View Full Version : Flaming Perdifluoroaminohexamine
A.Q. Square
May 1st, 2008, 12:43 PM
If anyone thinks my proposal in the High Explosives section is good, bad, clever, stupid, practical, impractical, turgid or flaccid, please express yourself here unless you have something constructive to say about the chemistry itself. I hope to keep posts like the following from getting my threads dirtier than Lewinsky's dress.
A.Q. Square: You may not be getting the picture, therefore I will be very succinct.
The Mr. Wizard speculative chemistry is not particularly rewarding to read nor is it practical in the context of this forum.(Strike One) A six line blurb that makes an attempt at theoretical chemistry is not particularly professional in that context either.(Strike Two)
What's more you have been told this before.
You don't have to prove your intellect to anyone. In this world no matter how well endowed you are intellectually there is always someone with a much bigger, longer, more erect intellect. Attempting to show off your grasp of theoretic chemistry may even have a bit of a bearing on the subject matter if there was some practical or utilitarian use for what you are discussing. In this case we don't have any of that.
The whole post is completely impractical and simply serves as a showcase for the bandying about of verbiage relating to theoretical chemistry. The analogy of the penis size contest is very close to the truth here. What people are seeing from all this is someone who is attempting to display "their size" intellectually, with no end-game other than ego gratification. No matter what your sexual proclivity, both girls & boys like it when you USE IT not just display it..... This is very important advice & I would think about it before you even attempt to reply.
May 1st, 2008, 01:44 PM
Square: charles is a respected member here. He is also a moderator if I recall correctly... Now it is nice to see a newbie with chemistry but if said newb is going to flame charles or any other staff member your stay here is destined to be a short one. I would try my luck on science madness if I were you. No flaming older members! :Mad:
May 1st, 2008, 01:59 PM
You've got to be kidding me....
Just pray that by some divine grace you will be saved from the pits of fiery HED death.
And to make it very clear why:
-You posted a Mr. Wizard thread.
-You kept going with the Mr. Wizard thread.
-You haven't given a shred of proof for your claims - and you tell well respected members that they are wrong.
-You now started another thread asking if you were right to post the first Mr. Wizard thread at all! You seriously need to learn when to stop talking.
This is BFL material right here.
May 1st, 2008, 02:12 PM
You are such a pathetic little worm, you need to learn your place.
Charles is a Mod and a damn good one at that, how fucking dare you even contemplate challenging him?
You have broken so many of this forums' rules that I am amazed you are even around to read this.
BFL for sure.
May 1st, 2008, 03:15 PM
Wow, that's a lot of arrogance!
Perhaps you should have considered lurking for a while to see how we treat other members of the forum. I personally think Charles is one of our more valued members, if you showed a little respect you might get treated better here. (although I would imagine your stay here will be short.)
A.Q. Square
May 1st, 2008, 03:41 PM
I meant my thread to be helpful, and he made it personal. I didn't appreciate him telling me it was about the size of my whatever. Since he thought everyone needed to see him demean me, I was harsh. If he is sorry for it, I apologize.
May 1st, 2008, 05:16 PM
Mr square: your name implies exactly what you are. You are, in fact, a square. A square cannot move. You, it seems, cannot move either. Therefore a square being an object which does not move, you are a square. You were told by mega, who is the owner of this website that the thread was useless. It is. We here do not deal in the theoretical. Therefore making your thread useless. Then, refusing to move on, you create a second thread which is about the first one! Then you insult a moderator! Thus you prove that you are a useless geometric shape, ie. a square.
To mods: Sorry if that was useless. I had to vent. I think that this dude should have a round peg in his square hole. Bye mr square!
May 1st, 2008, 06:01 PM
Whether or not you appreciated the exceptionally apt comparison of your thread and your 'whatever' is utterly irrelevant.
You were warned by Mega; whom you should know not to screw with anyway and also by Charles, a repected and intelligent Mod. This should have ensured that you took the hint and shut up until you could contribute something worthwhile.
You however kept on talking about nothing and even went so far as to criticize the Mod that put you right.
This thread however is rapidly becoming as useless as you have demonstrated yourself to be.
Closed, with no offence to any contributing Mods/members.
May 3rd, 2008, 02:02 PM
Ahh this is rich. A perfect example of a Mr Wizard is someone who proposes outlandish theories, so-called brilliant ideas, and reaction schemes with no foundation in science.
To propose advanced theories you need to cite sources to relevant publications that give merit to the theory, you must also demonstrate experimental results that support the claim. To simply say this might happen, or this might be nice if it did happen is a tremendous waste of everyones time.
What we have here is a hypothesis. A hypothesis is nice, but it is futile to discuss it unless you have performed experiments, or such experiments are imminent. The Internet is great for letting people talk all day about nothing. Empty scientific hypotheses amount to mental masturbation that invites speculation, a lot of pseudo-scientific discourse, and a lot of time wasted.
I don't care how smart you think you are, anyone making outlandish claims had better back up their posts with pictures or proof of experimental results. Theory has no place on The Forum! We want results, we want how-to, we want something we can accomplish now.
A.Q. Square is a perfect example of a false intellectual. He thinks just because he can string together a few chemical terms he is a chemist. He exposes himself as a poser through his posts by acting quite unlike a professionally trained scientist. A real scientist would know better, a real scientist would not just pick his nose until a thought dropped out. Square sounds like some high school kid who thinks just because he got an A on his nomenclature test that all of a sudden he knows about difluoro compounds. Only a stupid man thinks enough of himself that he is the only one true source for a scientific idea, and here Square sounds like he is personally taking credit for an entire field of chemistry... a field he only read about in a magazine.
Stop playing chemistry madlibs and making up chemical names. Put some god damned work into your ideas before you talk about them like every other real chemist. What a terrible world this would be if every paper in JACS or JOC was nothing but chemists writing about theories and chemical reactions that might happen! Leave that crap to physicists and physical chemists.
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