February 14th, 2007, 05:22 PM
I find it really sad that so many people ask for formulas and instructions on how to make outlawed explosives like M-80s, Cherry Bombs, and Silver Salutes. IMHO (in my humble opinion), if you need to ask, you should not be making them.
I was in college in 1966 when the above mentioned explosives were outlawed by the Child Protection Act. I had started making my own explosives by the tender age of either eight or nine, so it was no big loss when these explosives were outlawed. To me (at the time) they were just kid's play things anyway. I made really BIG explosives. The kind that would have the worshipers at the Church of the Nazerine diving out the windows head first when I threw one under their church one Summer Sunday evening. They could not tell if it was the rapture or an alien attack until the smoke started coming out from under the building.
The best way to make a really BIG explosive before the ban was to get a dozen, then legal, M-80s and make one Big explosive from those dozen. I would pull one end cap out and pour the black powder onto the center of a piece of brown paper bag; then wad it up into a ball; place a fuse in the open end and bind with 7 or 8 complete wraps of celophane tape. Since each M-80 had almost 3 onces of black powder, my Big explosive had a little over two pounds of explosive material in the enclosure - what a bang. And can you picture how big the thing was?
Once we started driving, there was not a mailbox in three counties safe. We especially liked the big mailboxes in front of the rich people's houses. We also leveled a few of those cute brick enclosures that a certain type of show off put their mailbox in. Hell fire and Brimstone, we made short order of the mailbox at the police station a few times.
For those who are waiting for the formula and instructions for making M-80s, here we go. One part by weight of fine ground charcoal; two parts by weight of fine spherical Aluminum; and five parts by weight of Potassium Chlorate. Mix the Charcoal and Aluminum together first. Then carefully add in the Potassium Chlorate. Use the "diaper" method of blending the components. Once throughly mixed, get a Dixie cup, a 20 oz. Coke, and a pint of Ten High Bourbon. Pour the coke, Ten High, and the black powder mixture into the Dixie cup. Place this mixture in the bright sun until the neighbor's dog drinks it. Light the dog's tail and run like the dickens. If the dog's tail does not light, repeat the above procedure.
Now, drink the remainder of the bourbon and coke. Remember, it is against the law to make or possess any type of salute or firecracker that has more than 50 milligrams of powder.
Have a great day and keep all your fingers.
I was in college in 1966 when the above mentioned explosives were outlawed by the Child Protection Act. I had started making my own explosives by the tender age of either eight or nine, so it was no big loss when these explosives were outlawed. To me (at the time) they were just kid's play things anyway. I made really BIG explosives. The kind that would have the worshipers at the Church of the Nazerine diving out the windows head first when I threw one under their church one Summer Sunday evening. They could not tell if it was the rapture or an alien attack until the smoke started coming out from under the building.
The best way to make a really BIG explosive before the ban was to get a dozen, then legal, M-80s and make one Big explosive from those dozen. I would pull one end cap out and pour the black powder onto the center of a piece of brown paper bag; then wad it up into a ball; place a fuse in the open end and bind with 7 or 8 complete wraps of celophane tape. Since each M-80 had almost 3 onces of black powder, my Big explosive had a little over two pounds of explosive material in the enclosure - what a bang. And can you picture how big the thing was?
Once we started driving, there was not a mailbox in three counties safe. We especially liked the big mailboxes in front of the rich people's houses. We also leveled a few of those cute brick enclosures that a certain type of show off put their mailbox in. Hell fire and Brimstone, we made short order of the mailbox at the police station a few times.
For those who are waiting for the formula and instructions for making M-80s, here we go. One part by weight of fine ground charcoal; two parts by weight of fine spherical Aluminum; and five parts by weight of Potassium Chlorate. Mix the Charcoal and Aluminum together first. Then carefully add in the Potassium Chlorate. Use the "diaper" method of blending the components. Once throughly mixed, get a Dixie cup, a 20 oz. Coke, and a pint of Ten High Bourbon. Pour the coke, Ten High, and the black powder mixture into the Dixie cup. Place this mixture in the bright sun until the neighbor's dog drinks it. Light the dog's tail and run like the dickens. If the dog's tail does not light, repeat the above procedure.
Now, drink the remainder of the bourbon and coke. Remember, it is against the law to make or possess any type of salute or firecracker that has more than 50 milligrams of powder.
Have a great day and keep all your fingers.