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View Full Version : Suggestions for Moving

August 14th, 2007, 07:59 AM
Post links to any threads elsewhere in the Forum that you believe to belong in this new section.

August 14th, 2007, 10:46 AM

I reckon I'm going to like this new section. :D

August 14th, 2007, 01:52 PM
Great new section! Coincidentally, the birth of this new section coincides with a shift in my interests toward pharmacology and brain chemistry. I look forward to the posts made in this section.

I don't know exactly where to post this question, so I figured I'd post it here. Which threads actually go in this section? The title is 'Pharmacology and Medical Technology,' which seems to have a 'positive' connotation, while the description covers a wide range of topics, from surgical techniques to a variety of nonlethal incapacitants.

Technically (and I do believe you want to be technical), pharmacology is broad term, and it deals with any substance that, when taken, affects the subject. Thus, poisons and toxins (and their antidotes) also fall under the category of pharmacology. Obviously, lethal drugs go in the Battlefield Chemistry section. But what about riot gases, for example? They aren't lethal, and they fall under the definition of pharmacology and 'physiologically active chemicals of a nonlethal nature.' Therefore, technically, they belong in this section, but I think most people could agree that those types of substances go in the Battlefield Chemistry section.

It seems to me that the Battlefield Chemistry section and this section overlap greatly in their current forms and this section would be best dedicated to the positive aspects of pharmacology, such as anesthetics, painkillers (such as morphine), and other pharmaceutical drugs. Thus, LSD as an incapacitant would be discussed in the Battlefield Chemistry section, while LSD in psychotherapy would be discussed here.

August 14th, 2007, 08:17 PM
Well thought-out new sub-forum. I look forward to the topics.

Following Enkidu's train of thought, I believe this section should contain topics related to the possible uses of pharmacology in our overall line of thinking. The Battlefield Chemistry forum is more for proven techniques or necessitated improvisations. This section could delve into the more esoteric subjects of possible uses and causes.

August 15th, 2007, 04:24 AM
If it's used as a weapon by police or military forces, or is listed as a CW in international treaties, than it's a BC subject.

Chloroform, curare, and LSD aren't generally considered Chemical Weapons per se, so they'd go in this section, because they can be (and have been) used as weapons, but of a highly specialized nature...more like an assassins or criminals weapon, than a battlefield weapon.

Also, anything being discussed in this section has to be for the purpose of weaponization or use as a weapon, as otherwise it's not E&W-related, and belongs on Erowid or such, not here, as handling explosives and getting high don't mix. :p

Thus, the Salvia threads, while discussing cultivation, also have to discuss weaponization or use as a psychotropic weapon, otherwise they'll be deleted, as this isn't a botany forum.

And no discussion of meth will be tolerated, except for those analogs with high psychoactive effects, such as STP or DOM, that would be incapacitating to unaccustomed users.

Same for fentanyl and such...use as a weapon or painkiller is fine...getting high is not.

Here's the rule:

Getting high isn't the point. Killing is.

August 15th, 2007, 06:47 AM
I seem to remember a few good threads from the WC which would fit nicely into this section. I will search later to see if I can find a few of them.

In the meantime, I would suggest that the thread "Melatonin and other new "Knock Out" drugs (http://www.roguesci.org/theforum/showthread.php?t=1071)" be moved to this section.

August 15th, 2007, 10:20 AM
You'll notice how this section has a number of threads in it, despite having only existed for a day.

Where do you think they all came from? ;)

August 16th, 2007, 01:37 AM
Hmm, how about an aerosolized form of methamphetamine released near, or inside, a major law enforcement center or federal agency. With their constant drug tests a very significant number of agents would test positive. The purpose is not to make them high, but to place doubt on all evidence gathering and convictions. How many thousands of cases would be cast into doubt, or overthrown, because countless investigators, agents, forensics techs, and miscellaneous personnel were "under the influence."

That is about the only scenario meth discussion would be valid here.

August 16th, 2007, 05:08 AM
Some people have asked me about what belongs in this section, so some clarification is in order.

Think about a medical topic (anything) and ask yourself:

"Could I ask this question at any other forum without getting run out or reported as a criminal/terrorist/psychopath?"

If the answer is no, then it belongs here, otherwise ask your question elsewhere.

This section is the Nazi Death Camp/CIA Black Ops of medical science. I've even renamed it to Death Camp Medicine (until something better comes along) as that should clearly put into anyones mind exactly the nature of topics to be discussed here.

Surgery with no anesthesia, injecting cancer cells, implanting nasty devices, drugging people to drive them insane or render them defenseless to attack, etc.

It's not about curing diseases or managing pain. It's about causing disease and inflicting pain.

If it's something the Nazi's would do at Dachau, or the CIA in a covert program, ask it here. Otherwise, go ask it at any one of the hundreds of other sheeple forums.

Oh, and further clarification of what should be obvious:

Synthesis or cultivation of a drug is a separate topic from weaponization of same, thus threads should be separated into different threads accordingly.

If, as is inevitable, some discussion intersperses the two topics, it'll be split into separate topics and individual posts moved as appropriate, at the discretion of staff, if deemed appropriate.

August 16th, 2007, 08:58 PM
Synthesis or cultivation of a drug is a separate topic from weaponization of same, thus threads should be separated into different threads accordingly.

If, as is inevitable, some discussion intersperses the two topics, it'll be split into separate topics and individual posts moved as appropriate, at the discretion of staff, if deemed appropriate.

I like the clarification, NBK. Cultivation information of many drugs is readily available; however, weaponization information is hard to come by. Anthrax comes to mind.

I really look forward to seeing the topics that develop from this. The moderated organization of the threads will prove very useful (as long as posters don't get pissy about it) for indexing and archiving.

If anyone has ideas on how to go about even finding information on these topics, I would be interested. I suppose we could go through our usual patents route. Experimentation would be useful, too, although with GREAT care. Maybe RogueSci.orgers will keep colonies of mice on hand for tests. :)

Perhaps we could even put old methods (ricin extraction) into finalized concrete forms (SOPs if you will). We could even start with castor bean tree growing and care (NBK mentioned this in passing a week ago).

I'm simply throwing some ideas out there.