landfills.
For me the only problem with Africa is the fact that no one there cares about AIDS, mothers with it have 5 kids, 3 of them end up with the virus and it keeps spreading. This isn't much of a problem except for the fact that theyre getting supported just enough to live and spread the problem If aid programs included more education about AIDS or just mandatory sterilisation if they want aid at all then africa could actually get better, as opposed to just a country on life support.
And another point to rant on is medicine, I personally believe in superior genetics, though im not going to do anything as far as controlling an existing 'inferior' population.
I'd just rather that people think 'I'm 40, my sibling has down syndrome, I'm an athsmatic who takes 5 pills a day for hereditary problems, maybe i shouldn't have kids'.
Chances are that their kids won't end up functioning very well as people or as members of society. Of course you can't even raise awareness of this due to a new PC world but it'd be nice to see this in practice.
I (more or less) quote a native american - ' When the last fish has been caught, when the last tree has been cut down, when the last river has been polluted, only then will we realise that money cannot be eaten'
Sorry about the length, I've been keeping this saved up for a while.
July 22nd, 2008, 10:44 PM
mike-hunt's plan has one fatal flaw: it involves him getting killed or castrated. Quoted from another thread:
I have had some experience with recreational heroin use as a teen and was given the drug narcan to treat an overdose.
While I don't have a problem with this, it's a little ironic that someone who by his own account used to be a junkie is now calling for the extermination/sterilisation of drug abusers.
I agree that there are plenty of people in this world who shouldn't be, but calling for state euthanasia is pretty stupid. Can you define a 'worthless life'? Are you sure?
Anyone can be seen as worthless, and the chances are that the definition the that military police will use is one that will lead to them breaking into your home and shipping your family off to a gas chamber. If a totalitarian regime is your idea of fun, go live in North Korea.
Overpopulation will right itself naturally.
July 23rd, 2008, 12:55 AM
First of all, I would like to ask Combustable Wishes and Second Nature to start using paragraph breaks. It's so hard to read your regurgitated Jew propaganda without them. :p :rolleyes:
Secondly, no (I repeat NO) problem would have occured to bring us to the discussion of this thread if the Jewish idea of integration had been wiped out from the start. Segregation would be the key here. YOUR country would NOT be in the dilemna it's in if it weren't for integration. The races that prospered would continue, and those that didn't would die off.
MLK was an idiot (and a rasist by his own standards), just like Jackson and Sharpton who want only to promote the nigger race while doing NOTHING for humanity other than holding their hands out for the White man to kiss and fill with gold (taught by the Jew for their own agenda). What he should have been working towards was the petitioning for the USA to cordon off a section of the USA (and others might follow suit) for the niggers to live within and with their own government. We Americans might have actually gone for that at the time. (We DID offer to send them home to Africa, but they refused, remember?).
The first thing that needs to be done about population control is segregation. Next is prohibiting interracial marriages/unions. Every race must keep itself pure. You don't see the Jews or asians being so docile about another race interbreeding with their own... but somehow this behavior is acceptable to them (Jews) for other races to engage in... does NOBODY even question that???
Next, we cut off all aid to countries who are failing, even Israel. No help. Let all those countries falter and die for not being able to work out the necessary things of life and prosperity. Political problems? Famine? Disease? WAR? So what. Deal with it and don't hold your hand out. (Israel is a special case, they need to get their filthy hands out of everyone's government and pocket or coin-purse, starting with the USA).
My whole point is that if everyone lived within their own section of racial acceptance, not only would there be less violence, but there would be less people in the world because of the Jew ideal of breaking down racial barriers and promoting inter-racial unions and inter-racial living (tensions) will have been abolished. There would be more progress toward a better future for humanity, too.
The niggers, living in an entirely nigger state (how about a continent?), would likely wipe themselves out trying to body-climb out of their corrupt shithole society which they made for themselves. The Jews, cut off from White America's aid would fall prey to the Muslim middle-east and likely die. The Chinese, well... They'd survive. WHY? BECAUSE THEY DON"T AGREE WITH THE JEW IDEA OF INTER-RACIALISM, WHICH THEY (The Jews) DON"T EVEN BELIEVE IN THEMSELVES, FOR THEIR RACE!!!
WTF... I may as well go ahead and say that anyone who is pro Israel; pro MLK, Jackson, and Sharpton; pro inter-racial marriages; pro homosexuality; liberal piece of shit... you are my enemy. I stand for the White race only. Let others do for themselves, for a change.
In short, there is no need for us to worry about global population before we worry about racial segregation. If we integrate, as seen, we ALL lose.
Secong Nature
July 23rd, 2008, 03:14 AM
I'll start using more breaks now, thanks festergrump, now about your ideas...
It seems that you forget the idea of big brother, he's white, gangs and crime have been around before black people, indeed any kind of nigger.
I'm all fine for segregation, it just seems that a racial basis for it is too close minded. I'm white and you disagree with me (must be my Jew-corrupted brain) so why can't you agree with a darkie?
Roguesci itself is segregated, not racially and it seems to be working. Any idiot, regardless of colour is kicked out and anyone who seems to be functioning is kept, regardless of colour.
The other problem with racial segregation is the tendancy for inbreeding, nowadays the Arian race itself is a sign of more recessive genes, pointing towards a common ancestor.
It's the mongrels and zebras who have genetic superiority when it comes to survival, just don't bring them up in a crack filled poverty trap like the Bronx and they'll grow up to 'Do things for themselves'
July 23rd, 2008, 07:36 AM
Secong -
It seems that you forget the idea of big brother, he's white, gangs and crime have been around before black people, indeed any kind of nigger.
Who says that big brother is white? The idea of Big Brother is just that, an idea. I would argue that the idea of Big Brother is more prevalent in those untermensch shit-hole countries where the secret police is kicking in doors and taking people away. Note that Aryan countries don't tend to have such measures or if they do, it has taken centuries for them to de-evolve from the principles of freedom and liberty that they once possessed.
Why has this de-evolution of personal freedoms occurred? As fester has said, it is because of this multiculturalism bullshit. We are trying to play by a set of moral rules that the other team doesn't follow. We believe in the rights of due process, right to legal representation, etc and we have taken our understanding nature too far. They believe in explosives and 72 virgins (or grandmas, depends how you read it). This leads to more and more draconian measures to protect ourselves against these fuckers where as if we had remained segregated, then we wouldn't have had this problem in the first place.
I'm all fine for segregation, it just seems that a racial basis for it is too close minded. I'm white and you disagree with me (must be my Jew-corrupted brain) so why can't you agree with a darkie?
Who said I can't agree with a darkie? Just like I can agree with various animals that perhaps jumping from the burning building was a good idea, I can agree with a nigger.
While Roguesci might be segregated based upon intelligence, what happens if that intelligence was based upon skin colour? We don't need to know that a troll is black, his inferiority makes itself known by his speech and degree of apparent intelligence. Perhaps our personal racial stereotypes have been created because we have observed the treacherous nature of the Jew, the idiotic nature of the Aboriginal, etc.
The niggers, living in an entirely nigger state (how about a continent?), would likely wipe themselves out trying to body-climb out of their corrupt shithole society which they made for themselves. Look at Africa. They already do, eh? :rolleyes:
We should be worrying about ourselves before we worry about others. That is it, isn't it? We fix out own country, and then we can deal with the others.
July 23rd, 2008, 07:46 AM
It seems that you forget the idea of big brother, he's white, gangs and crime have been around before black people, indeed any kind of nigger.
Really? Big Brother is White? Why is that, for one? Secondly, crime has been around since mankind has walked the earth, but did it happen before niggers? Were niggers around when man began to walk the earth? I thought they only evolved well after the Dark Ages when White men became scientists and all others were still picking ticks off of one another... (remove tongue from cheek).
I dare anyone to look at the statistics of black on white crime and the same for white on black crime. It's a chilling truth, let me tell you.
I'm white and you disagree with me (must be my Jew-corrupted brain)
Yes. It's your propaganda filled mind, no less. You seem like an intelligent individual but you are not understanding how you have been programmed from birth. If you are indeed a White man, you should embrace the White race and not dilute it.
Roguesci itself is segregated, not racially and it seems to be working. Any idiot, regardless of colour is kicked out and anyone who seems to be functioning is kept, regardless of colour.
If you will notice, the "posting" membership here is predominantly White. There are other races which chime in from time to time and even a few who post regularly who are NOT White, but the rest are just leeches who simply suck the teat which Roguesci offers them... Those foolish enough of all races who cannot put forth a sentence in their own language get the axe when they make a pitiful attempt. This is the way...
The other problem with racial segregation is the tendancy for inbreeding, nowadays the Arian race itself is a sign of more recessive genes, pointing towards a common ancestor.
REALLY? LOL! Surely you think there are enough White men and women on the face of the earth to breed without running into a cousin or other family member! How about the jews? They are about 2% of the population of just America... Can they do it? I say yes! They most certainly can. Aryans SURELY can, without even a doubt! Stop smoking whatever you are smoking, SN...
It's the mongrels and zebras who have genetic superiority when it comes to survival, just don't bring them up in a crack filled poverty trap like the Bronx and they'll grow up to 'Do things for themselves'
Oh, give me a break. Zebras are nothing more than a nigger with a tad bit of White blood in them who will do nothing more than (hopefully, for their own sake and livelyhood) pass themselves off as White so they can be a part of humanity when the niggers fail to do ANYTHING...
If you want to curb global population, the first step is organization (ie: segregation). Nature will cull the weak from the earth...
[EDIT: Damn, Alex... you beat me to the punch.]
July 23rd, 2008, 05:04 PM
I believe that we all are here, on this forum, for scientific proposes. How is judging scientific? Most, if not all, of us would not be here if IQ tests were given to our parents or grandparents etc. The upper class has always judged the lower class and extermination has been done and is continuing to be done. Has this solved our problem?
The problem, as I see it, is not color of skin but of belief. The belief in the bill of rights, in being free: the true American dream. Not the alleged American dream of capitalism/materialism/greed (show me where in the bill of rights or the constitution that America is a country based on capitalism). When you allow an extremism of any sort, racial/religion/materialism, you become divided. And this type of talk could divide us here also and possibly cause this site to be shut down or Mega sued if one of our more intolerant members does something perceived as harmful and it is traced back to here. If Mega was greedy/materialistic and did not believe in the "freedom of Knowledge" you would have to pay to view/join this site.
The one's in my life that has caused me the most problems (since childhood) have been my own kind. From trying to hit on "my girl" when I was not around, to stealing, lying robbing and physically attacking me. I did not grow up in a "nice" environment either. Street gangs were in every neighborhood I grew up in. And I myself may have been a member. I have attacked and been attacked by other races. I used to blame and dislike others due to their skin color and most felt the same way about me.
But I realized one day we were all in the same economic situation, as we were living in the same neighborhoods and fighting for the same jobs. Who brought them here (the other races)? They wanted cheaper labor. They knew what the outcome would be. They knew from a historical stand point what would happen. MLK did not give himself a holiday; blacks did not pass affirmative action, the Mexicans or Puerto Ricans did not program the phones (private businesses or government) to say: press two for Spanish or any other laws that affected me. It was the mostly white male's (politicians at that time) from an economic class (that I was not in ) that did this and passed these laws.
I also find it ironic that we as an American nation puts money above all things (and talks of racism), yet claim to be a nation that follows and believes in a Jewish man that was financially destitute as our/their savior. What an oxymoron.
My enemy is the man who is standing in front of me (regardless of the color of his skin, beliefs or even a member of my immediate family) that is trying to take away anything from me that is detrimental to my (freedom of) existence.
We all deserve to die and we will.
And to quote Theodore Roosevelt: "The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, or preventing all possibility of its continuing as a nation at all, would
be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities."
July 24th, 2008, 12:54 AM
I believe that we all are here, on this forum, for scientific proposes. How is judging scientific?
It could be argued that science is a practice of judging. We judge compounds by their appearance, weight, solubility, characteristics, etc. Thus, is it really any different to judge someone or a group of people by their skin colour, intelligence, demeanour and appearance?
Judging is a form of self preservation, and if we have only ever met 100 Aborigines and all 100 have been stupid, mindless idiots, then it is fair to form the assumption that the next one we meet is going to be an idiot. Hence, I judge others by their skin colour. This isn't to say that I don't think that there are intelligent Aborigines, just that I think the vast majority that I meet will be unintelligent.
I don't care about classes. I acknowledge my opinions of others are formed in the first 30 seconds or so that I meet them, have come to terms with judging others and the fact it is necessary to use stereotypes in life. At least I am not a hypocrite unlike those that insist on "extreme tolerance" which is another form of racism.
Who brought them here (the other races)? They wanted cheaper labor. They knew what the outcome would be. They knew from a historical stand point what would happen. MLK did not give himself a holiday; blacks did not pass affirmative action, the Mexicans or Puerto Ricans did not program the phones (private businesses or government) to say: press two for Spanish or any other laws that affected me. It was the mostly white male's (politicians at that time) from an economic class (that I was not in ) that did this and passed these laws.
These same people tend to choke on their own morality and are the same people that take our freedoms under the guise of protecting "the children" or "the minorities". It is their brainwashing that results in this, not the fact they are white.
July 24th, 2008, 03:14 AM
It could be argued that science is a practice of judging.Anything can be argued and that is what we are doing.:) People are made up of chemicals. Chemicals are predicable, people are unpredictable. Skin is a camouflage. Chemicals (that I am aware of) do not camouflage themselves as another chemical (pretend to be something they are not). To let your guard down (by judging/stereotyping) you are only setting yourself up. This is not to say that if you have had problems with a group of people (or chemicals) that you should not be on your guard and you should always be on your guard.:D
I don't care about classes. I do. Those that believe they are in a superior class will judge others (or make laws and use force against) that they feel are not equal to them.
It is their brainwashing that results in this, not the fact they are white.But if they were white (most were) and if you are making an observation that would be part of the description. I do not know if they were/are brainwashed. I do not know what a man (especially a politician) thinks, or why, only what he says and does.
One other observation I did not mention in my last post that I believe causes problems/division. People need to assimilate when they become Americans, some do not or are unwilling. Keep your old country's flag, your native language and how great the old country was to yourself. Would you put your ex spouse's picture in your new home, brag about them or compare them to your current spouse? America is now your/their new home and spouse.
Maybe I am getting old, senile and paranoid. Or maybe they are just young, dumb and full of ...........(rhymes with dumb).
Don't you just love the quote button?:rolleyes:
July 24th, 2008, 05:05 AM
That above link is surely on topic and it I believe it's safe to say that a majority of our foods contain it and it's by-products. It is disguised as a 'natural', healthy, and cheap source of food and material. It performs poorly in nutrition compared to other beans yet I believe the ease of growth/versatility to growing environments makes it a very easily marketed product. Assuming this study holds some ground, I am curious to see the recent patterns in consumption of soy based products.
I hope to keep this post short and to the point. That link I posted is one of many scientific studies conducted on the matter. It was referred to me by a friend of mine who suffers from male pattern baldness and feels that soybeans contribute to the 'disease'. Phytoestrogens have been and remain a controversial substance in that field. That aside it wouldn't surprise me if it turned out to be true. It is in almost every god damn ingredient list for food, mainly processed.
But if they were white (most were) ....
I hardly believe that most were white, because if one looks at the politicians here (Canada) and America, the zionist influence is staring right back at you with a smile. Many bullshit laws which limit freedom (anti-gun, pro immigration, etc) are mainly backed by a wealthy pro-israel lobby group. Sources are available upon request, however they have been stated over many times in different threads. If it were another race/group of people responsible for these atrocities to freedom, believe me that they would be identified and hopefully neutralized. It just so happens to be jews this time, most of the time, if not all the time :rolleyes:.
July 24th, 2008, 05:22 PM
I hardly believe that most were white,.
These people were white and male (USA).
Signed by President Johnson: Civil Rights Act of 1964, Voting Rights Act of 1965, The Bilingual Education Act of 1968 and Gun Control Act 1968.
Signed by President Reagan: Martin Luther King Jr's Day 1983. Sponsored by Ted Kennedy (what would we do without him):rolleyes:.
I do not know/remember (and I don't feel like hunting each member(s) voting record down; that was a long time ago) the exact number of the U.S. Senate that were white and male, but the buck stops for me with the person who signs it into law.
Interesting link that you posted, thanks.:)
July 24th, 2008, 06:00 PM
It doesn't matter who signs it, it matters who is influencing the proposal. It is always the Jew.
July 24th, 2008, 07:59 PM
Do you believe a person should be held responsible for their actions or the person(s) that influenced them? Or both?
July 24th, 2008, 11:15 PM
All parties involved should be held responsible. But, these tyrannical bills wouldn't get passed or even thought about if it weren't for Jewish interests. After all, we're still apologizing for the bullshit holohoax that we took no part in. Slander a Jew, and you're gonna get sued by the ADL.
Johnson was heavily influenced by Jews.
July 25th, 2008, 12:31 AM
Johnson was heavily influenced by Jews.
It's a challenge to name one leader since WWII and the hollow-hoax that wasn't in bed with the jews...
July 25th, 2008, 11:04 AM
So whats your point about Jews? We are also heavily influenced by Arabs and Mexicans too. Its hard to name anyone in power since WWII who hasn't sucked a few arab dicks. Its also hard to find countries that haven't sucked US dick either.
That site with the pictures is ridiculous. Finding these pictures took me ten minutes on google.
Proof that UN and the US are in bed with Arabs!
George Bush: 1 ( and 2 (
Bush Senior (
Tony Blair (
John Howard (
Cheney (
Jacques Chirac (
Josh Bolton and Bush (
The Pope (
And even Skeletor! (
I can do the same thing with Mexicans, Indians, whatever. I just don't want to post that many links.
I hear they have been meeting with plans to instill Sharia throughout the entire world in exchange for free oil coupons! Its a conspiracy I tell you! So is the moon landing in '69, the holocaust, Area 51, The Bible, String Theory, the Mars probe, Nuclear Energy, and basically anything great accomplished by humans in the last 500 years.
Ok I'll turn off my sarcasm button. So basically what you're saying is that we shouldn't have these tyrannical laws (I agree) but anyone who isn't a white American should? Slandering Jews, hell I've done it a million times. A buddy of mine is Jewish and I rip on him in public all of the time. The show South Park has insulted Jews continuously for over a decade now (along with every other religion). I haven't been sued yet, nor heard of the ADL. People will get in as just as much trouble for slandering Jews as they would Mexicans, Blacks, or whatever.
Of course selfish things are done in our government and globally by Whites, Jews, Arabs, Eskimos (those bastards are killing whales!) ect. If anything, whites are the biggest ass holes of them all. I'm one of them, so I know. The idea of pointing the finger at Jews is narrow minded and ignorant. I have family members who are Jewish, and they aren't part of some great conspiracy. They are some of the nicest people you could meet. So stop with this stereotyping of all Jews, its fucking retarded. People are just pissed off and are looking for people to blame.
July 25th, 2008, 05:22 PM
In my opinion you are all banging your heads against a wall trying to convince others that a certain group is responsible for all the problems in the world. Those who believe the Jews are responsible will continue to believe what they believe. Same goes for those blaming Whites or Africans etc.
Back to the topic of global population control; the nations that can do for themselves need to start focusing on themselves and stop attempting to help the leeches. Let the Africans starve and succumb to their diseases. Stop all foreign aide, let everyone fend for themselves. First world nations can continue to trade with each other and continue to pull resources from third world nations. This could help to eliminate quite a few people.
July 25th, 2008, 07:39 PM
Back to the topic of global population control; the nations that can do for themselves need to start focusing on themselves and stop attempting to help the leeches. Let the Africans starve and succumb to their diseases. Stop all foreign aide, let everyone fend for themselves. First world nations can continue to trade with each other and continue to pull resources from third world nations. This could help to eliminate quite a few people.
Europe, the U.S. and the white Commonwealth should form an exclusive trading block and let the rest of the world go hang.
July 25th, 2008, 08:02 PM
I was being somewhat hyperbolic.
Well, the truth doesn't need justification. "Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence." - John Adams
Jews get a free pass far too often, same with the niggers. Mexicans much-less so, but they're soon to be the new "victims of oppression."
I've always thought of foreign aid as a bad thing. It's humorous that more emphasis is put on foreign aid than domestic.
I agree though, let the 3rd worlders "sink or swim" so to speak.
July 25th, 2008, 08:44 PM
but they're soon to be the new "victims of oppression."
This is all too true. I can't stand it when people play the race card! If its a white guy getting the shit beat out of him by some minorities, its because they are victimes of societyand didn't know any better. Flip things around, with a white guy beating the shit out of some one of a different race, everyone stands up and says HATE CRIME. The crazy thing is that we do it to ourselves! Its this leftist state of mind that if you're not white, you're being repressed, but if you are white you are being intolerant. Or that we should take God out of school but worship the occult and allow Muslims to practice instead. What is going on here? If you're going to not let people practice Christianity in school, then no one else should be able to practice anything else. I truly dislike the hippie liberal mind set that our country seems to be sliding into. Its turning the country into a bunch of feministic blubbering vaginas.
My previous post was just to point out the fact that Jews are not the only ones to blame for this mess that has been made of the human race, we all are. I would like to see all foreign aid stopped and for the US, Britian, and other UN forces pulled out of foreign lands just so we could watch the world go to shit. I can definitely see this stopping population growth quite quickly.
July 25th, 2008, 11:42 PM
Yes well spotted Gerbil . I was exactly the type of drug addicted welfare leach I would like to see castrated today. There was also a time when I believed racists were the worst kind of evil. Now I am just a grumpy old man who hates the majority of the human race so I guess I am a raciest of the worst kind. The only easy answer is to bury our heads in the sand and leave it to the next generation to fix. Most likely what I my self will be doing. So I am a bad person I can live with that.
July 26th, 2008, 12:32 AM
In my opinion you are all banging your heads against a wall trying to convince others that a certain group is responsible for all the problems in the world.
Back to the topic of global population control;
I agree on both your statements.
I believe that we should apply to human greed and self interest (better odds of that working) for population control. I would like to see education (as to why birth control is advantageous to them). Laws that give jail time for both parents for having children out of wedlock (not grand fathered in) or divorce (only allows them to remarry and have more children). Incentives not to have children, financial and educational. Award/pay them not to have children (the opposite of Alexires's thread in The Water Cooler "Absolutely Disgusting"); this saves us money in the long run (additional welfare and possible future prisoners, very costly and dangerous). Free education, this makes the country stronger (intellectually and again less petty criminals). Also the Roman Catholic Church to allow birth control (other then the rhythm method but that would mean less Catholics for them) along with any other church/religion that advocates large families. This would also slow down the spread of Aids and other Stds (sexual transmitted diseases).
But the government(s) wants/needs people for money (taxes), military (cannon fodder and international police), workers and low wage earners (who would be the ancillary help if everyone was a manager?). History states that the Nazis had "The Lebensborn homes" and Hitler gave medals to mothers for having children. And the history books also state that the USSR gave medals to mothers. I am sure there are many more examples.
Or we can kill them all and let God sort them out, There is no end to doing right, (Sarcasm and "The Outlaw Josie Wales").
I can just see the debate/arguments coming :)
Secong Nature
July 26th, 2008, 01:15 AM
The only thing touching on the last post is that all sounds like a giant swing in the opposite direction, probably not for the overall better.
It really depends on what you want the future to hold as to what your views on foreign aid are.
If you want the world to be 'reborn in fire', then drop aid, kill the controlling leaders and watch anarchy and natural selection take controll.
If you want the world to continue in a different direction then cut what losses you can but don't close yourself in.
Believe it or not different cultures can learn from each other, no single race has all the answers.
Think of all the Inca races that where destroyed by the Spanish, heaps of history and knowlege lost in the plundering of cities by the dominant race which could've benifited them too.
July 26th, 2008, 02:11 AM
The only thing touching on the last post is that all sounds like a giant swing in the opposite direction, probably not for the overall better.
You talking to me? (Taxi Driver) :)
If you could, would you be more specific on "swing in the opposite direction, probably not for the overall better". And your proposal, could you give more detail? It sounds interesting but generic to me.
July 26th, 2008, 11:57 AM
After reading through the thread, I find it awfully difficult to say who's choice it is to rid the world of the undesirables. Canada has immigrants pouring over the boarders wherever possible, every Chink, Rag head and Jamaican faggot that can sing the national anthem in broken English is welcomed with open arms.
I don't like this.
I've always taken the sit back and watch it happen approach when those around me are loosing their heads, and I will likely do the same thing, regardless of what happens. Not to say I have no motives or lack or drive, just more interest in the way things play out. I will continue to do what I want, when I want, regardless of what happens.
I couldn't care less if there was a starving child in Africa, ridden with kwashiorkor, rickets and scurvy. Am I about to end my way of life for that child, thousands of miles away, in my mind, on a different planet? Absolutely not. Human kind is simply not like that.
When it comes to whose choice it is to govern population and rid the world of the useless people (reminds me of the forum? :)) , I think its up for the taking. With regard to a mass genocide by a North American country with its own desires and ideas of a perfect world, its not an option. Do you think fighting in the Middle East, genocide in Africa and all the other human like traits displayed on this planet is anything new? This has been happening for thousands of years. No, the poor are better off poor. What would a nation of beggars do if gold bars were dumped into their laps?
My opinion of todays fucked world? Let it be.
July 27th, 2008, 01:59 AM
Chemicals are predicable, people are unpredictable. Skin is a camouflage. Chemicals (that I am aware of) do not camouflage themselves as another chemical (pretend to be something they are not). To let your guard down (by judging/stereotyping) you are only setting yourself up.
Chemicals are only predictable and identifiable when you look at them close enough (just like people). If you run an NMR on a chemical, you have a fair idea of what it is. If you run a full psych profile on someone, you have a fair idea of what they are like. When you meet someone in the street for the first time, it is like trying to tell what a chemical is by observation (its a white powder.....with the millions of other white powders out there).
I don't see how judging and stereotyping let your guard down. By considering each and every person as someone new and unique might be fair, but the world isn't fair. I'd rather judge someone first off based on what I see and reserve the right to change my mind later, than to give them the benefit of the doubt and get fucked. RTPB - Trust, but verify.
I do. Those that believe they are in a superior class will judge others (or make laws and use force against) that they feel are not equal to them.
I was more trying to say that I try not to judge people by classes such as wealth and material possessions. I absolutely agree that those who believe themselves superior can justify almost anything just because they are superior (just like we are doing here).
Morality is a human construct.
But if they were white (most were) and if you are making an observation that would be part of the description. I do not know if they were/are brainwashed. I do not know what a man (especially a politician) thinks, or why, only what he says and does.
And it is for that very reason we judge people upon their appearance. Fair enough if you judge white people like that, but I think it is more brainwashing as opposed to some kind of genetic trait.
People need to assimilate when they become Americans, some do not or are unwilling. Keep your old country's flag, your native language and how great the old country was to yourself. Would you put your ex spouse's picture in your new home, brag about them or compare them to your current spouse? America is now your/their new home and spouse.
Exactly right. I agree 100%. If someone comes to my country but acts like it is still the middle east, he is not one of my countrymen. I don't give a fuck if he has a piece of paper from a government I don't support, when he starts acting like this is his home, I'll start treating him like he belongs here.
Totenkov - I agree with your philosophy of sit back and see what happens. I would like to change the world, but I am a realist. I know that there is little hope of changing it to how I want. Much better to look after yourself, and to hell if the world burns down around you.
July 27th, 2008, 06:07 PM
As was stated before, we are digressing and not staying on topic. This may need its own thread. :)
Chemicals are only predictable and identifiable when you look at them close enough (just like people). If you run an NMR on a chemical, you have a fair idea of what it is. If you run a full psych profile on someone, you have a fair idea of what they are like. there).
When you look at them close enough and then run a series of tests/profiles on a chemical or someone, then you are not making a prejudice observation. You are making a scientific/legal (and that does not necessarily make it true, but that's a whole different debate) analysis based on facts.
When you meet someone in the street for the first time, it is like trying to tell what a chemical is by observation (its a white powder.....with the millions of other white powders out
That is being cautious and scientific not being prejudice.
I don't see how judging and stereotyping let your guard down. By considering each and every person as someone new and unique might be fair, but the world isn't fair. I'd rather judge someone first off based on what I see and reserve the right to change my mind later, than to give them the benefit of the doubt and get fucked. RTPB - Trust, but verify.
I too, like you, have seen that the people/world/nature is not fair or trustworthy based on appearance. I will try to explain what I meant be letting your guard down. I mean that if you assume someone is a friend or foe based only by appearance (skin color/religion/uniform/dress) you can get hurt (physically, financially, emotionally, etc. If you allow someone to get close to you (fighting/self defense or into your life, Guard Down) based on their skin color/religion/uniform/dress they are now in close enough to hurt (attack, rob, testify against or kill) you. Most people are hurt/killed by their own kind or a "friend". If I remember reading correctly in one of the forum posts. A member here was arrested and placed in jail with the help of one of his "friend's" (I am assuming this friend was a member of this forum and the same race.) whose house he was visiting. That is what I meant by letting your guard down. My RTPB - Verify but never completely trust.
Most people are taken advantage of by their own race, people of their religious faith and the person in a business suit. If you added up all the problems you had with people odds are it was with your own kind that would top the list.
And it is for that very reason we judge people upon their appearance. Fair enough if you judge white people like that, but I think it is more brainwashing as opposed to some kind of genetic trait.
I do not judge people on there appearance (example: white male preacher in a 3 piece suit) and I was not judging white people. I was describing the persons who signed these laws into affect (what can be proven). I should have added in the description, by their own account, that they were Christians. How can we prove brainwashing without facts? As I stated before and if I understand you correctly, we must have proof and facts in order for it to be considered scientific. Were they placed in a "program" that made them renounce- rethink their previous beliefs, POW camp (we better watch McCain:rolleyes:) or some type of re-education camp? Where is the evidence for this?
It may be the genetic trait of self preservation (what benefits them, money, power or career) and not what's best for their country, mankind or race(?).
And to end with a few quotes. :)
"Uniform" one calls what they wear: would that what it conceals were not uniform! (Nietzsche- Thus Spoke Zarathustra)
That's all I have to say about that. (Forrest Gump)
July 28th, 2008, 01:53 PM
Even though you typed a damn near page of words, they contributed nothing to the subject matter of the original thread. Good job :rolleyes:
Here is an interesting link, on topic of course, although some claims may seem a bit extreme.
Also this link which only stimulates more thought about the possibilities that lie ahead.
With the second link the site claims nanotechnology, when combined with stem cell technology, can basically alter the human gene map to varying degrees. This technology is in it's primary stages, and the mission statement is already to 'help humans' however I am skeptical. Assuming one believes the claims, then yes it will probably be used for some good. On the same token it wouldn't seem far fetched that the same technology could be used to control hormone levels and impede function.
Another thing to note is that the site claims of using wires and chips, which I believe, only leads to more tracking and control :eek:. Fine, I will save that one for another thread so I don't get OT (easy to do here :p). And that is scary when one really wants to think about it. Not a virus or bacteria, just really small wires and chips ready to manipulate the body at the users request. And due to its small size, it can go undetected and imposed on the user without consent. Crazy what some folks are up to in the lab. Let the brainstorming begin :D
Jacks Complete
July 30th, 2008, 04:06 AM
Yes Africa may be consuming only a small percentage of our oil resources . A trip to any large Asian city and you will see, hear and smell how this resource is needlessly wasted .So you want to be the one to sell them (for under 50p an engine) newer more efficient ones? That cost us $$$? The deforestation of the planet is also a problem with South America the biggest offender Africa comes in the number two position.
"Africa suffered the second largest net loss in forests with 4.0 million hectares cleared annually. Nigeria and Sudan were the two largest losers of natural forest during the 2000-2005 period. "
World deforestation rates and forest cover statistics, 2000-2005
Http:// Here we see the lack of history education. Before us dead white guys cleared all the forests in the UK, there was forest everywhere, even in the Scottish highlands. Now, there are none. If you look at the north American areas, most of that was covered in trees too - another poster mentioned it above. Now, it is a million acres of soya and corn.
How can we say "Stop cutting your trees down" when we *still* cut all our own? We just don't appear on the records because we deforested before people kept track.
Fester raises a good point about the way that Israel oppresses and pushes out outsiders. If you aren't Jewish, life there is hell. Yet they love blending everyone else's genes! However, I see nothing wrong with mixed genes. Better that, than the racial ghettos we are seeing. And as for white people being supreme, you aren't living in a country where now, all the cheap labour flooding the place and putting the locals out of work are from a second world white country! We have millions of Poles and Romanian workers here now, pumping the money out of the UK back to the former eastern bloc. It's so bad even the blacks are moaning about it!
While Roguesci might be segregated based upon intelligence, what happens if that intelligence was based upon skin colour? We don't need to know that a troll is black, his inferiority makes itself known by his speech and degree of apparent intelligence.Now now, that is itself rather close to being oxymoronic. If they are stupid, we see that. The skin colour has nothing to do with it. I'm pretty sure that given the fact that it's the richer white kids who can afford internet, we ban far more white morons than black, or any other colour.
Yes, some genetic areas have a lower intelligence. However, just because the lowest has black skin, it doesn't mean all blacks are stupid, because there are blacks from thousands of miles away from Africa, like Jamaica, who are far brighter (in my experience) and on a par with the best white guys. And the number of utersmech I meet every day who are white and proud? It turns my stomach.
Who brought them here (the other races)? They wanted cheaper labor. They knew what the outcome would be. They knew from a historical stand point what would happen. MLK did not give himself a holiday; blacks did not pass affirmative action, the Mexicans or Puerto Ricans did not program the phones (private businesses or government) to say: press two for Spanish or any other laws that affected me. It was the mostly white male's (politicians at that time) from an economic class (that I was not in ) that did this and passed these laws.Indeed, this is true. The Whites pressing for the Blacks to be allowed to use their terrible history as an excuse for failure, over and over again, and the weak people who are still saying sorry for taking land 300+ years ago, they are where the blame is at. If you write anyone a free pass, it changes them a bit, and only the strongest won't be swayed by it. If you then pass that on to their kids kids, what can you expect to happen? (Or was this planned?)
It doesn't matter who signs it, it matters who is influencing the proposal. It is always the Jew.And what skin colour is a Jew?
Jews get a free pass far too often, same with the niggers. Mexicans much-less so, but they're soon to be the new "victims of oppression."This I agree with. The free passes are the problem, not the people getting them. But after a long while, those getting the free passes come to be the problem.
I know one chav girl who refers to her welfare cheque day as "payday" or "when I get paid". And she isn't alone. But I feel that anyone who does that should have it immediately halved.
As for what should be done? Simple, on both a local (national) level and an international level. Stop the hand-outs. They promote all that is wrong with the current system, and they make bigger problems for next time. If you support a million people this time there is a drought, then next time there will be 1.5 million to support, and so on, until we simply cannot support both them and us. And then what happens? They out-number us, so in the great "World democracy" they just hold a vote to see who gets the food.
In the coming world based on the worship of the false god Democracy, there are 50% of the world who are a Chinese block vote. The minorities are screwed. Doesn't look too good for the white's either!
July 31st, 2008, 02:47 AM
They may be of White skin, but tainted blood runs through their veins. Major genetic differences. I'm not prepared to go into detail about it at the moment. Perhaps someone else will chime in on that bit.
It's really not the fact that these programs exist (welfare and so on) but that it's soo easy to get aboard one and have a free check.
July 31st, 2008, 04:02 AM
They look White but they're far from it, or even acting like it. The hebrews which turned Jesus Christ in to the Romans to crucify are not even entirely the same race of jews. They are trying very hard now to keep their race as pure as they can, and because of this intermixing of races with their own, they try especially hard to dilute every other race on the face of the Earth. 2000 years of various countries kicking the jews out cannot be called anti-semitism. It is for a reason.
But integration and interbreeding work well for other agendas of theirs, too, such as destroying economies and pitting other races against each other (black vs, white: hispanics vs. black; white vs. hispanic, etc.) to alleviate the threat to their own race, which prefers to hide and pull political strings rather than fight like they have us all doing. If every Black, White, Hispanic, and Asian man stopped fighting and said "fuck this, it the jews that started this shit" and turned our attentions toward the jewish control of our governments, we'd probably all get along much better than we do right now.
If America, Canada, the UK, Australia, and other governments were without Israeli Influence... I feel it's safe to say that we would not all be in the financial and political turmoil that we are in now. Because of that, we would still have the freedoms that our forefathers died to preserve for us all, too!
Thus, I believe we would all realize the need to segregate and not integrate our populations, leading to a more non-violent society and THEN we can start looking at the population of the world and discussing what should be done about it... to each race individually.
Throw them all together and you have war in the streets. We KNOW this by now. Segregation is the first step to global depopulation.
July 31st, 2008, 03:23 PM
Since by skin color alone (Another reason way you cannot assume/believe someone is your friend/ally or enemy because they are white. :)) we are unable to describe all Jews, would being a Jew be a "mentality"? Or is being a Jew (Judaism) a religious belief based on the Tanakh, (which contains the Torah plus a few other books) the Talmud and/or the teachings from the Christian Bibles of the Old Testament?
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