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View Full Version : Demonoid Invites For Some! Bare-faced Lying Excuses for Others!

August 15th, 2007, 11:04 AM
I have some. You want some? Come get some!

Seriously, PM me for an invite to this excellent resource. I'll have to be selective, as is the natural way of the forum. (Ie: Good things to Big people will get me Good things. :D)

Mr Science
August 15th, 2007, 04:42 PM
I had at least 5 invites, but unfortunately lost them all because I got a warning for a torrent I posted :rolleyes:. I will post when I get some invites too. And I agree with themaxx completely. I recently purchased 10 dvds from http://www.americasultimatewarrior.com/, and I know when I post them on my FTP, it will be completely flooded with people wanting them. So I am posting them on Demonoid when I get these in the mail, to make it much more bandwidth effective for myself (and tmp). After some thought, the only things TMP and I really need to be hosting are smaller files (or ones demonoid removes, AKA explosives torrent I created from thedisease, but I simply moved it to thepiratebay.org :)), as many of the larger files can easily be found on here, and it removes much stress from our servers.

August 15th, 2007, 08:27 PM
I had at least 5 invites, but unfortunately lost them all because I got a warning for a torrent I posted :rolleyes:.

Well, looks like my invites haven't got long to live! ;)

I recently purchased 10 dvds from http://www.americasultimatewarrior.com/, and I know when I post them on my FTP, it will be completely flooded with people wanting them.

Like me! :D

After some thought, the only things TMP and I really need to be hosting are smaller files (or ones demonoid removes

Absolutely. Torrents are the wave of the future. Surprising the forum is not all over it in a bigger way. (Though there was a recent announcement about our new Torrent Tracker! Yoop!) I only ever really go after individual PDFs myself, any single books that look interesting. I'm a little behind on the technology: no room to store downloaded massive multi-gig torrents, and no DVD burner to burn DVD ISOs with! :p

Actually, long live FTP!

August 16th, 2007, 12:57 AM
One thing that would definitely help with bandwidth is compression of large videos into more compact files, such as what TMP and I have been doing with converting large AVI's into RealVideo.

Typically, a DivX AVI is reduced to 1/4 or less of its original size, with no great reduction in viewability, by converting it into a RV format.

Really, the only reason for wanting original AVI would be for doing ones own editing of the video. For just watching, RealVideo is more than adequate, and allows for far faster downloads, and many more more videos to be stored per CD/DVD.

August 16th, 2007, 01:21 AM
I noticed that when I download avi clips from the FTP then only audio waves in real player format, no visual video clips ? What can be done about it please ? Thank you.

Mr Science
August 16th, 2007, 01:53 AM
WWII- I assume you are talking about my FTP. I honestly have no idea what you are talking about regarding that. Both formats work perfect for me. I hate to say this, but download them from TMP's, as I got them from there.

I know people have heard me say over and over again why BitTorrent is the new thing, so here is an excerpt from a PM I recently typed, which should make total sense why we should use it.

1) Bittorrent architecture obviously makes sharing files much more efficient.
2) If you look at my torrent list, some of my downloads (ie opening handcuffs) are in the tens of thousands of downloads. So the content gets MUCH more traffic.
3) If we had a roguesci tracker, you know all it takes is ONE 'user' to log the IP's and keep them for whatever purpose. I have no doubt in my mind this site is monitored by higher ups. So when I post this content on Demonoid, thousands of others are connected as well, so I think of it as a cloak, "blending in with the crowd" if you will.
4) I refer roguesci to anyone who PMs me there, and I have it in my signature as well (heh, it probably generates more kewls coming here (sorry NBK :p), but regardless of that, I give the site more traffic and users, and potentially smart people.

I think #3 is especially an important reason. And as for the compression, I willl look into DivX for that. I was planning on putting the entire dvd image file (.iso) on to Demonoid, so it is a perfect high quality duplicate, and can very easily be burned onto a DVD.

August 16th, 2007, 04:59 AM
I hate to say this, but download them from TMP's, as I got them from there.

Anything you got from TMP's FTP, and have on your FTP, is a mirror, and thus just as viable a source for downloading...more so in fact, since you've got more bandwidth. :)

August 16th, 2007, 11:28 AM
I noticed that when I download avi clips from the FTP then only audio waves in real player format, no visual video clips ? What can be done about it please ? Thank you.

Er, after my shady decipher it sounds like you lack a codec or two? Audio without video, correct? http://www.cccp-project.net/ should cover most codec needs.

August 18th, 2007, 01:09 AM
While I love real format for its compression capability, I hate their viewers (i.e. RealPlayer).

RealPlayer continuously connects to internet which pisses me off a lot. For that reason I have searched and found a free codec package for it.


When you download and install this package you may use your favorite player (mine is bsplayer) to view real format videos.

Also K-lite codec pack is a must-have one. Regards.

Mr Science
August 18th, 2007, 10:08 PM
I just noticed right now, REGISTRATION IS OPEN! Go there today and grab an account, today might be the last day.

August 28th, 2007, 03:24 AM
Typically, a DivX AVI is reduced to 1/4 or less of its original size, with no great reduction in viewability, by converting it into a RV format.

I have been converting my video collection to MPEG-4 format. This has the same or better compression rates as RV and has the additional benefit of being an ISO/IEC standard. I'm starting to see MPEG-4 playback being implemented on PVRs, hand-helds and those nifty video jukeboxes (http://www.tvix.co.kr/Eng/products/HDM4000.aspx).

Some opinion from a random internet source (http://www.brad-x.com/2007/03/17/linux-users-care-as-little-about-standards-as-microsoft/) (don't you love the internet... no matter what your opinion you can find someone who shares it):

All modern guides to encoding personally generated video for playback in a widespread variety of devices should be teaching people to encode MPEG-4 video in MP4 containers, using standard video streams (MPEG-4/AVC H.264), audio streams (MPEG-4/AAC) and text streams (MPEG-4/TTXT).

One possible gotcha with MPEG-4 is that you can select settings which radically increase the amount of CPU required for playback. It is best to avoid these if you're distributing the video, just in case someone wants to play it back on an X-box or some such. The above site also has some nice guides for compressing to MPEG-4 (http://www.brad-x.com/category/transcoding/) while retaining maximum compatibility.

Charles Owlen Picket
September 3rd, 2007, 01:17 PM
I have a question: When I checked some of the RealVideo AGI videos some of them are marked as RV and others as RM and the latter appear to have sound while the former appear silent (from the NBK2000 section). Is this an example of a mistake in the use of the player not set correctly? Or is it a question of the formatting? The use of RealVideo does make a very substantial difference in size.

September 4th, 2007, 09:18 AM
Try renaming the silent RV videos to RM or RMVB, and see if that makes a difference.

It helps to know what player you're using, and specifically which files, too.

Also, I've noticed that if I use MPC to play one video, that I have to re-adjust the audio output in windows control panel if I close MPC, otherwise I've lost all sound for my system until I do so.

Charles Owlen Picket
September 6th, 2007, 11:48 AM
I am using the RealPlayer (I believe late version; 6.0.12) - And attempted re-naming: no luck. Video quality is same as others that have sound. File size appears to be appropriate to those with sound (they are not unusually smaller, etc). I will open same with a hex editor and look at the files in question and see if a header is missing or other obvious issue is present in the files.

There are only two to the best of my knowledge that display this sound issue. The Mini-14 and AK-47 building video. The others are fine. If using XP the file description is displayed in a "details" viewing: displaying "RealVideo" unlike the others which display RealAudio/RealVideo in the FTP and Explorer. When renamed they display "RealAudio/RealVideo" but, yet no sound.

If, upon hex viewing they display the same elements that a sound producing Real file displays I may try saving them in another format, etc. But it is a shame since it defeats the size savings. Could this just be a quirk of the alteration process from their original format?

September 6th, 2007, 11:55 AM
Perhaps it's your player.

They're up to version 11 now, and I encoded the videos to compatible only with RealVideo10, using high-quality audio encoding.

The MPC player, with RealAlternative (http://www.free-codecs.com/download/Real_Alternative.htm) codec, is what I use to play the files, and they all work for me. :)

September 6th, 2007, 01:31 PM
I agree. Having the right player for the format is vital to playback. I use
WMP(Windows Media Player) for most of my playback but depending on the
format I've had to use other players. So far, the .RV files produced by NBK
and myself are all playable in WMP. It could be be that you lack the
necessary codecs required. I would recommend a player/codecs upgrade.

Charles Owlen Picket
September 6th, 2007, 09:30 PM
I gave Real Alternative a shot and it's damn good. Big time edit.....
It worked. It could have been the codecs, the player - I haven't narrowed it down. Hear that? That's the sound of words being eaten!

September 7th, 2007, 12:01 AM
Well I'm glad I didn't fuck things up on my end, as I didn't watch every converted video to it's end before uploading it, so I thought there might be a chance of an error on my part.

Glad to see I'm still perfect. :D

Mr Science
September 26th, 2007, 12:02 AM
If anyone hasn't heard the news..... :(

September 26th, 2007, 12:23 AM
Bad karma for not letting me download from them. That's what happens...
The Canadians and I are old pals, we go WAY back.

When will they understand the harder they work to stop file sharing, the more ingenious methods people come up with FOR file sharing. Same with encryption.

Mr Science
September 27th, 2007, 02:05 AM
If anyone hasn't heard the news..... :(

May I add, the trackers are down too.

September 29th, 2007, 09:29 PM
If anyone hasn't heard the news..... :(

That really sucks the big one.:mad:

September 29th, 2007, 10:48 PM
According to TorrentFreak it looks like the trackers are back online, but the website is still down. I have just confirmed this fact myself.


September 30th, 2007, 06:52 PM
All is well. The website and trackers are both back online.

Mr Science
September 30th, 2007, 07:10 PM
Tracker, yes. Website, I guess you can say so. All there is, is a white screen, saying:"The latest changes to the site are giving us some problems - We'll be back soon"

September 30th, 2007, 08:10 PM
I tend to lean more to the "technical difficulties" theory rather than the "government shutdown" theory. Whenever the RIAA or MPAA terrorists complete an attack they are quick to shout from the rooftops the depths of their evil actions. Since the Canadian equivalent of the knowledge gestapo is not commenting, I doubt this is their show.

October 1st, 2007, 05:32 AM
Demonoid is back up running now, only thing that sucks is Canadian IP's are blocked from the site....

"On the Demonoid frontpage we now read:"

We received a letter from a lawyer representing the CRIA, they were threatening with legal action and we need to start blocking Canadian traffic because of this. Thanks for your understanding, and sorry for any inconvenience.

This confirms our earlier reports this week, and show that the CRIA was indeed responsible for the downtime. It’s been a controversial week and at times emotions were running really high. In the absence of any official announcement it was really hard to separate fact from fiction, with rumor and counter-rumor.

The bad news of course is that Demonoid is now unavailable to Canadians. Unfortunately it is not the fist time an anti-piracy organization effectively shuts down access to a part of the BitTorrent community. Earlier this week Isohunt had to ban US users from its trackers, and last month TorrentSpy blocked access to US users, both by pressure from the MPAA.

At the time we write this article, the forums are still offline, but it probably wont take long before these are back online too. The first sign of Demonoid’s return came yesterday when the trackers started responding again.

When an avalanche of upset Demonoid users came to TorrentFreak this week, the mood was grim when not only their site disappeared but also doubts were cast on our report. We aim to be a credible news source and understand the responsibility we have in the BitTorrent community. While understanding how Demonoid’s Canadian users must be feeling right now, it’s great that we now get the chance to share in the relief of the majority of Demonoid’s dedicated userbase.

The second most popular BitTorrent tracker on planet earth has returned, that’s the most important thing.

[9/30/2007 @ 3:00pm pst]
Demonoid is having some problems again, this message now appears: “The latest changes to the site are giving us some problems - We’ll be back soon”


Mr Science
October 1st, 2007, 08:55 AM
There are ways to avoid this block for the Canadians. I know on the wikipedia page, someone DID edit the outages part, saying "after 5 minutes, one Canadian was smart enough to figure out a way of bypassing this," followed by a link somewhere, which is what I am trying to find now.

At the very least, I know there will be users simply putting their torrent files in other spots to be downloaded. I have a feeling this move by the CRIA (which is the RIAA, except in another country) will be greatly hampered within a few weeks once methods of bypassing are established.

EDIT- Demonoid is back up 100%.

October 2nd, 2007, 12:53 AM
Using proxies may work for ordinary websites, but because Demonoid uses a ratio system based on your IP you run the risk of getting booted as a leecher.

This attack by the music terrorists seems limp wristed and haphazardly implemented. This assult on freedom will ignite the passions of the noble soldiers who will create better software appz to thwart future terrorism, but it has gained the music criminals very little. Unless gaining infamy is the CRIA's goal in which they gained a lot of that.

October 2nd, 2007, 06:40 PM
We received a letter from a lawyer represeting the CRIA, they were threatening with legal action and We need to start blocking Canadian traffic because of this. If you reside in Canada, that is the reason you are being redirected to this message. Thanks for your understanding, and sorry for any inconvenience.

Now nobody from Canada can directly access Demonoid, only through a proxy, damn CRIA, last time I buy a CD in Canada!

October 28th, 2007, 02:16 PM
I have 5 Demonoid invites available for forum menbers. PM me if you need one. If the demand exceeds supply E&W Forum seniority and my judgment will determine who gets them.:D

October 29th, 2007, 12:37 AM
Using proxies may work for ordinary websites, but because Demonoid uses a ratio system based on your IP you run the risk of getting booted as a leecher.

If you don't mind, would you please specify the rules of their ratio?

Is it a share ratio where you can download a certain amount of data compared to the amount you upload? Or is it simply a way of tracking and banning leechers?

If it's the former you can just find a proxy not used so much and upload on it, using it most of the time you're on demonoid. This doesn't sound feasible because though I know they have trackers, most torrents are spread between a lot of sites.

If it's the latter, you download until marked as a leech and then press like 4 buttons and change your proxy.

I just thought I would point out that it's futile to boot someone using a proxy, because they will just use another proxy..if you get kicked out for leeching you just change proxies, DL the torrent, bam, done.

The only way they could defeat this is by checking MAC addresses, and this is EXTREMELY easy to bypass. If there is any indication that they check MAC addresses I would be more than happy to post a tutorial on MAC-spoofing.

October 29th, 2007, 02:07 AM
If you don't mind, would you please specify the rules of their ratio?

I'll give you a hint... If you go to their website and look on their forum in the section relating to such matters, there is information there which will make your entire post seem not so very important at all. You just need to look for it.

I'll just leave it at that. (wink wink, nudge nudge, know what I mean?). :cool:

October 29th, 2007, 05:20 PM
I have a few invites to share also, Priority will of course be given to senior members.

October 29th, 2007, 08:51 PM
5 invites available. PM me if you need one.

Mr Science
November 9th, 2007, 10:28 AM
Ah, another round of downtime for Demonoid:
The CRIA threatened the company renting the servers to us, and because of this it is not possible to keep the site online. Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for your understanding.

The trackers still operate.

I am beginning to consider to go back to TPB for torrents, as they are much more reliable.

EDIT- As of ~10:20a CST, I noticed the trackers are now offline.

November 10th, 2007, 01:40 AM
The Pirate Bay may have more reliable trackers, but they have less reliable torrents. Of course if they are your own torrents, then you are assured of the quality.

November 11th, 2007, 08:53 PM
I agree with Mega on the quality issues with TPB. I am getting really sick of Demonoid being down. OiNK got nailed and deimos can't keep the CRIA from harassing his server provider.

I'm sorry, but since when was the CRIA a law enforcement agency. Perhaps these sites should grow some balls. Rather, their rental places should grow some balls.

Perhaps a large server market will take off in a rogue state (i.e., not Sweden). Of course, a US-led coalition would then probably fly down to democratize the poor savages and rid them of such archaic copyright perspectives.

Further, a large server rental agency in a rogue state supplied with large quantities of arms. Russia or Iran? China?

EDIT: I forgot, I have some invites (I think) if Demonoid ever gets back up of its knees from sucking cock.

November 14th, 2007, 05:41 AM
Hey, I tried logging onto http://www.demonoid.com a few minutes ago, and I got the same message as Mr Science got on the 12th. Apparently Demonoid.com have been having this sort of problem - the CRIA (Canadian Recording Industry Association, which however represents mostly American firms) threating the firm that own their servers from which they operate - since 25th September, judging by http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/09/26/132204&from=rss and http://torrentfreak.com/demonoid-shut-down-by-cria-070925/ , although I downloaded a number of Torrents from them about a week ago.

However, because the Canadian Charter Of Rights And Freedoms supports free speech, I doubt that ANY legal action by the CRIA against either Demonoid or the firm that hosts their servers could possibly succeed on ANY point of Canadian law, for the simple reason that any loss of their right to run a website would be an abrogation of free speech. Because Demonoid does not host any copyright files on its servers, either it or the owners of its servers cannot be accused of any sort of breach of copyright. Even the Torrent files that it hosts cease being copyright once they have been released into the public domain by seeders who upload them.

The solution would be for Demonoid to either find another firm from which to rent server space, or buy its own servers, if necessary in some other country than Canada or the U$A. If it is necessary to go offshore for web-hosting, they could look at having their site hosted in some "micro-state" in which "anything goes", with no copyright or similar laws. The island of Nauru (home of the ".nr" domain) in the Pacific Ocean offers such a service, along with Tuvalu (home of the ".tv" domain), Niue (the home of the ".nu" domain, although Niue uses many laws borrowed from New Zealand which is still responsible for its foreign affairs and defense), and the Federated States Of Micronesia (".fm"); and in the Caribbean, the Turks & Caicos Islands (home of the ".tc" domain). Tokelau (".tk") has recently had to close registrations and web-hosting for lack of capacity, and anyway it is still a full New Zealand territory.

Another one such could be "Sealand", which operates from an old abandoned World War 2 gun platform in international waters (which it was when its orginal owners claimed it as their own sovereign territory in 1967, a 3-mile limit then applying) in the English Channel, and which gets most of its income from web-hosting, calling their firm HavenCo. It appears that The Pirate Bay was considering using them recently, and indeed considering buying the whole place. See:
http://torrentfreak.com/sealand-prefers-hacker-to-the-pirate-bay/ , http://www.thewhir.com/marketwatch/sealand.cfm , http://www.google.com/Top/Society/Issues/Micronations/Europe/Sealand/ , http://www.havenco.com , http://www.bobleroi.co.uk/ScrapBook/SealandOne/ThisIsSealand.html

November 14th, 2007, 09:47 PM
Unfortunately the cost of a copywrong hostile host can be prohibitive. Demonoid must dish out staggering amounts of bandwidth, eat up the resources of a powerful machine, and they only collect donations and some t-shirt revenue. I am sure they could make a go of it with their popularity, but moving hosts and servers is a very stressful task, just like moving to a new house.

November 15th, 2007, 04:17 AM
Because of the small sizes of the Torrent files that Demonoid hosts (which however require a fair amount of space to store because of their number, along with the rest of the website), with the only other traffic to or from the site being short text comments on Torrents, their demands for bandwidth cannot be all that large.

Another thing: because their Canadian site was password-protected, it was not archived on http://www.archive.org or http://web.archive.org .

November 15th, 2007, 01:32 PM
There is more to a site than just serving up the torrent files. Those torrents have to be scraped, constantly, they have thousands of members online at any one time browsing through the threads, using the search engine, cranking out queries and bogging down the machine. If the place was one big collection of text files the bandwidth would be low, but the ENTIRE site is dynamically generated.

Part of the reason I don't run a tracker on roguesci.org anymore is because the few torrents we did have consume vast quantities of server resources. You don't see many mediocre torrent sites because you either have the resources and expertise to run one, or you can't run one at all.

Mr Science
November 16th, 2007, 02:26 PM
I noticed this morning they put up their own official forum, but they say not to use it for filesharing, which indicates they are still on their original host, most likely. Still, I imagine demonoid coming back, it is a matter of days.

November 17th, 2007, 01:43 PM
But to seriously come back in exactly the same way as before, either Demonoid will have to be rich enough to indemnify their Canadian host against the possibility of the CRIA suing them (the CRIA does not "have a leg to stand on", as NO copyrighted files were actually hosted, and they are not a law-enforcement agency anyway), or else find a host that is less easily intimidated (which could be in another country that has no copyright laws or does not enforce foreign copyrights), or acquire the servers required to do their own hosting.

November 27th, 2007, 11:54 PM
I for one am starting to get worried. Torrents, and torrent sites, do exhibit the hydra effect in that you whack one, three more spring up to replace it, but its not torrents in general that I am worried about. I am worried about quality, standards, and ease of use that the big popular torrent sites offer.

Demonoid was a great site because the ratio system kept people honest, it offered a very diverse array of torrents not found elsewhere, it had more seeders of rare content because of the ratio system, and it quite thoroughly screened out crap like fake torrents. The recently departed oink.com also had the single greatest collection of music, high quality, well organized, around the net. When suprnova was shut down it had a huge collection of torrents all in one place.

Each time a place like this gets shut down we have to seek alternatives. Those alternatives are increasingly less organized, with fewer torrents or seeders, have more fake torrents, and are just not very good.

I am worried that the hydra effect is spreading people out too thin. If the community of a large torrent site disperses among a dozen different sites, then that means it is harder to find a good torrent.

I find myself relying on the Pirate Bay more and more. They seem to be the last of the great torrent sites. I use Pirate Bay as a sort of last resort because they have too much fake crap, but they still have a huge following. They have weathered the storm, but for how much longer can they stand? How much longer will it be before my favorite, mininova, is bitchslapped into .com history?

I would hate to return to the dark old days of searching for warez, spending hours trying to find a warez site that a) actually still existed, b) was not a scam with fake files.

I suppose something better will come along. The warez community has always been smarter and more adaptable than the censors. From appz to exploit free hosts, to Napster, to P2P. I hope to see encrypted trackerless torrents soon, and maybe universal adaptation of onion routers leading to a truly anonymous Internet free from meddling by the corrupt laws of any one nation.

November 28th, 2007, 03:54 PM
Demonoid is history. They have a forum just to keep the group together, but no sharing of anything just information.

Mr Science
December 26th, 2007, 10:43 PM
Yeah, at this point, it seems they are gone for good. So as a message to everyone, I will be removing all Demonoid torrents in the next few days, so The Forum stays organized. While I loved the Demonoid system, we will have to probably stick to TPB as of now.....you cannot argue with their site/tracker uptime!

December 29th, 2007, 02:50 PM
I still have many Demonoid torrents, at least some of which are still active. I uploaded two collections of gunsmithing torrents to rapidshare.com not long before they went down; the links to them, posted elsewhere on this forum, are still valid.

December 29th, 2007, 07:44 PM
Probably because they used a DHT, or peerless, tracker. The torrents I have that are not DHT enabled went dead with the tracker.

I was thinking I might like to get a second web host in Sweden, something small for discreet file sharing of select files... like every book and journal published by Wiley!

February 11th, 2008, 08:45 PM
Here is a synopsis of two posts I recently made on sciencemadness.org about where to continue to obtain Demonoid torrents, which I find can still be downloaded from, even the ones that use only the demonoid.com tracker, at least the more recent ones:

Demonoid Torrents

In November 2007, the owners of the servers hosting www.demonoid.com, one of the most important sources of .torrent files for BitTorrent downloads, suddenly and without warning unilaterally canceled Demonoid.com's web-hosting contract, alleging legal threats by the Canadian Recording Industry Association (CRIA), without justification. Demonoid.com is still offline, and looking for another home, which will have to be on a server outside Canada, where they were based. However, their tracker is still working, and many Demonoid.com torrents are still active, especially the more recent ones and those that have other trackers besides Demonoid.coms. By a fortituous coincidence, in October and November 2007, just before their site was "pulled", I downloaded quite a large number of their .torrent files, through which I am still in the process of working.

I have therefore collected together and uploaded all my Demonoid torrents, about 320 of them, in a RAR archive and uploaded them to rapidshare.com. As PDF and DJVU ebooks, MP3 and M4A and WMA audio files, Windows and MacOS programs (EXE and DMG), and various video files (MPG, AVI, WMV, RM, FLV), they cover the following subjects: computing and IT, physical and biological sciences, mathematics, engineering (mechanical, civil, electrical, chemical), gunsmithing and weapons, government and business conspiracies, occultism, the paranormal, UFOs, non-fiction video documentaries. There are no fiction ebooks or fiction movies.

By distributing these .torrent files, I hope to keep them working for as long as possible. The following is the link for downloading this collection:

5,179 Kb
Or, directly (without having to load a web-page):

The ones with "used" in their file-names are those from which I have downloaded the complete target files. If the target files are no longer available as Torrent downloads, and if there is sufficient demand, I will upload them to rapidshare.com, and post the download links. Partial downloads are still in progress for many of the others.

To download the free BitComet Torrent download client program, go to this site, and follow instructions:


I have made an interesting discovery! Another Torrent site,
http://www.fulldls.com/ ,
appears to have "pirated" many Demonoid Torrents, including those .torrent files that use only the Demonoid.com tracker! I have just made one such download, which I discovered was from a Demonoid Torrent only after I had finished the download and examined it, namely a 10 Mb ebook , http://www.fulldls.com/download-ebooks-345822-Computer+Networking++A+Topdown+Approach+Featuring+ the+Internet%2C+Third+Edition.torren t .
Apparently this site hides the "piracy" by changing the .torrent file-names to remove the word "Demonoid".

February 19th, 2008, 02:07 AM
BitComet is horribly bloated. Swap to utorrent. http://www.utorrent.com/

Charles Owlen Picket
February 19th, 2008, 10:04 AM
+1 on utorrent! Never had any issues with it. Java based programs were too slow and cludgy (IMO). I've always like utorrent.

I was invited to demonoid (from here at RS) and kept a good level when the damn thing went down....it was a real disappointment. I don't think I'll be doing that again. In demonoid, you "sponsor" another individual (or similar) and so you owe it to your mentor to keep a strong percentage. I keep a lot of torrents alive myself as I have about one Tb free & track what goes out.

February 20th, 2008, 12:40 AM
I used BitComet for a couple of years. I never knew how crappy it truly was until I switched to utorrent. With utorrent my download speeds are faster, less system resources are hogged, and it never crashes. The last straw for me were the ads in BitComet, the damn thing took up half the interface down the side of the window. A simple top banner would have sufficed, but no, they had to stick a half naked woman down the side. Not that I didn't like the eye candy chick, but that porn site is bogus crap :(

February 20th, 2008, 04:33 AM
I'm a big fan of Azureus and use it exclusively. I know its a resource hog, but its my resource hog. I do know the perks of utorrent though, and thats what I recommend.

Mr Science
February 20th, 2008, 09:59 PM

Demonoid's tracker went temporarily online in Malaysia several days ago, but went back offline today. I have a good feeling this is a sign of their return.

Mr Science
April 11th, 2008, 08:47 PM

Demonoid is back online! :D

April 11th, 2008, 08:58 PM
Finally ! :cool:

Although their trackers were never totally offline for long, it's great to have one of the largest torrent sites back with full search capability !

I personally still have some Demonoid invites left for any RogueScience member with 10+ quality posts on a first come first served basis.

Edit: Contact me only by PM.

Mr Science
April 11th, 2008, 09:11 PM
Likewise. I have 5 invites for the first people who PM me, and prove to me why they are worthy of having one. :)

Mr Science
April 12th, 2008, 02:24 AM
2 more invites left.

Oh, and it appears I made all 3 slots for the top books. :) I can imagine it staying that way for a while now.

April 12th, 2008, 02:54 AM
So DEmonoid is back online as of today? Where are their servers located now? They would probably have to be outside of Canada, and certainly outside the U$A.

April 12th, 2008, 03:17 AM
Looks like Ukraine :D

April 15th, 2008, 12:25 AM
Wonderful news. I heard the rumors they would be opening back up a few months ago. I imagine they will take quite a dip in the number of users until word gets out they are back. Of course with all the free media publicity there will be plenty of new blood.

April 15th, 2008, 03:27 AM
My username still works. I am amazed. :)

April 22nd, 2008, 11:15 PM
I have Demonoid invites as well, if anybody would like one I would be happy to send it to you

April 23rd, 2008, 09:08 AM
I also have 5 invitations available. PM me if you need one.

April 28th, 2008, 01:47 PM
I have invites available too. I dont now exactly how many I have though. I have only invited two people in the past and i just promissed my friend an invite. How many do I have left?
PM me if you want one.

May 6th, 2008, 01:45 AM
I have a few demonoid.com invites too. Please PM me if you want one.

June 5th, 2008, 02:35 PM
uTorrent is by far the best Torrent Application, I first used it when I saw it on Mininova. It is a lot better than any of the other clients I have used.

I also have 5 invites on Demonoid, PM me if interested.

Mr Science
June 9th, 2008, 01:52 AM
I have several invites as well. Anyone can drop me a PM, and I'll give you an invite.

June 9th, 2008, 09:38 PM
I also have five invites Pm me If you want one

June 12th, 2008, 01:12 PM
I too have some Demonoid invites, PM me if you need one.

June 17th, 2008, 07:32 PM
I also have 5 invites on Demonoid, PM me if interested.

I'm sorry I now have no more Demonoid Invites.

Sorry also for posting again, but it will not allow me to edit my post.

July 9th, 2008, 01:36 PM
Demonoid registration is currently open!
(7/9/2008 -12:30 EDT)
It probably won't be for long, so if you don't have an account or an invite code, now is your chance!

September 19th, 2008, 11:18 PM
Not Demonoid, but the closest I could get without starting a new thread.

http://onebigtorrent.org/ is an interesting torrent site that seems to cater more for the revolutionary/conspiracy theory type.

September 20th, 2008, 10:52 PM
If anyone is still interested in obtaining an invite code for Demonoid I have 5 to give out, PM me if you want one.

September 23rd, 2008, 11:48 AM
uTorrent is really nice one. I use it because I guess it is not banned on any private invite only trackers and it's lite... BitComet 0.70 is very good too. I am a long time user of it and never had any problems. I would recommend it(0.70).

I can invite on Demonoid if anyone is in need.

November 6th, 2008, 02:06 PM
ATM Demonoid.com registeration is open.

November 13th, 2008, 12:30 PM





Those are all I have at the moment.

Enjoy :)