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View Full Version : How nbk2000 spent his spring break

March 22nd, 2008, 09:30 PM
A few years back, I recall a work of speculative fiction by nbk2000 involving spring break college idiots, al Queda, lewisite/mustard gas and general mayhem. I can't find it after repetitive searches of both the forum and google- Anyone know where it has got to???

March 22nd, 2008, 10:18 PM
Well, it definitely isn't the only thread that disappeared lately from the forum.

I reckon you should think along the lines of 'recent events' + 'canada' + 'possible incriminating evidence' ;)

Mr Science
March 23rd, 2008, 12:45 AM
I can imagine everything being done is for the sake of covering NBK's ass (remember his RTPB rules?). This is just to protect him if/when he goes to trial.

March 26th, 2008, 11:18 AM
I found it! Go to www.roguesci.org/theforum/archive/index.php then go to the water cooler. Its on page two. I can access it via my cell phone.

Otherwise search for 'FICTION: The Job, Part 2'. That is how I found it. Its damn good!

Has anybody got a copy of his RTPB files? I lost mine thanks to a virus and cant find it anywhere.

March 28th, 2008, 03:20 AM
None of nbk's threads have gone anywhere. That would not serve any purpose because I am sure the fedgov already has an archive of everything. Why deprive the rest of the world the wit and wisdom of nbk?

Water Cooler threads are not indexed by the search engine so they don't pollute the results with false positives. You can use the google search though.

The thread of the story is here:

April 3rd, 2008, 12:41 PM
Mega where is the old story about the bank job?
I think it was by written nbk2000 not too sure tho.