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View Full Version : Improving a thermite reaction

April 30th, 2008, 08:56 PM
My father and I have been experimenting with chemistry for a few years and have had quite a few successes. I'd like to add my most recent experiment to the list.

Materials used:
I used the electrolysis of a piece of scrap iron plate stock to get about 500 grams of Iron Oxide. I used a home-made crusher that I have not yet found a name for, to bring it to an extremely fine powder. The aluminum was made from filings from a piece of aluminum rod I had from a failed rocket attempt. At first the aluminum shavings I got was very coarse. I managed to solve this problem by moving to a finer toothed file and using an improvised mortar and pestle to bring it to an acceptable quality.

Tools used:
A mortar and pestle made from a shot glass given to me by an ex girlfriend and a handle of my father's old drill press. I also used the crusher mentioned above that I made out of a plastic melatonin container that had been emptied the day before and a string of heavy steel beads that I bought for another project that had an excess of materials. Some other tools used include a wide variety of files, a 2ampere cordless drill charger, and the usual disposable margarine containers.

The materials were created then mixed in several batches that varied in proportions (1:1, 1:2, 1:4, 2:1, and 4:1.) I gave them another run through the mortar and pestle to get the substance a bit finer before ignition. Each pile was ignited.

The 1:1 pile reacted quite well. 70% of it burned and the rest was covered in slag afterwards. The 1:2 iron oxide/aluminum was the best looking. It shot sparks and lit up my whole backyard. The others didn't react quite as well as these two.

Problems faced:
The first problem I found was making the aluminum powder. I couldn't get the shavings fine enough. I solved this by moving on to a smaller and finer toothed file. This did provide finer powder but not to the quality that I hoped for. Another problem was that I had trouble igniting the powder. At first I thought that the flame of a propane torch would be hot enough to light it. I was sadly mistaken. In the end I used a mixture of smokeless powder and a crushed sparkler mix that could be lit by a cigarette lighter (or even the cigarette) to get the reaction started.

Future improvements:
If I ever feel the need to once again conduct this experiment, I would most likely buy a commercially available product even though the point of this was to prove that I could do it with only basic and readily available tools and materials. I would also light the substance with an oxyacetylene torch to assure proper and efficient ignition

Questions to the community
What�s a good DIY way to make aluminum/magnesium powder in a very fine mesh in the area of 800-1000? Was there anything I should have done that I missed?

Look forward to my write up on my bolt action rifle made from Ramset cartridges and home-treated/tempered steel.

May 2nd, 2008, 12:20 PM
Better Al powder will make your reaction more energetic. Ball mills are easy enough for the home experimenter to build, as seen here:


May 2nd, 2008, 05:39 PM
Seems to me that thermite and making metal powders are both subjects that have been discussed to death in multiple threads, so why start a new one?

May 2nd, 2008, 11:24 PM
Using a ball mill for several weeks is an option. You will get very fine Al powder or Mg, Al will take longer. A 1:1 ratio is not a good mix. SEARCH for a good combination as there are several.

We don't care to see your formal lab write-up about making Kw3l thermite; cave man style.

I've got a good idea for you, make thermite with Copper Oxide instead, use real fine Al and get up REAL close to see the reaction. It will blow you away :D

Look forward to my write up on my bolt action rifle made from Ramset cartridges and home-treated/tempered steel.

I for one will not be looking forward to your write up. Chances are, the way you are going, you won't be sticking around long enough to entertain us with it :rolleyes:

May 3rd, 2008, 12:25 PM
Crazywhiteguy: I concur with the others on the point that you should have used the search function. And that your thermite mix is not the best. However do not follow totenkov'S advice about standing close to the copper thermite! It will kill you! Anyway, I did like the way you wrote up the article in a formal manner, and I, for one, do look forward to your write up on the ramset rifle, guns being very controlled it ireland, however they are relaxing the laws and allowing handguns and bigger rifles...

Look for wouter visser'S page on ball mills to mill the powder. However do please UTFSE.