View Full Version : High School Graduation Resembles Saddam's Rise to Power
June 11th, 2008, 02:57 PM
We have all seen the videos of Saddam Hussein becoming the dictator of Iraq. A number of people, many of whom had been his close friends, sat in a room that resembled a court room. A list of names was made by Saddam, and the names were called of the men who were to be executed right outside. The room was silent, and there was fear and sadness in everyones eyes. If someone spoke out of line or against him, they went on the list too. Even Saddam himself was seen shedding a few tears for the men he had personally put to death for the reason of mere suspicion.
This was the feeling I got when I read this article (,2933,365461,00.html). The piggies are over stepping their bounds everywhere these days. Just read the article to see how these young people had their rights violated like a drunk girl getting raped in the bar bathroom stall. Something about how they conducted this just screams "POLICE STATE!". Now these people have criminal records for cheering on loved ones at a public ceremony. Wow... Let me know what you think or about any other stories involving the rape of American's rights.
June 11th, 2008, 06:05 PM
What an absolute joke. Arrested for cheering?! You are correct: Police State on it's way.
Did you see the last paragraph? Five students whose families cheered for them had to do community service before they received their diplomas!! Nothing like getting punished for the actions of others.
June 11th, 2008, 06:11 PM
I honestly doubt the girl was raped. Drunk and made a mistake is the most probable answer. The girl crying rape is a too often happenstance in this continent.
June 11th, 2008, 06:40 PM
What? I am guessing that you didn't read the article: there is no girl, no drunkenness, no rape. Rbick was simply using that as an analogy.
June 11th, 2008, 11:44 PM
Yes, but details like that are often not stated. Just saying. I'm playing the devils advocate.
June 12th, 2008, 09:13 AM
I thought about that as well, and its a good point. My first inclination was that the cops were just being assholes, but the media of course is always leaving out details as a way to bend the story in their favor. This I know.
After further thinking about the situation, I thought that perhaps simply removing the individuals from the crowd and kicking them outside would be sufficient. Disorderly conduct seems pushing it a bit. Maybe if they were screaming obscenities and throwing food it would make sense that they would arrest and charge them. If it was in fact "like a funeral" and the one individual only gave a few whoops and clapping, then there is definitely something wrong with the behavior of the police. This isn't the first time that things like this have happened, which is why I brought it to attention.
Charles Owlen Picket
June 12th, 2008, 10:52 AM
.... but the media of course is always leaving out details as a way to bend the story in their favor.....
That's the biggest problem with analogous references using the "news" as a medium for one's premise. I understand where you're going 100%; the problem is that we have distorted "if it bleeds; it leads" ambiguity.
I try to get more than one source element for the conclusion, therefore I don't have to worry that the idiots in the copy room embellished or omitted factors that lead to the ridiculous actions. But let's say for the moment that there were substantiating stories (it's likely true, in any event).....Public Schools are out of control and dumbed down to maintain statistics for further funding.
As an adult, you've seen what we have to contend with today in-so-far as high school graduates in America's Public schools. The students are barely functional. They are NOT on par with those of Europe or Asia. That's a problem that creeps steadily back to the Teacher's Union.
When we see a zealous over-reaction on the part of the Administration, we are saddened, stunned, & disgusted. I would suggest that if you have an interest, you check out this link:
The book, I believe, is free and it makes for intense reading for anyone concerned with what will take place in the near future due to our faulty school system. It may make some of you VERY upset. However your original point that the over control, the reactionary nature of the Administration is disgusting. (IMO) it's simply a natural progression from letting the little darlings control their learning environment. If they knew everything they think they knew, there would be no need for further learning. If their parents actually did their job, there would be no need for schools to attempt to "parent" both parties. This is a "loose-loose" situation. I believe this has been slowly brought about by the "empowerment"-movement.
Look at this Forum for instance. We are actually parenting in a unique sense the blathering of immature idiots who would harm themselves, their community, & reduce even further the freedoms we have to experiment with high energy science or related topics. We are almost forced into that role due to the very nature of the subject as well as the self-obsessed "me-first" attitude of someone who wants what he wants, when he wants it. .....Use a Search engine? Fuck that! Tell me how to make C4 out of bleach. Use a Search engine? Fuck that! Tell me how to pose as a "sniper" while I masturbate in front of the computer.
While over-regulation and reactionary diminishment of self expression is a very real problematic factor, we are pushed into that position by forces that may not have existed with such depth some many years back. The issue is quite wide. It's horizons; far reaching.
June 13th, 2008, 02:21 AM
I honestly doubt the girl was raped. Drunk and made a mistake is the most probable answer. The girl crying rape is a too often happenstance in this continent.
Yes, but details like that are often not stated. Just saying. I'm playing the devils advocate.
What in god's name are you talking about? haha
June 14th, 2008, 03:43 AM
Wow.. Charles I couldn't have said it better myself! I'm fairly young, 28, even so.. I see kids a couple years younger who have been coddled and not taught anything in school except what is wrong with this country. It makes me sick. The failure of the public schools to teach is very worrisome for me even though I'm not a parent. What ever happened to critical thinking? Or being taught to think rather than what to believe? Anyway.. I'll get off my soapbox now.
Rbick; You're right. I can't help but think "Police State" when reading that article.
Jacks Complete
June 16th, 2008, 02:57 PM
As someone living in a police state (the UK) you have my sympathy.
Compare this story to the one above:
A card-carrying member of the Labour party is at the party conference. He has, of course, like everyone else, been searched and vetted before being allowed in, despite being a pensioner. The Prime Minister is giving a speech, and tells a lie. The man heckles the PM. He is then roughly ejected by security staff and handed to police, who detain him as a suspected terrorist! The heckle? He shouted "Rubbish!" once. :mad:
This shit is everywhere now. For a very erudite article on what has happened in the last ten years of Labour party rule, read this article:,opinion,why-david-davis-is-a-hero
and then be thankful that you guys have a written constitution that people have actually heard of.
Charles Owlen Picket
June 17th, 2008, 10:58 AM
@ Jacks Complete:
I am very thankful.
I have read with both fascination and sadness for some many years now what you have written about the UK. I also know that there are those within the UK who love their country with the same passion that some in the USA do theirs. What's more I can easily understand the frustration of seeing all this mess & believing it to be unsolvable.
We face many problems together as do our brothers in AUS & NZ. As I grow older one of the most compelling is that we live with a marketing driven society (as opposed to a "market-driven" society). We swallow the pap & Pablum that the commercial world feeds us; written as it is, for a 13 year old mentality. What's more I believe that those who seek an easy answer are not only fooling themselves but are easy pray for Totalitarian political directions.
The same people who actually believe that such things as totalitarian dictatorships would be a better choice would also fall prey to the marketing hype that declares that drinking a specific beer would make you more glamourous & desirable to the opposite sex.
June 17th, 2008, 07:22 PM
I must agree with Charles on this matter. More frequently are we witnessing these actions taken by police. In Canada we enjoy the same amount of freedom as that of a caged bird. So much potential and so close, but we may never be able to truly spread our wings.
It is sad to see that unlawful police action usually goes uncontested at the time of the offence. How can the public contest police actions without being subjected to bias media, and false testimony?
It is unfortunate that we must feel so powerless, where in an event of great happiness, one cannot show that that expression of raw emotion. I only hope that the frequency of these actions decrease, however without proper intervention why would they stop? I mean, Canada has gone far enough to restrict handguns, when will the government ever reverse those laws without proper intervention?
Indeed the new breed of consumers, are willing to give up their God given rights for a few false promises and 'security'. It's small instances as these (the article) which allow government to gage their power. It's like scoring with a girl. You gotta test the waters before you go in for the kill.
Charles Owlen Picket
June 18th, 2008, 11:37 AM
Like MANY folks here I have listened to people like Alex Jones and other less strident individuals who believe that some vast conspiracy exists to alter the world in a manner that suites them or allows profit or exploitation. I also can see the reason why many would think this a possibility. On a certain level this may even be possible (on certain economic levels & within certain markets); in software, for instance.
However when people start to grow older and especially travel to distant places, economies, and see the vast elements that must be in tune with the music to dance that special dance.....the reality hits home. The world is too vast and too marginalized to allow for a secret group of men & women to capture the souls of those outside the scope of their marketing arena to allow that manipulation to take place.
What is seen by some is a correlation between agendas that makes sense in the light of an attempt to gather power via a higher agenda. But it's not as easy as some would fearfully believe. We have laws that restrict firearms & other weapons because it's easier to "attack" an inanimate object than human behaviour.....It's really that simple. That does NOT mean that I like the idea or agree with those stupid attempts to control behaviour via controlling an object! ...Far from it. But I believe that we have unfortunately seen many diverse people come up with the same simple solutions to complex problems.
As oil prices rise we will be squeezed into a recession or eventually a depression by those countries that have an agenda with capturing the US/Western market in various forms. This is not one group. Logic shows us that it just cannot be so. However when agendas interact or are auto-contributory, it may SEEM like some vast conspiracy exists simply because the groups ARE diverse.
When I was a little boy and first heard about the concept of atomic theory I thought that the solar system resembled a molecule and that solar systems themselves are examples of molecular structure on a massive scale. I thought this idea very original, until another little boy said that he "thought that too". I was crushed. I thought I had something SO original.....but I was wrong. Other people often think in similar ways.
No individual has EVER shown me proof that the Jewish dentist in Douglas Arizona (Dr. Pearlman) is involved in some super secret Star-Chamber organization to dominate the world and enslave mankind. Nor has anyone shown me proof that Country Club conservatives can control much more than their specific empires coincide with. Bohemian Grove meetings simply don't have the man power from the vast sources of economic influence to do so. (When Alex Jones first introduced this idea the first thing that came to mind when I looked at the "List" was that virtually NO members represented Asia......oooops!). I am rapidly loosing my interest in conspiracies. Not only does the concept seem childish; but illogical!
IF a conspiracy exists, it is a conspiracy of hedonism, consumerism, & lack of motivation on the part of those who could contribute to society in a positive manner. If a conspiracy exists, it is a conspiracy of those who would look for the easy road to achievement. ......Whether that be a political office or a pathetic feeling of self importance; the results are still minuscule compared to what could have been accomplished.
June 19th, 2008, 06:47 AM
I recently realized that if there were some sort of global conspiracy it would most likely be not what people expect, but it may appear that way.
I recently thought to myself that if there were a conspiracy in place it would be one that would force a global "Caste" system, but a more divisive and polar one than the hindu caste system . It would basically consist of two levels, rich and not rich. I think the global conglomerate of rich elite people and corporations have realized as the scientists have that we are consuming resources faster than they are being replenished. So the Rich people wanting to preserve their future perfect lifestyle, start a chain of events on earth that will eventually make consumerism obsolete except for the extremely wealthy thus slowing down the rate of consumption to a level the earth can sustain indefinitely. They basically NEED to make the world poor to sustain their lifestyles indefinitely. But they are doing it to protect us from ourselves though, and for being so nice they get to live lives where everything is palatial.
Secong Nature
July 25th, 2008, 03:28 AM
It's a global trend that I link to growing population. Many asain countries have moved there already.
Control the population, protect them from themselves, restrict their minds and the population won't collapse under its own weight.
Imagine what would happen if people in China suddenly wanted free though? It would go past a SHTF scenario.
By keeping a population in a controlled state it won't tear itself apart and take you with it.
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