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February 22nd, 2007, 01:43 AM
Hello, I hope somebody can help me out.

My neighbor built me a Cannon for New Year’s Eve and Fourth of July to set off, I got so excited over his, he said he would make me one.

Here’s the description of it:

Stainless steel two inch stock 16 � inches long with a half-inch bore.
From the front of the barrel to where you put the fuse in it is 12 inches
From the fuse to the back of the barrel is 4 1/2inches.
Fuse hole is 1/8 inch diameter
From fuse hole inside barrel looking to back of barrel is a half inch and the other 4 inches is solid steel

It is all completely solid and the back of barrel does not come off of it. He really did a nice job on it; outside of barrel has nice lathing done on it.

He lathed around the barrel cutting into it all the way around and cut two pieces of aluminum steel that fit exactly around the barrel and the outside being a square then mounted that on a 1 1/8 inch pipe by 6 inches , putting axle through that and six inch steel spoke wheels on it.

I mean this thing is really cherry.

The problem I have is before he gave it to me he passed away. A few years later his daughter brought it over to me and I believe it’s a carbide cannon? but I am really not sure. And that’s about all I know about it.

Can anyone tell me what kind of material and fuse I need to use to fire this thing off? and exactly how to load it pack it and fire it. Any help would be appreciated and I can’t wait to fire this baby off.

February 22nd, 2007, 03:36 PM
From your description it does not sound like a carbide cannon. Google on carbide cannon and "bangsite" for more information on that. http://www.cannon-mania.com/bigbang.htm

February 23rd, 2007, 01:20 AM
Sounds to me like a standard Black Powder cannon using 1/2 or 1 oz charges and regular Visco fuse. Hard to tell without a picture and all the specs.

February 23rd, 2007, 12:07 PM
Oops, something ate Cephas last night-

I figured he was probably too young to buy a can of BP. And unless his dead neighbor was a gunsmith, I'd be leary of the unknown metals used. "Aluminum steel"?

February 23rd, 2007, 02:01 PM
Maybe that kind of "steel" killed the neighbor? I think it was something like the stuff known at my area as duraluminium. Can that be used in such device I don't know? I wouldn't know that even I were by trade the gunsmith since that description is all Spanish to me.

February 23rd, 2007, 10:17 PM
My paternal grandfather had something similiar that he'd fire off on the 4th.

It used 12 gauge shotgun shell blanks. Quite loud!

His was a manufactured item from before all the stupid gun laws, as he'd had it it all his life from his father, so it was from the 20's or 30's, maybe earlier, being all black cast-iron, with red-painted iron wheels.

Also, used it for firing out cherry bomb and nigger chasers. Don't try that nowadays or the PC police will put you away for hate crimes or terr-er-ism.

February 24th, 2007, 11:59 PM
I have a BP cannon that sounds similar to the one you described. Mine is homemade. It is 8 inches from fuse to end of barrel. The bore is 50 cal.

Here is a pic of one of my other toys. A homemade BP mortar, 3 inch bore. With a little black powder or Pyrodex, it will send a can of beans into orbit.