March 26th, 2007, 12:15 AM
Someone purporting to be Seymour Lecker, author of such 3LL+3 titles as:
Improvised Explosives: How To Make Your Own (and others ('http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/002-7953212-5872004?%5Fencoding=UTF8&search-type=ss&index=books&field-author=Seymour%20Lecker'))
has been PM'ing me and mega, to whine about our alleged piracy of his fine books. :rolleyes:
The gist of his PM's is that he doesn't give a shit if we're "naughty", since he's getting paid. :mad:
I figure that when an author is more concerned with how much money he gets paid for his book, and not on the books worth, than that writer is nothing more than a hack.
Some relevant quotes by Amazon buyers of his books:
Do not expect too much..,
A waste of time, money, effort, very disappointing, a sham
Three BARELY pertinent pages out of 34?
Lecker outdoes himself in the information he DOESN'T provide,
Deadly Brew is one of a series of books by Seymour Lecker, which I hope is a pseudonym. Contained within is simply a list, probably pinched from an OSHA guide, of reactive liquid chemicals that may explode when mixed. Period. Persons wanting a how-to guide with step - by -step instructions for collecting, assembling and employing a binary chemical Improvised Explosive Device will be sorely, sorely disappointed. If this book is representative of Mr. Lecker's other work, you would be well - advised to think hard before shelling out any serious money for any copy in any condition.
So I put it to the masses to vote on the legitimacy of the information in his books.
Improvised Explosives: How To Make Your Own (and others ('http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/002-7953212-5872004?%5Fencoding=UTF8&search-type=ss&index=books&field-author=Seymour%20Lecker'))
has been PM'ing me and mega, to whine about our alleged piracy of his fine books. :rolleyes:
The gist of his PM's is that he doesn't give a shit if we're "naughty", since he's getting paid. :mad:
I figure that when an author is more concerned with how much money he gets paid for his book, and not on the books worth, than that writer is nothing more than a hack.
Some relevant quotes by Amazon buyers of his books:
Do not expect too much..,
A waste of time, money, effort, very disappointing, a sham
Three BARELY pertinent pages out of 34?
Lecker outdoes himself in the information he DOESN'T provide,
Deadly Brew is one of a series of books by Seymour Lecker, which I hope is a pseudonym. Contained within is simply a list, probably pinched from an OSHA guide, of reactive liquid chemicals that may explode when mixed. Period. Persons wanting a how-to guide with step - by -step instructions for collecting, assembling and employing a binary chemical Improvised Explosive Device will be sorely, sorely disappointed. If this book is representative of Mr. Lecker's other work, you would be well - advised to think hard before shelling out any serious money for any copy in any condition.
So I put it to the masses to vote on the legitimacy of the information in his books.