July 4th, 2008, 06:36 AM
I had an idea a few weeks ago for a chemistry game we could all play. We would gain knowledge and possibly improve the forum , and even more possible that we may come up with some new ways of getting certain chemicals synthesized that mega may not have or be aware of , he is great and a vast plethora of knowledge but cannot know EVERYTHING (no offense intended).
Anyway onto my game idea, basically, I or someone else will list their available chemicals, and possibly their available lab ware. Then People will "synthesize' energetics, chemical precursors, chemical weapons, basically anything chemical or whatever is related to this site. But for the sake of those who may or may not have some glassware or lab gear, such as a bunsen burner, we will allow the use of any labware or glassware ,whether you have it or not. We will avoid the use of very expensive intricate or hard to find lab/glassware, but anything else is allowed.
Here is an example and I will start the game, now tell me what you would make, and list the directions you would take.
Sulphuric Acid (H2So4)
Hexamine//methenamine/hexamethylenetetramine (C6H12N4)
Ammonium Nitrate (NH4No3)
Urea ((NH2)2CO)
Methyl Salicylate (C8H8O3)
Glycerine (C3H5(OH)3)
Ethylene Glycol (C2H4(OH)2)
Methyl Alcohol (CH3OH)
Creatine (C4H9N3O2)
Hydrochloric Acid (HCL)
Dimethoate (C5H12NO3PS2)
Lead (Pb)
Anabolic steroids Testosterone Propionate, ( C19H28O2)Prop Ester(C2H5CO2))
Trenbolone Acetate (C18H22O2 ) Acetate ester (C2H3O2)
Letrozole (C17H11N5 )
Tamoxifen Citrate (C26H29NO)
Tadalafil Citrate (C22H19N3O4 )
Isotretinoin (C20H28O2)
Toluene (C7H8)
Acetone (CH3COCH3)
Potassium Permangenate (KMnO4)
Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO3)
Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH)
TetraHydroFuran (C4H8O)
Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl)
Oxalic Acid (C2H2O4) Anhydrous
Ammonium Hydroxide (NH3OH???)
With this list of chemicals, what would you make? think far down the list, trying to get as far away from the base materials as possible.
This is a bit messy But I am just making a game here.
Ok here goes one of my many ideas:::
Toluene -Potassium permangenate+ water Reflux , FIlter< than HCL to acidify=Benzoic Acid
Benzoic Acid+sodium Bicarbonate(neutralize the acid)=sodium Benzoate
Sodium benzoate+ Sodium Hydroxide= benzene and sodium carbonate
Benzene +Sulphuric acid and nitric acid= Nitrobenze
Tin And Nitrobenzene+HCL,reflux +than add NAhydroxide,,, Distill off Aniline
Aniline+oxalic acid=Oxanilide
oxanilide and Nitric acid yields Tetranitro-oxanilide.
Now try to do something like this using my chemical list, or create your own list and have others have a crack at it, and try to have crack at others lists. Try to avoid really basic things like making Acetone peroxide. Even some of the most complicated procedures are OTC here in North America, with a bit(well Alot) of reading and more reading. I believe I actually developed an OTC method for VX using Strictly otc products from North America. I will try to find the readme I build a couple years back.
Maybe this game is stupid and won't go anywhere but you can't know without trying right? If anyone has any ideas on how to improve this or whatever let me know!!! Have fun , Learn, and share!!!
Anyway onto my game idea, basically, I or someone else will list their available chemicals, and possibly their available lab ware. Then People will "synthesize' energetics, chemical precursors, chemical weapons, basically anything chemical or whatever is related to this site. But for the sake of those who may or may not have some glassware or lab gear, such as a bunsen burner, we will allow the use of any labware or glassware ,whether you have it or not. We will avoid the use of very expensive intricate or hard to find lab/glassware, but anything else is allowed.
Here is an example and I will start the game, now tell me what you would make, and list the directions you would take.
Sulphuric Acid (H2So4)
Hexamine//methenamine/hexamethylenetetramine (C6H12N4)
Ammonium Nitrate (NH4No3)
Urea ((NH2)2CO)
Methyl Salicylate (C8H8O3)
Glycerine (C3H5(OH)3)
Ethylene Glycol (C2H4(OH)2)
Methyl Alcohol (CH3OH)
Creatine (C4H9N3O2)
Hydrochloric Acid (HCL)
Dimethoate (C5H12NO3PS2)
Lead (Pb)
Anabolic steroids Testosterone Propionate, ( C19H28O2)Prop Ester(C2H5CO2))
Trenbolone Acetate (C18H22O2 ) Acetate ester (C2H3O2)
Letrozole (C17H11N5 )
Tamoxifen Citrate (C26H29NO)
Tadalafil Citrate (C22H19N3O4 )
Isotretinoin (C20H28O2)
Toluene (C7H8)
Acetone (CH3COCH3)
Potassium Permangenate (KMnO4)
Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO3)
Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH)
TetraHydroFuran (C4H8O)
Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl)
Oxalic Acid (C2H2O4) Anhydrous
Ammonium Hydroxide (NH3OH???)
With this list of chemicals, what would you make? think far down the list, trying to get as far away from the base materials as possible.
This is a bit messy But I am just making a game here.
Ok here goes one of my many ideas:::
Toluene -Potassium permangenate+ water Reflux , FIlter< than HCL to acidify=Benzoic Acid
Benzoic Acid+sodium Bicarbonate(neutralize the acid)=sodium Benzoate
Sodium benzoate+ Sodium Hydroxide= benzene and sodium carbonate
Benzene +Sulphuric acid and nitric acid= Nitrobenze
Tin And Nitrobenzene+HCL,reflux +than add NAhydroxide,,, Distill off Aniline
Aniline+oxalic acid=Oxanilide
oxanilide and Nitric acid yields Tetranitro-oxanilide.
Now try to do something like this using my chemical list, or create your own list and have others have a crack at it, and try to have crack at others lists. Try to avoid really basic things like making Acetone peroxide. Even some of the most complicated procedures are OTC here in North America, with a bit(well Alot) of reading and more reading. I believe I actually developed an OTC method for VX using Strictly otc products from North America. I will try to find the readme I build a couple years back.
Maybe this game is stupid and won't go anywhere but you can't know without trying right? If anyone has any ideas on how to improve this or whatever let me know!!! Have fun , Learn, and share!!!