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View Full Version : Sperm Bank for Aryan Martyr's

November 3rd, 2007, 10:08 AM
Originally posted on Stormfront.org, but they didn't approve it...wonder why? :p


The enemy ideology of islam is spreading across the world, infecting White nations with this alien disease, weakening us from within.

One of the things islam has going for it is no lack of volunteers for suicide operations against their enemies. One reason for this is, I assume, the promise of 72 virgins in the afterlife. All well and good.

But let's see if we can improve upon this, shall we?

White's don't believe in allah, so we don't get 72 virgins, we get Valhalla if you die in battle against your enemies.

This doesn't do you (or the Race) any good though, if you've no children.

I remember reading a story about how some soldiers going to Iraq were going to sperm banks, so they could have children in the future, in case DU poisoning or GW disease (same thing) made them sterile.

So, what if Aryan warriors knew they'd be posthumous fathers, their children raised and taken care of in the ways of the Race, as a reward for martyr operations?

They benefit by passing on their genetics without the expense of caring for the offspring themselves, the Race benefits by retaining the genetics of warriors willing to sacrifice themselves, and the women benefit by being supported by the community without working in the ZOG system.

In order to work, the system would have to be anonymous, as ZOG would infiltrate the sperm bank in an attempt to get the identification of the donors to assassinate them pre-op.

To prevent this, no names are required or even desired.

The 'donation' would be sent in a cold-pack just before the operation, being in transit at the time of the actual operation, making any attempt at identification futile. The donation would be identified only by a code word or phrase that would have meaning after the operation, proving advanced knowledge on the part of the donor, proving the origin of the sample.

This proof of origin is important, as only those who have sacrificed themselves deserve the reward of the Race caring for their children. And it must be seen as a reward, by both the martyred donor, and the woman who'll be birthing his child. The community must support the endeavor for it to succeed.

To prevent gaming of the system by ZOG, who might use the opportunity of a self-inflicted wound to insert some mud DNA into the sperm bank, all samples would be tested to ensure no mud genetics, as well as no hereditary diseases, as racial-purity and hygiene is a tenant of the 14 words.

November 25th, 2007, 03:46 PM
So, is this some attempt by sperm banks to go back to old nazi projects of producing aryan supermen or something? It seems kind of ironic that a group so obsessed with genetic superiority would purposely stunt their own evolutionary growth through what is essentially inbreeding.

November 25th, 2007, 04:10 PM
This idea could go beyond German National Socialism. There is plenty of genetic diversity within the Aryan Race to prevent any type of inbreeding, there is no need nor excuse to mix our genetics with other races to accomplish evolutionary growth.

November 26th, 2007, 12:37 AM
1. Genetic diversity with the "Aryan Race" (a term that was actually taken from an empire in india by the way) is not exactly very much.
2. If you actually wanted a race of supermen you'd do the smart thing and mix all the best qualities from all races, that's how great societies work, that's how great inventions work, one must take the best things from everything and combine them, not take the things from only one thing, or else you'll end up like some of the weirdass purebred dogs who all have hip problems and such.

November 26th, 2007, 02:12 AM
There is plenty of genetic diversity within the Aryan Race to prevent any type of inbreeding, there is no need nor excuse to mix our genetics with other races to accomplish evolutionary growth.Absolutely correct.

Besides, there must have been a time long ago when the people who evolved into the white race were geographically isolated from those who became the muds! Each race evolved separately because each race was confined (more or less) to a different geographic region. For example, whites have lighter skin (and are thus more susceptible to sunburn) and tend to be much more intelligent than niggers because whites evolved in the colder northern climates while niggers remained in fertile, sunny Africa.

As for the Aryan/white martyr sperm bank, I like the idea. However, I'm not conversant with the technical hurdles apart from the need for liquid nitrogen and some method of preparing the sperm for artificial insemination prior to freezing. If I'm not mistaken, the freezing process must also be controlled rather carefully (e.g., the sperm must not be chilled too quickly).

Potentially more difficult, I think, would be the logistics. If some kind of race war or other civil war were underway, then naturally having a single location for the bank would probably be a bad idea. The bank would best be distributed over a number of secret and well-protected locations, and a records system would have to be developed to keep track of where everyone's sperm were kept. Such a large-scale cooperative effort would be difficult, but I can't think of why it wouldn't be possible if enough people wanted it.

Sadly, we're still a long way from a time when white men will decide to fight for their race in any numbers. America in particular is under the spell of the Jew. Most whites would rather give a blowjob to a horse than take up arms against those who wish to see the white race destroyed by miscegenation. But the situation might change if there's ever a major economic collapse, or if/when the US-ZOG Empire collapses under its own weight as the USSR did.

November 26th, 2007, 05:20 AM
So, is this some attempt by sperm banks to go back to old nazi projects of producing aryan supermen or something? It seems kind of ironic that a group so obsessed with genetic superiority would purposely stunt their own evolutionary growth through what is essentially inbreeding.

There is sow much variety and diversity in the caucasoid branch (Nordic, Alpine and Mediterranean), that you will need a substantial background in anthropology to get involved in the subject. I’m telling you this because its apparent to me that you have no knowledge on the subject at hand, I mean you didn’t say anything about which of the three sub groups was more susceptible too this “inbreeding”, some have less, some more diversity.
AND by the whey blacks have less diversity.

“To illustrate the concept of these three main sub groupings: although there is a broadly termed "Black race" in existence, there are major sub-groupings amongst that racial grouping: the Congo basin Pygmy and the ultra tall Masai tribesmen of Kenya are two good examples of sub groupings within the Black racial group.

A sub grouping is therefore a branch of a particular race which exhibits slightly different physical characteristics but still shares enough of a common genetic inheritance with other sub-groupings to be included in a broad racial category.”

From Arthur Kemp’s March of the Titans www.white-history.com

1. Genetic diversity with the "Aryan Race" (a term that was actually taken from an empire in india by the way) is not exactly very much.
2. If you actually wanted a race of supermen you'd do the smart thing and mix all the best qualities from all races, that's how great societies work, that's how great inventions work, one must take the best things from everything and combine them, not take the things from only one thing, or else you'll end up like some of the weirdass purebred dogs who all have hip problems and such.

Not exactly very much huh, well what about this http://nordish.com/
It only dells whit the Nordic sub-group, imagine the rest of the mixed sub-groupings:eek:,

Whites had less time on this earth then blacks and mongoloids, yet still managed to invent and create the marvels of today.
Now what wood be the smart thing to do hear??
You propose to mix whit supermen who had all the time in the world to evolve out of there mud huts!

November 26th, 2007, 07:13 AM
...the "Aryan Race" (a term that was actually taken from an empire in india by the way)

If what you're saying is true, then the Persians and Medes of 2,000 years ago must have been lying when they described themselves as Aryans.

The Aryans are/were a racial/tribal grouping that invaded India at one point, not an "Empire" from India.

Here's a link to part 1 of an ebook explaining the history of the "Aryans":

As for your accusation that the Nazi definition of "Aryans" doesn't leave room for genetic diversity, you can see examples of the many subgroupings of the "white race" at these two sites:

If you actually wanted a race of supermen you'd do the smart thing and mix all the best qualities from all races, that's how great societies work, that's how great inventions work, one must take the best things from everything and combine them ...

So how exactly do you "combine" them without getting all the undesirable characteristics as baggage, and without trading useful characteristics for less useful characteristics?

PS: This discussion should be split off into a race thread.

November 26th, 2007, 04:52 PM
1. The idea that black people are less intelligent than whites is completely unfounded.
2. When you talk about the technical progress of whites you fail to take into account such important factors such as things like geography and cultures, not genetics. Also you must remember that many of the technical wonders of the world have come from Asian people as well.
3. I find it hilarious actually that there are people so bigoted and ignorant that they will ignore all evidence to continue their racism. It's kind of how young earth creationists ignore all the evidence showing that they are full of bs.
P.S. Those divisions you found in the "white race" can be just as easily found in any "race" you want, because I looked at that, and they are arbitrary divides masquerading as actual genetic differences.

November 26th, 2007, 06:39 PM
Those divisions you found in the "white race" can be just as easily found in any "race" you want, because I looked at that, and they are arbitrary divides masquerading as actual genetic differences, cuz physical differences are due to it being the way G-d made them, not genetic differences, y'know?

If you were not just here to troll us with knee-jerk leftist dogma, you'd have provided evidence that whites are severely lacking in genetic diversity (because a grouping of only a half-billion people is highly susceptible to inbreeding?).

November 26th, 2007, 07:35 PM
1. The idea that black people are less intelligent than whites is completely unfounded.
2. When you talk about the technical progress of whites you fail to take into account such important factors such as things like geography and cultures, not genetics. Also you must remember that many of the technical wonders of the world have come from Asian people as well.

Unfounded huh? If we had not brought them over here and let them learn from US they would still be poking termite mounds with sticks. This is evident when you look at the ones that remained in africa.

Yes some Japanese are intelligent, but they are also funny-looking little nerds with tiny dicks. 'Nuff said.:)

November 26th, 2007, 08:50 PM
1. I thought by "Aryan Race" you meant the extremely specific blonde blue-eyed bunch of people that it commonly refers to, not all white people.
2. Ah Genocyde, lets look at the fact that you are completely ignoring the immense geological and social factors that caused this, it actually his nothing to do with genetics but with environment.
3. You're point about asian people is nothing short of idiotic and I have no idea how the hell you expect me to take you seriously spouting that sort of bs.

November 26th, 2007, 10:09 PM
I'm not ignoring anything. What geological and social factors? Give me a break.

What's idiotic about it? Why the hell would we want to interbreed with short, funny-looking, tiny dicked people?

November 26th, 2007, 10:19 PM
1. The idea that black people are less intelligent than whites is completely unfounded.

2. When you talk about the technical progress of whites you fail to take into account such important factors such as things like geography and cultures, not genetics. Also you must remember that many of the technical wonders of the world have come from Asian people as well.
Oh, sow whites some how cheated by moving into a more harsh environment, wile the poor africans staid in there fertile lands?
Now you mite say wtf is he talking about?, fertile lands? Last time I check the TV they were starving to death!
Correct but its not the land that is to blame it’s the people, a successful civilization always creates a surplus of food (not children) to feed there leaders, inventors, blacksmiths, soldiers etc. Wee have all seen the children among the starving, it made me realize why the hell are this “people” having children when day don’t have food fore them self.
I’m not familiar whit African cultures but any culture who allows this stupidity to repeat itself on a regular basis has an inferior stock of genetics .

And yes the Asians contributed significantly to the modern world, notably the Japanese.
But without the whites they wood have stagnated and never achieve there modern societies, they are imitators not innovators. http://www.white-history.com/hwr45.htm

3. I find it hilarious actually that there are people so bigoted and ignorant that they will ignore all evidence to continue their racism.

Yes it’s very hilarious when you promulgate concentrated evil (shit).
There is no evidence that states that human phenotypes are all the same in intelligence and in innovation. But there is evidence proving my point, far to much for me to present to some one as ignorant and Brainwashed by modern rhetoric as you clearly are, you present an argument based on what, tv propaganda, common man.
I mean were is your evidence? And feel good tree hugging theories don’t count.

P.S. Those divisions you found in the "white race" can be just as easily found in any "race" you want, because I looked at that, and they are arbitrary divides masquerading as actual genetic differences.

Well that says something about your understanding on anthropology ” I looked at that” wohoow, did you also measured it because that’s how it actually works, without measurements its invalid. For example a cat(felis silvestris catus) looks just like a wildcat (felis silvestris) and a sand cat (felis margarita) but there different species they also have nearly identical DNA obviously, but at the same time cannot reproduce whit one another. Sow yah, you looked at that but you still managed to spew propaganda.

P.S Asriel, I will not be replying to any more retarded posts, do some research on the subject then post some evidence.

November 27th, 2007, 12:20 AM
Frankly there is only one part of your post that really makes any sense and that is that you won't be replying to my posts, and I am thankful to that, that is one less bigoted idiot to deal with, you have my humble thanks.

November 27th, 2007, 03:42 AM
Frankly there is only one part of your post that really makes any sense and that is that you won't be replying to my posts, and I am thankful to that, that is one less bigoted idiot to deal with, you have my humble thanks.

NO that is not what I said, I actually challenged you to make a post that contained tangible evidence that supported your earlier statements.
1.The idea that black people are less intelligent than whites is completely unfounded.
2,3 bla bla etc.
And your previous posts that contain other non provable shit.
That’s why I was referring to your posts as retarded, notice the lack of evidence, I do.
And for your lack of understanding of what I posted, I’m sorry but there is nothing I can do, if you don’t understand the concepts of measurements and science, all you’ll do is another (1,2,3,blabla) evidence lacking, verbal masturbation post. That is why your really here isn’t it?

Your comprehension skills are lacking.

You were specifically told to go back and address previous rebuttals before responding. The fact that you refused to do so, clearly shows that your argument doesn't have a leg to stand on. If it had, then you would have had no trouble refuting every point outlined in rebuttals to your posts. You failed to do so despite being asked.

You're through trying to manipulate and control this debate with your "selective interpretation." You've been proven wrong on every count.
Hell it isn’t the first time you did it, now is it.
I am however going to respond to evidence as wood any other member .
Till then stop hijacking nbk’s ideas to spread your own instant gratifying delusionary ideas.

Charles Owlen Picket
November 27th, 2007, 09:53 AM
I know this is a bit OT but there is a correlation to the above.....

Regarding the intelligence of Blacks; to think that "all people of black skin colour are less intelligent than others" is NOT what Watson or others were saying in various books on the subject [of objective measurements in intelligence]. I don't have what some call "white guilt" so I won't interject that "some blacks are very bright" or some other blather. But the points made, for instance, in the Bell Curve were salient. I will examine some of these.... Africans when examined in individual tribal boundaries were interesting; in that Africans have never had a written language. No books; not even many wall paintings of a "mural level of communication". Africans had not built permanent buildings or temples of any architecturally complex design. Africans had not made strides in the sciences from their humble beginnings. Art and music appears their forte'.

Individuals of African ancestry when tested had a "Bell Curve" in intelligence, just like any other group. The differences were that the lower spectrum appeared broadened compared to others tested. This could be accounted for in many ways. However the testers were not of the mind that there is some "cultural" differences when the test subjects were Americans of African ancestry. That had been the issue previously and the elimination of that differentiation is what caused a great deal of anger on the part of the academic community.

While reading some of Watson's stuff I realized what the fuss is about. He did not bow to the God's of Academia and thus what came from his works were due scorn in payment for his indiscretions. The University has it's own mafia it would appear. None of these books reach any level of "extremism" IMO.

I would recommend reading books deemed to be "questionable" in that they may just be politically incorrect but not slipshod. Others may be poorly researched but yet have some merit in that they provide the bulwark of a discussion in that direction and their merits (or lack there of) can be discussed in a rational manner.

November 27th, 2007, 01:31 PM
This is a bit OT as well, but..

This Asriel character is really starting to annoy me. I'm not going to waste any time typing to humor you, I'll just link you to facts and as I said earlier, you're either to address all presented, factually and logically debunk everything presented, while providing references and links. If you can not do this, then you lose by default and show everyone here how silly you are.

1. The idea that black people are less intelligent than whites is completely unfounded.










2. When you talk about the technical progress of whites you fail to take into account such important factors such as things like geography and cultures, not genetics. Also you must remember that many of the technical wonders of the world have come from Asian people as well.


3. I find it hilarious actually that there are people so bigoted and ignorant that they will ignore all evidence to continue their racism. It's kind of how young earth creationists ignore all the evidence showing that they are full of bs.

Hypocrite. All you do is ignore evidence and continue your lies.

P.S. Those divisions you found in the "white race" can be just as easily found in any "race" you want, because I looked at that, and they are arbitrary divides masquerading as actual genetic differences.

Hmm.. Quotations, this tells me you don't believe in race, and that you think we're all the same - the don't we all bleed red argument. This, of course, shows how ignorant you really are.

I do have a question though, since I try to avoid Jew News. When, where, and how the fuck did this "inbreeding" thing come about? Mating with your own race has never been, nor will it ever be, inbreeding. Seriously, whoever came up with that insane idea is clinically insane and should be heavily medicated and locked in a padded cell.

------now on topic.

This is a good idea, I've heard of soldiers who knew they would die in the war impregnating their girlfriend/wife before shipping out to ensure the blood line continues.

But I see several problems, ZOG has lots of money and once they figure out about the operation could persuade them to allow some DNA contamination? Everyone likes money.

How could the headquarters be kept secret? It would have to be based somewhere unsuspected, definitely not in the US.

November 27th, 2007, 02:33 PM
1. The idea that black people are less intelligent than whites is completely unfounded.

I agree, it is completely unfounded. Unfortunately, when people talk about "blacks" or "whites" they mean African or European descent. Not skin colour par se.
The fact is (and this is a fact) that West Africans perform worse on IQ tests than Europeans. Similarly, Asians perform better than Europeans. That's not bigoted racism, that's a statistic.
You can call the test biased if you like, and maybe it is, but trying to argue against a mathematical certainty is utterly pointless.

Let's face it, can you name one world changing, modern invention that came from Africa? I would if I could, but I can't. Now, this isn't to say that people of African descent are "stupid" or worthless. There are many highly intelligent and productive 'black people', just as there are many Asians dumber than a water buffalo. It's a question of probability.

I'm not a white nationalist, and certainly not a racist, but you have to call a spade a spade.

2. When you talk about the technical progress of whites you fail to take into account such important factors such as things like geography and cultures, not genetics. Also you must remember that many of the technical wonders of the world have come from Asian people as well.

If a population clings to a backward and primitive culture, then it's hardly intelligent. You rather shot yourself in the foot there.
I agree that geography plays a role- Europeans had easier communication (not least due to the novelty of horse travel). Likewise, much of Africa is landlocked whereas Europe has more ports for trade with Asia and other countries.

Yes some Japanese are intelligent, but they are also funny-looking little nerds with tiny dicks. 'Nuff said.

Most people who say that kinda thing are 5'2 with thick eyebrows, short gremlinesque foreheads and dicks so small that the midwife thought they were a girl :p . Just saying ;) .

November 27th, 2007, 10:49 PM
1. As gerbil's post is the only one that has posted anything with merit, and not dripping with bile, lies, and other such trash, I will respond to his.
2. You see gerbil, first off I'm going to first be saying that I dislike IQ tests in general and veiw them as a very very poor indicator of intelligence.
3. I believe the reasons for the lower scores are social and geopolitical, not genetic, I'm not arguing the statistics, but the reason for them.
4. Many of these crazy white-power idiots seem to think it's some sort of genetic thing when the only things to this point they have posted is just more white-power propaganda,.
5. You see, I don't understand what you're reffering to in the first sentece of your second point, but in the rest of the point you must remember it was quite a few geographical features working against them.
A. The difficulty of travelling within africa
B. Much of it is landlocked as you said
These two factors stopped cultural diffusion such as happened in europe, for an interesting look at the geographical influence on culture check out the begining parts of the book "Guns, Germs, and Steel" a very nifty book that I reccomend highly, your should check it out Gerbil
C. On you're third point, you are entirely right.

November 28th, 2007, 12:29 PM
These two factors stopped cultural diffusion such as happened in europe, for an interesting look at the geographical influence on culture check out the begining parts of the book "Guns, Germs, and Steel" a very nifty book that I reccomend highly, ...


December 9th, 2007, 08:52 PM
2. You see gerbil, first off I'm going to first be saying that I dislike IQ tests in general and veiw them as a very very poor indicator of intelligence.

IQ tests have their flaws, but I wouldn't call them a "very very poor" indicator of intelligence. The results of IQ tests have been shown to correlate to people and groups with higher/lower achievements- if they didn't work then you'd just see things like street rats getting higher results then scientific researchers and philosophers. They don't.
Similarly, we can see differences in achievements between cultures, as suggested by IQ tests (Africa->Europe->Asia). To be fair, Asia in modern times hasn't really progressed very much, but Islam can be blamed for this to some extent. Anyway, just look at the growth happening today.

3. I believe the reasons for the lower scores are social and geopolitical, not genetic, I'm not arguing the statistics, but the reason for them.

There are many reasons besides genetics, and I agree that social factors play a dominant role. But it stands to reason that people from a less advanced society are likely to be less "genetically intelligent" than those from a more affluent, scientific culture. Natural selection means that organisms suited to their environment survive- in the deepest darkest jungle, theorising quantum mechanics is going to be somewhat less useful than the ability to hunt and survive.
Why else is it that top athletes tend to be of African descent? Nobody views that as "racist", yet it's the same thing.

4. Many of these crazy white-power idiots seem to think it's some sort of genetic thing when the only things to this point they have posted is just more white-power propaganda,.

There are a lot of stupid people in the world ;) .

5. You see, I don't understand what you're reffering to in the first sentece of your second point, but in the rest of the point you must remember it was quite a few geographical features working against them.
A. The difficulty of travelling within africa
B. Much of it is landlocked as you said

If a population clings to a backward and primitive culture, then it's hardly intelligent. You rather shot yourself in the foot there. People who continue to embrace the trappings of the past, in the face of rationality, are not intelligent by my standards.

These two factors stopped cultural diffusion such as happened in europe, for an interesting look at the geographical influence on culture check out the begining parts of the book "Guns, Germs, and Steel" a very nifty book that I reccomend highly, your should check it out Gerbil

Africa might have been landlocked, but don't underestimate how culture can spread on foot. Besides, in Europe people didn't so much diffuse as try to kill each other.


Interesting, but like the author of GGS, he does have an agenda.

quick note re. immigration: The fact is that while there are differences in average intelligence between 'races', they're unlikely to make any real difference to a country. Let's face it, it's not as simple as "white man intelligent, black man stupid". There are many stupid Europeans, and many highly intelligent Africans.

Any society is going to have a wide mix of IQ levels- that's nature. But less intelligent people can and do contribute to society; they're the factory workers, the street cleaners and the hospital nurses... and being unable to write a thesis on thermodynamics doesn't make them any less valuable. Let's face it- a nation made solely of weedy science types would collapse overnight.

So why the fear of immmigration 'polluting' a country? There are many reasons to be opposed to it, but destruction of the gene pool isn't one of them. Put simply: the intelligent fuck each other, the stupid do the same.
Nobel Prize winners and crack whores don't make babies.

In many respects, white nationalism steams from paranoid isolationism: the quintessentially American viewpoint that "this is my home, this is my family, and this is my gun that I'll defend it with". Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I think that it can blind people to one thing: you are part of a bigger picture. No matter how you might want to hide from it, the days of the homestead are well and truly gone, replaced with another form of society. And people without blonde hair and blue eyes are part of that society, for better or worse.

Anyway, this is getting OT and best left for another thread. To sum up my point to asriel: culture is only what the people define.

June 3rd, 2008, 10:52 PM
I'm sorry, but I thought RougeSci was for freedom of information. One of the most intelligent men I know is a Professor of Biochemistry and he is Kenyan.

Yes some Japanese are intelligent, but they are also funny-looking little nerds with tiny dicks. 'Nuff said.

Excuse Me! That is prejudice at its best.

Edit: I'm a Boer and Jewish at that.

June 4th, 2008, 01:38 AM
RogueSci is for freedom. Freedom of everything, including freedom of speech and thought. You don't need to like or agree with anything on this site but you need to respect people right to express it.

Interestingly enough, a conversation about the morality of racial supremacy has nothing to do with a "Sperm Bank for Aryan Martyr's" does it now? Perhaps we should keep on topic (and by we, I mean you). Perhaps you should start talking about ways of preserving your racial purity and the means of genetic testing?

If you want to argue about racial supremacy and the morality of it, start your own little group or start a thread in The Watercooler, that is what it is there for.

Also, posting a reply 6 months after Gerbil's post is a little off and stinks of rotting.....dangerously close to Necromancy I would say.

June 4th, 2008, 03:51 PM
Yes, but as you can see above, they were ridiculing and mocking those who had different views on those opinions.

Charles Owlen Picket
June 5th, 2008, 11:09 AM
sbovisjb1: Your response should have been a PM as the thread was a dying ember. Alexires's point was that by going back in time to a subject that was directed toward a specific, [yet provided ammo for a discourse on a larger framework], your dialog was directed at a non-active subject.....At 6 month of no activity you can't really expect it to be picked back up, can you?

You have been a very productive contributing member, and as a Boer, a South African, it means a lot to me personally that you stick around. Many of my family comes from Rhodesia. If you have issues with some of this material, address them in a PM if the thread is old & unused. Hell, PM me if you want! I'm a cranky old bastard; I always write back! But Alexires's point is that the discussion was really non-existent so that a response is akin to talking to the rear-view mirror while on your way to work..... ;-)