View Full Version : Dipentaerythrite Hexanitrate useful ?
May 27th, 2008, 03:06 PM
Has anyone worked with nitration of dipentaerythrite? I´ve understand it is less sensitive to friction, less sensitive to the mechanical shock of the drop test, and less sensitive to temperature than PETN, but it is LESS STABLE and decomposes much more rapidly at 100º.
The detonations of charges of 250 to 400 g are said to be satisfactory and impressive. If one had access to say 2 Kg of dipentaerythrite, would it be better to make dipentaerythrite hexanitrate, or stick with ETN?
Does anyone know what level instability DPETN has, and is it safe to plasticize and store it? I am contemplating mixing in AN to act as a stabilizer to avoid losing some of the DPETN.
June 24th, 2008, 05:49 PM
Has somebody worked with nitration of Dipentaerythrite ? I´ve understood that is less sensitive to friction, less sensitive to the mechanical shock of the drop test, and less sensitive to temperature than PETN, but it is LESS STABLE and descomposes much more rapidly at 100º.
The detonations that I have carried out have really been satisfactory and impressive. Charges of 250 and 400 grs
I got 2Kg of dipenta and i don´t know if it´s better option or choose the option of ETN best...
What level inestability does DPETN have?
Is it safe to plasticize and store it? I´m thinkin about stabilize it putting something of AN in the final mixture for not wasting the material without use
June 25th, 2008, 07:46 PM
Insomnia, rephrasing the same questions nearly a month later isn't going to help your cause. What you did is effectively just bump your thread, which has always been a big no-no here. Not sure about now, but definitely back in the day... severe spankings were dealt for such behavior. Wise up.
If anyone had wanted to help you, they surely would have already. This is about as far as I am willing: Try this link HERE ( or maybe THIS ( one.
June 25th, 2008, 11:21 PM
Just curious is this type of post frowned upon? Moderators chime in please. AS far as I know this hasn't been discussed here (Dipentaerythrite Hexanitrate), and it has been awhile and no one has posted so this thread was probably not visible on the first page, and therefore not attracting attention. On top of that this post wasn't something like years old so it is not necromancy (from my point of view at least)
I am also guessing since this compound is not well known the chances of someone coming out with information or thinking about it, without some sort of encouragement, such as a thread bumping is very low., This type of bump may bring about some new interesting discussion and knowledge that may accompany it. I would agree with you in almost every other situation, but this isn't someone bumping a thread or question that has been done to death.
Anyway, I hope I am not overstepping my boundaries by chiming in here with my opinion!!!
Because I for one after seeing this has my curiosity peaked, so now I am very interested in hearing about this, and possible discussion on synthesizing Dipentaerythrite/Dipentaerythritol whichever term is more appropriate, and the subsequent nitrate.
June 26th, 2008, 08:13 PM
If I have repeated the post is because I don't know the language well and I thought that there would not be answer because it would not have understood well for my translation :(
I have already used the option search, it is the first that I make Festergrump, and I think that, as Barnacles says, it can be interesting and never one has spoken before in depth.
Pardon if I have made an error, it was not my intention. Thank you for understand me Barnacles.
Moderator Note:
Repeating a post is one issue; lack of clarity is another. There are some very significant reasons why the Forum places emphasis on reviewing one's Language skills. The are also boards in German that do the same. This issue is certainly not restricted to English alone by any means.
We are dealing with materials, techniques & actions that are potentially extremely dangerous. Mistakes or misunderstanding can cost limbs & lives. This has been understood through various past tragedies. Time & again, even those whose native language is English receive the same caution in their dialog or communication skills. That is why "text speak" and foolish "Elite high ascii" text is also inappropriate.
Some of the worst "accidents" have occurred because of a lack of total understanding of a process, event, or chemical. The thing that separates many different forums [that may have the same basic focus] is the emphasis on proper,functional technique and learning. That can only be achieved through clear communication.
Often people laugh at the foolish English speaker who repeats his same dialog louder thinking that someone who speaks another language will understand if it's just slower and louder English. Take your time & be patient. There maybe a very good reason why an answer is not forth coming.
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