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View Full Version : MgSO4 as a Desiccant/Best Desiccants

March 23rd, 2007, 03:34 PM
Have any of you guys used anhydrous MgSO4 as a desiccant? I'm short on choices and I've tried to UTFSE to find info on using it but havent found much of info on how fast it is or it's efficiency. If anyone knows what it will bring humidity % down to etc. I'd appreciate it.

I want to use it for drying and keeping dry a tiny batch (~100g) of purified AN, among other things. I would just dry the AN in the oven but I'd rather not, plus I need a desiccant for drying other things as well, pretty much whatever I need to. Even if it won't work for drying AN I still need a desiccant. What are the best dessicants that any of you have used?