View Full Version : Notable FTP Additions Thread
Mr Science
October 3rd, 2007, 01:31 AM
I understand how we have a rapidshare thread, obviously from items from rapidshare, and we have several folders for torrents alone, but it dawned on me how we have no thread for notable additions to the FTP, aka new videos, good pdf's, etc. So with Megalomania's or NBK's permission, I would like to make this the designated thread for this.
Just name the file with a brief description of it, and the extension to get there. Here, I'll start...:D
High Risk Entry (.rv)
Description: Some are called SWAT Teams. Others are referred to as Special Response Teams. Some prefer being called Emergency Tactical Response units. By any name, they are the tactical units called upon to perform some of law enforcements most dangerous jobs:
* Hostage Rescue
* Barricaded Subjects
* Warrant Service
* Active Shooter Calls
* And Most Recently, Incidents Involving Chemical Or Biological Warfare Agents
^Link going more into detail.
Upload/Mr Science/Video
Expect the .ISO, .avi, and .rv in a torrent in the very near future.
Mr Science
October 30th, 2007, 10:57 AM
For added convenience to the members, the following have been converted to realvideo, and are available under my name in the FTP:
Improvised Suppressors-Secrets Of Silencing Firearms-Aqilifer 92MB
Alex Jones-Endgame; Blueprint For Global Enslavement 240MB
Deadly Weapons 177MB
Firestorm-How To Handle And Fire Fully Automatic Weapons 75MB
High Risk Entry 176MB
Homemade C-4 - A Closer Look - Ragnar Benson 17MB
I could not convert one for some reason, and that was RPB- Full Auto Exhibition, 215MB, a short film on converting firearms.
I am very busy with other things now, but expect the following to be added to my folder in rv format soon:
-Fighting Pistol 1-3
-Blast Waves and Flash Powders
-Fighting Carbine
November 4th, 2007, 03:32 PM
W.Hock Hochheim's - Knife & Counter-Knife Combatives. Level 1,2 and 3 Journeyman Series (.avi and .rv)
W.Hock Hochheim's - Knife & Counter-Knife Combatives. Level 4,5 and 6 The Tradesman Series (.avi and .rv)
Description: Excellent Knife & Counter-Knife fighting videos.
November 25th, 2007, 12:40 AM
2005 Michael Volkin
The Ultimate BasicTraining Guidebook
Parts 1 and 2 in PDF
These are geared more towards those looking to prepare for BCT.
November 25th, 2007, 09:34 PM
Robert Greene- The 33 Laws of War
Over six CD's, in .mp3 format.
UPLOAD/Mr Science/Audio
November 26th, 2007, 05:26 AM
Explosives Engineering by Paul Cooper
About 42 MB worth of JPG scans in a zipped folder
Location: /UPLOAD/
Sorry it's not in PDF form, but my image converter software makes the PDF file either too big or insufficiently legible. I'll experiment more in the future to see if I can fix that.
November 26th, 2007, 05:33 AM
You just wasted 42mb of ftp space.
The book has already been scanned, OCR'd and compressed into a PDF which is 14mb in size.
It's nice that you scanned the book for us, but in the future UTFSE to see if a book has already been scanned and check the ftp before uploading new material.
November 26th, 2007, 06:15 AM
My apologies, but another member who asked me to scan it searched the FTP before I scanned it. (I didn't yet have FTP access when this was scanned, so I Rapidshared it first.) I looked on the FTP for a while before uploading the book, and I could only find Cooper's other book, Introduction to the Technology of Explosives. Are you sure that's not what you're thinking of?
Also, this may be a dumb question, but is it possible to search the FTP itself with a search engine?
Finally, if the book I just scanned is already on there, can't my 42 MB file be deleted?
Thanks for the help, and sorry for any trouble -- that wasn't my intention in scanning the book.
EDIT, reply to The_Duke below:
The file list! Damn, how could I have missed that? That's really the only way to search the whole directory tree in a reasonable amount of time, but I just overlooked it down there.
Yup, I just searched the file list and found yet another copy of Explosives Engineering in /UPLOAD/Lambda/Explosives/ as well.
Well, thanks again for the pointers. Now I know better, and I hope other people learn from my fuck-up and search the file list (Ctrl-F works fine in Notepad) before spending hours wasting time that could have been spent scanning a different book. I did see a large number of duplicates on there, like you said.
Oh yeah, I'll send tmp a PM asking him to delete my clunky JPG collection.
The good news is that there are more books on the way, and I'm pretty sure these aren't on the FTP. I'll double-check first, though. :o
November 26th, 2007, 07:12 AM
I'm sure tmp can delete it, no trouble at all. Its not your fault really as the ftp is pretty messy and has been flooded with all kinds of duplicate files. I know the file is for sure located at /FTP/UPLOAD/Diabolique/Explosives/Theory/
This is the third damn time this book has been scanned, and hopefully the last too!
I don't know if it is possible to search the ftp like that but there is a file list located in the main directory.
December 16th, 2007, 01:15 PM
Now i upload to tmp ftp two USA special forces manuals:
STP 31-18B34-SM-TG SPECIAL FORCES WEAPONS SERGEANT they in folder /UPLOAD/teshilo/.size 22 Mb and 27Mb. Dont download files from /UPLOAD/teshilo/Special forces manuals/ they are tmp ,please delete this.
If who want i can upload also:
FM 3-05.222 (TC 31-32)Special Forces Sniper Training and Employment
FM 3-05.201 Special Forces Unconventional Warfare
February 28th, 2008, 05:50 AM
MR. Science, I found out about this Forum Looking for Fighting PIstol set. Is there any possibility to see that on ftp soon?
March 10th, 2008, 09:53 PM
Introduction to Colloid and Surface Chemistry (4th ed.)
SHAW, Duncan J. (1992):
Oxford, UK: Butterworth-Heinemann. An imprint of Elsevier Science.
ISBN: 0-7506-1182-0. 315p
This book has been written to fill a gap in the literature by offering a standard and overall coverage of colloid and surface chemistry intermediate between the brief accounts found in most textbooks of physical chemistry and the comprehensive accounts found in specialised treatises on colloid and/or surface chemistry...
The subject matter is, in general, approached from a fundamental angle, and the reader is assumed to possess a knowledge of the basic principles of physical chemistry. Opportunities have also been taken to describe many of the practical applications of this subject. In addition, some numerical problems (with answers) and a list of references for further reading (mainly books and review articles) are given at the end of the book.
March 21st, 2008, 01:12 AM
The FTP has been moved to its own computer as of right now - March 21,
2008. I'm still not sure how smooth the transition will be. As of right now,
the FTP is on its own eMachine computer, untying the constant pressures on
my HP 3.8 GHz machine which has more pressing tasks such as video
processing. I apologize for not getting to account requests sooner as work,
2 jobs now, has strained my time. Even as I write this, I'm due in work for a
5 hour shift to make up for a driver who has called out due to a cold. Nothing
could piss me off more. I lost only 2 days, between jobs, because of the flu !
Fucking pussies ! I still have a cold and I'm going in !
As for duplicate files, the time constraint has affected me severely. I run the
duplicate checker as often as I can. So far, I've eliminated about 10 GB in
duplicates. I'll get back to it as soon as I can, perhaps later today if time
permits. Anyway, press on !
BTW, if any problems, concerning ther server, rear their ugly heads, don't
hesitate to respond to this thread or through a PM. I want any transitiion
problems resolved as quickly as possible !
March 21st, 2008, 02:10 AM
Gives me "could not connect to server"...I'm using a filezilla ftp client...
Mr Science
March 21st, 2008, 02:34 AM
Likewise. I get no response from the server.
March 21st, 2008, 05:46 AM
Nothing. Server doesn't respond - it's as if it doesn't exist.
Nothing's changed this end since I last accessed, about two months ago or so.
EDIT: Server now responds - whatever you did, it fixed it. Thanks tmp.
March 22nd, 2008, 06:08 PM
Uploaded a missing CIA manual, The Art of Intrusion, The Art of Deception (both by Kevin Mitnick, as well as a Worst Case Scenario survival book.
Oh and I uploaded a .rar of 5 issues of "Guerrilla Deprogrammer" It looks like an anti-gov. newsletter of some kind. Anyone ever hear of it before?
March 22nd, 2008, 11:52 PM
If anybody is interested I can upload Carl Cestari - The Fairbairn Seminar video (417MB) and e-books The Infinite Intensity and The Underground Guide to Warrior Fitness.
If anybody has any other Cestari's videos or The Combatives (v 1-3) by Jim Grover please let me know so I can buy the ones that are missing.
March 23rd, 2008, 03:42 AM
The Cestari stuff is excellent.
I've been looking for it all over and never found it anywhere except on Ebay for exorbitant prices.
April 23rd, 2008, 09:15 AM
Upping AGI - Building the Ultimate 1911 (1 of 4) tonight
Took a few weeks of waiting for a seeder then another week for it to download :)
I should really check the listing first, there are already a few copies of it on there. Silly me :rolleyes:
April 23rd, 2008, 12:44 PM
I've uploaded M.Spicer's "Illustrated manual of sniper skills", in .pdf, 8,5 Mb.
May 4th, 2008, 09:09 PM
Hello to all,
This is my first post, so if anything needs to be modified or added, please let me know.
I finally uploaded the long-awaited sequel to "Senshido - The Shredder" instructional video by Richard Dimitri out of Montreal, and you will find it in the UPLOAD/RELIC folder on tmp's FTP server. It is an .AVI format video (in two parts totaling to about 1GB large or so). It's sort of a big file, but it's absolutely worth it if you're a reality-based self-defense student.
I didn't upload the original "Shredder" because according to this thread it's supposed to be in Whom's folder in the UPLOAD directory already (however, I wasn't able to verify that - for some weird reason that particular folder wouldn't open for me).
There is also a Rapidshare link to the original video in the aforesaid thread if you guys can't find it via FTP.
Last, but not least, here is a brief description of this video I uploaded (taken from, as follows:
The SHREDDER ENHANCER - The Shredder Enhancer contains new Shredder information as the concept continuously evolves as well as several new drills designed to heighten your Shredding skills by ten-fold. Some demystifications, misconceptions and detailed explanations on the Shredder & energy drills also included, as well as more of the Shredder on the ground and against armed attackers. Also see how the Shredder works against potential rapes against women, the Shredder and the reflexive response and much more. The Original Shredder Package introduced you to the concept; The Shredder Enhancer will heighten your skills, guaranteed. A must for anyone who has already gotten the Shredder Package.
I welcome any feedback regarding the video,
Cheers! ;)
PS. If anyone is interested in the original Shredder and you guys can't locate it on the FTP server, let me know and I'll upload that one as well.
May 5th, 2008, 04:03 AM
The original Shredder video is, as you said, in Whom's folder. I am downloading it right now.
Thanks for the sequels Relic.
If you have trouble with TMP's FTP for any reason, I suggest the following FTP clients that have worked great with his setup.
1. File-zilla. I believe that is the software TMP uses himself, server version.
2. CuteFTP.
3. Flashget downloader. Use it's Site Explorer function.
All the rest of the FTP clients I tried, don't work. With the above three however, no problems.
May 5th, 2008, 06:22 PM
Anytime Corona, and thanks for your suggestions pertaining to the FTP clients.
I actually considered FileZilla and may use it once on my Windows server box. I'm currently using Mac OS X (10.4 Tiger), but FileZilla is only compatible with OS 10.5 Leopard (using the Darwin 9 Unix kernel) :(
So I suppose I'll stick with YummyFTP (it doesn't have nearly as many options as FileZilla or CuteFTP on a Windows PC, but it will have to do for now.
I appreciate the feedback though! ;)
Enjoy the "Shredder" training!
May 23rd, 2008, 04:07 PM
Recently I uploaded Canadian Chemical Society PDFs archived in 169 split rar format to FTP's UPLOAD\AKINROG folder.
Since I seem not to contact TMP, please somebody download the files and check their integrity so I can move the archive to my secure disks.
Now the split rar files are located on my insecure disks, I'm at a vulnerable position.
So please let me know if any of the files are damaged / corrupt, partial etc.
June 18th, 2008, 11:47 AM
Update on Canadian Chemical Society,
Since number and size of files are absurd, I took some time to determine and clean duplicates amongst the files.
After that I uploaded them to FTP. However FTP server seems to be refusing uploads to a folder if number of files is above a certain number. So I split them into two separate directories.
Now they are in UPLOAD\AkinRog\Canadian Chemical Society 1\ and UPLOAD\AkinRog\Canadian Chemical Society 2\.
Sir please delete the folder named Please delete this folder and split rar archive. They are redundant.
July 6th, 2008, 08:42 PM
There are two new books by Ragnar Benson on the FTP:
- The Survival Retreat - A Total Plan For Retreat Defense
- Ragnar's Urban Survival - A Hard-Times Guide To Staying Alive In The City
July 9th, 2008, 10:03 AM
- The Survival Retreat - A Total Plan For Retreat Defense
- Ragnar's Urban Survival - A Hard-Times Guide To Staying Alive In The City
You should state it's in your own folder. Otherwise the first might be confused with "The Survival Retreat.pdf" under upload folder. Regards.
July 20th, 2008, 01:07 PM
I've acquired a near complete set of the 706 series of Army Materiel Command Pamphlets dealing with Explosives, Ordnance Design and Ballistics. I am in the process of scanning them in and saving as PDFs. Any that have pictures are being scanned using "Gray Scale" to preserve the pictures.
I've OCR'd most with the notable exception of "AMCP 706-445 Sabot Technology.pdf" as it went up to 105MB when OCR'd. :( They are being uploaded to the FTP at "UPLOAD\Slarter."
Here is what has been uploaded so far:
AMCP 706-160 Terminal Ballistics Kill Mechanisms [clean].pdf
AMCP 706-177 Properties of Explosives of Military Interest [clean scan].pdf
AMCP 706-179 Explosive Trains (1965)[clean].pdf
AMCP 706-180 Principles of Explosive Behavior [clean scan].pdf
AMCP 706-185 Pyrotechnics Theory [clean scan].pdf
AMCP 706-186 Pyrotechnics Safety, Procedures and Glossary [clean scan].pdf
AMCP 706-187 Properties of Pyrotechnic Materials [clean scan].pdf
AMCP 706-188 Design for Pyrotechnic Effects [clean scan].pdf
AMCP 706-189 Pyrotechnics Bibliography [clean scan].pdf
AMCP 706-210 Fuzes [clean scan].pdf
AMCP 706-245 Explosive Effects [clean].pdf
AMCP 706-290 Warheads - General [clean].pdf
AMCP 706-445 Sabot Technology.pdf
Also, I have rescanned all of the pages with photos from Vol 4 of the "Encyclopedia of Explosives and Realted Items" as gray scale images and replaced them in the PDF that I have. There are so many copies on the FTP that I don't know if I need to upload this or not. I've attached a sample of one of the pages that I rescanned showing the difference.
I have also tracked down original copies of Volumes 1-3 and a clean reprint of Volume 4 of Urbanski. Now here is where it gets painful, I cut the bindings off :eek: and ran them through a sheetfed scanner and made PDF's of them. :D I will upload them as soon as I go through and place all of the gray scale photos in them.
I'll upload more as I find the time.
July 21st, 2008, 01:44 PM
Good work, Good stuffs Slarter...I have few from these list Links for download: Fuzes 1994.
others very good..May be you have this manuals AMCP 706-241 and 240?
Im now upload this:
Fingertrip Firepower by J.Minnery
The Whole Drug Manufacturers Catalog by anonimous
The Mad Mans Book of Formulas by J.Multaler (fifty /fifty true info:D)
Non-metallic grenades by nbk2000
and probally also nbk author:confused:: Toe popper land mine
All in my folder teshilo on tmp ftp
July 21st, 2008, 07:56 PM
I have a good clean color scan of AMCP 706-240 that I'll upload with the next batch. I have to go through and erase all my personal info from the files.
No self signing posts - The-Duke
July 21st, 2008, 10:57 PM
Here is the next batch. Many of these were scanned elsewhere and are the best copies available. With that said, I have paper copies of some that I plan to scan later and I plan to do a better job. :D
Here they are:
AMCP 706-117 Enviromental Series Part III.pdf
AMCP 706-140 Trajectories, Differential Effects, And Data For Projectiles [clean scan].pdf
AMCP 706-150 Ballistic Series. Interior Ballistics of Guns [clean, fair scan].pdf
AMCP 706-175 Explosives Series - Solid Propellants Part I Consisting Of Chapters 1-10 [clean, poor scan].pdf
AMCP 706-177 Properties of Explosives of Military Interest [clean scan].pdf
AMCP 706-179 Explosive Trains (1965)[clean].pdf
AMCP 706-179 Explosive Trains (1974).pdf
AMCP 706-181 Explosions in Air Pt 1 [clean scan].pdf
AMCP 706-205 Timing Systems [clean scan].pdf
AMCP 706-211 Fuzes Proximity Electrical Pt 1 [clean, fair scan].pdf
AMCP 706-215 Ammunition Series. Fuzes, Proximity, Electrical. Part Five [clean].pdf
AMCP 706-238 Recoilless Rifle Weapon Systems [clean].pdf
AMCP 706-240 Grenades [clean].pdf
AMCP 706-242 Design for Control of Projectile Flight Characteristics [clean].pdf
AMCP 706-244 Arty Ammo General [clean, fair scan].pdf
AMCP 706-247 Ammunition Series - Section 4 Design for Projection [clean].pdf
AMCP 706-248 Ammunition Series Section 5, Inspection Aspects of Artillery Ammunition Design [clean].pdf
AMCP 706-249 Ammunition Series Section 6, Manufacture of Metallic Components of Artillery Ammunition [clean].pdf
AMCP 706-250 Guns Series Guns - General [clean].pdf
AMCP 706-251 Guns Series, Muzzle Devices [clean].pdf
AMCP 706-255 Spectral Characteristics of Muzzle Flash [clean].pdf
AMCP 706-260 Guns Series. Automatic Weapons [clean].pdf
AMCP 706-270 PADs [clean, fair scan].pdf
AMCP 706-285 Elements of Aircraft and Missile Propulsion [clean].pdf
DARCOM-P 706-102 Army Weapon Systems Analysis Part 2 [fair scan].pdf
NAVWEP Report 8015 Solid Propellant Igniter Design Handbook [clean].pdf
As a lot of the formerly classified ones are currently being declassified and made available, I will upload them as I acquire them.
July 22nd, 2008, 05:40 PM
Last night I uploaded to the TIAC03 folder (Uploads) 7 of the Evil Genius electronics books:
22 radio and receiver projects
51 high tech practical jokes
101 spy gadgets
Electronic circuits
Electronic gadgets
More Electronic gadgets
Solar energy Projects
I think that High tech practical jokes and Spy gadgets were already on it somewhere, But I combined them with the others in one spot. (If I find the other books from that series I will add them to it too).
They are all great reads although the one I have found most useful so far is the Spy tech one. The Solar Energy one Will probably come in handy as Fuel prices keep getting Higher and Higher also.
July 27th, 2008, 05:49 AM
Microwave Synthesis by Brittany L. Haynes has been uploaded to uploads\Alexires
Contains a wealth of information regarding the mechanisms and processes of Microwave Synthesis.
July 31st, 2008, 03:43 PM
Uploaded pdf of "Isolating elemental iodine from potassium iodide by Robert Bruce Thompson". Placed it in: /UPLOAD/Phrankinsteyn/Pdf's/
August 15th, 2008, 12:49 AM
I am uploading 2 arc welding videos (700mb each), they are in /UPLOAD/Arc welding Videos/
August 16th, 2008, 05:36 PM
Uploaded another copy of the "Encyclopedia of Explosives and Related Items" Vol. 4 where I've re-scanned all of the pictures as "Gray Scale" images and copied them over the poor images in the file.
I've also uploaded the "Navy Bank of Explosive Data" NAVBED volumes I through III; the "Military Explosives & Propellant Study Guide" from an old Defense Ammunition Center EOD Course; OP 1664 Volume 2 "U.S. Explosive Ordnance; TM 9-500 Data Sheets for Ordnance Type Materiel; and TO-11A-1-20 Airmunitions General.
More to follow as I can clean them up.
August 22nd, 2008, 12:14 AM
Added Volumes 1 & 2 of "Toxicity of Military Smokes and Obscurants." I have Vol. 3 on order and will scan it when it arrives.
August 23rd, 2008, 05:18 AM
Good to see a Newbie contributing slarter. Keep up the good work.
The contents of the "Fists" torrent has been uploaded to Upload\Alexires\Fists
Next will be "Weapons". Don't wait with baited breath on that, Fists took a lot longer than I expected to upload.
August 30th, 2008, 09:34 PM
Ack, volume 4 of the Encyclopedia is the only one without chemistry in it! :D (I know there is a little at the end, but no useful synthesis references or actual explosive compounds) Did you happen to OCR that? The publishers did a very piss pore job of OCRing the retail version. For $700+ I would expect 600 DPI scans and manually proofread OCR. They must have made the ebook version 10-15 years ago.
August 31st, 2008, 12:59 AM
Did you happen to OCR that?
No, I just imported the images into their scan. When I get a chance, I'll rescan the last section at 600dpi and run OCR on it and then incorporate those pages into the original. Unfortunately I cannot cut the binding off to run the pages through the sheetfeeder like I did the Urbanski's. :eek:
I have volumes 1-3 of Urbanski going through OCR currently and hope to upload them in the next week. :cool:
August 31st, 2008, 03:18 AM
Volumes 1-3 of Urbanski have already been OCRd and I think have been uploaded already to tmps ftp as well.
August 31st, 2008, 11:03 PM
Volume 1 of Urbanski is a very good scan, and fully OCRd, but volumes 2-4 are poorly scanned and not OCRd. At least the copies I have, and I am not aware of a different version than what has been circulating the last few years. Page 2 says the scans were made by "Amenf." Volume 1 was out and about years before the other 3 volumes, and was done by a different person.
The existing scans of volumes 2-4 are tolerable, but they could certainly be improved upon. Naturally OCRing would be great, especially with a higher quality scan.
September 1st, 2008, 01:02 AM
I downloaded the ones from the FTP and the ones I have are better scans as I ran them through the scanner at 600dpi, and any pages with photos were scanned as grayscales so the images look much better. The OCRing is not perfect, but it is better than nothing. I'll load them up so you can decide for yourself. If they are not an improvement then I'll ask tmp to delete them to free up space.
September 1st, 2008, 11:05 PM
I've uploaded to the FTP clean scans of volumes 1-4 of Urbanski's. Volumes 2-4 are by far much cleaner scans (I compared my scans to the copies on the FTP) and volume 1 has noticably better scans of all photos. I also ran all 4 through OCR.
September 2nd, 2008, 07:14 PM
In order to save time to Slarter, here is the link to Vol 3 fo TMSO _3_1999.pdf.html
Sorry, still have no access to the FTP system to upload there.
BTW: here books from NRC/NAP are downloadable for free.
September 8th, 2008, 10:09 PM
I've uploaded to the FTP clean scans of volumes 1-4 of Urbanski's.
Would you be able to put them on rapidshare as well slarter?
September 9th, 2008, 12:05 AM
Would you be able to put them on rapidshare as well slarter?
Sure. They are located here:
I've also uploaded "A Compilation of Hazard and Test Data for Pyrotechnic Compositions" and "Toxicity of Military Smokes and Obscurants Vol 3" to the FTP.
September 19th, 2008, 03:41 PM
Videos I have ripped off of YouTube to 'back up' ...
[RS FTP] /UPLOAD/VIDEO - Elementary Productions/
September 19th, 2008, 08:39 PM
Acta Chemica Scandinavia has been ripped, sorted according to years (which was easy) and uploaded to TMP's FTP under the folder of AkinRog/Acta Chemica Scandinavia.
Tom Sawyer
September 20th, 2008, 08:20 AM
JH Poole Books - Long gone from scribd ...
The Terrorist Trail
The Tiger's Way
Tactics of the Crescent Moon
Phantom Soldier
Militant Tricks
Various COIN-Related Military Manuals -
UK Army - Operations other than War
UK Army Tactics for Stability Operations
US Army Civil affairs
US Counter-IED Smartbook
uploads > unconventional warfare
October 1st, 2008, 11:41 PM
I didn't get the chance to ask this some weeks ago, and if I did I forgot... Where did the collection of the Journal of Organic Chemistry come from? Also, are the last decade's journals available as well?
November 4th, 2008, 12:56 AM
Uploaded to the FTP is the complete PDF version of the two volume set of the Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Ballistics in New Orleans, LA from 22-26 September 2008.
Enjoy. :D
November 14th, 2008, 04:39 PM
Just filling holes for now, /uploads/sinschild
[ebook-drugs]Mushroom Cultivator-A Practical Guide to Growing Mushrooms at Home-Paul Stamets and J. S. Chilton-Agarikon Press-1983-0961079800.CV
[ebook]Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms-color photos-Paul Stamets-2000-1580081754
[ebook]Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms-Paul Stamets-2000-1580081754.CV
[ebook-drugs]Plants of the Gods-Their Sacred, Healing, and Hallucinogenic Powers-Schultes,Hofmann,Rätsch-2001-0892819790.CV
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