View Full Version : Just the one post for me.
February 6th, 2007, 12:04 AM
I just had to register to this seedy little forum to tell you, NBK, that you are a complete asshat.
It must make you feel real big bossing around anyone that makes simple spelling/grammatical mistakes even if the content of there post is actually quite relevant and interesting.
I mean, you even have a little trophy thread for all the users you have successfully been an asshat to.
The worst of it is the users that actually stay here and put up with this shit.
Well thats about it.
Dobry vyecher.
February 6th, 2007, 12:32 AM
In a forum where the development of explosives, poisons and various other EXTREMELY dangerous substances is involved, you need a strict observer and intervener to keep things in check. It discourages people from posting needless questions as well as the instructions with false experimentation, inaccurate ratios or quantities, and vital warnings to those that might die in a dream they may or may not have.
Sad thing about this post is that the poster probably won't look back at it, except maybe once, hoping to see how much he changed everyone's mind about NBK and how much of an "asshat" he is. That means the retribution, courtesy of HED, will be like eating a hermit crab's shell when the hermit crab has already scurried away. :mad:
February 6th, 2007, 12:42 AM
ppl ho ban my posts n stuff cuz of my spelign r just stuipid grammer nazis ewho dont care about wut i have 2 asdd about teh explosives an thermitr, <-- Whoever trusts their fingers and arms to someone who writes like this, please stand up and be counted.
February 6th, 2007, 01:02 AM
i just had to re-register to this amazing forum to bitch at NBK because he banned me before for using grammar at a second grade level so what if i didnt uze punctuation u guys r lame it's not my fault i didnt kno where 2 look to find a topic on how to use matchheads 2 set off superpowrful plastic binary explosive from blackpowder and bubblegum and more matchheads i dont understand why everyone is so mean i even got banned from TOTSE and bombsock too once but they let me bak
Wow, that guy is an idiot:cool:.
February 6th, 2007, 01:57 AM
Congratulations on learning how to post fraudulent material on the net to try and make a mockery of someone.
So far the only person who has taken this thread the way a mature and intelligent person should take it is Shalashaska.
The other two that attempted mockery through bad spelling, bad quoting and stupid PM's are what I thought this site was full of in the first place:
Idiots that use correct spelling/grammar and strict rules to hide the fact that they are idiots.
No I did not get banned from here previously and no I did not come here to learn how to make explosives. I stumbled on this site while googling for information on bypassing alarm systems. Then I noticed the idiotic rules and the moderator of it all that thinks he is god.
My point was, cut a bit of slack. I would rather follow rules if I had respect for the person that makes them, not fear of being in his trophy room.
February 6th, 2007, 02:14 AM
bad quoting and stupid PM's
To clarify this statement: TactiK fell for the old multiplying popup trick in a recent PM conversation:
Topic: "ur grammer sucks" <--- This is you. :D
So you PM'd me to show you cannot spell "Grammar", to quote me for no reason at all and to link me to a website that does not exist?
And I suppose you did this through a PM for fear of being banned for idiocy and spam?
Get a life.
Sorry, it was
You have still done nothing but make yourself look like a bored 12 year old.
Well done.
By coming in here and telling us to "cut a little slack" in our discussions of explosives, biological and chemical weapons, calling the mods idiots, and clicking on every link I send him in a PM, TactiK has proven that he is, in fact, an idiot.
February 6th, 2007, 02:19 AM
tiKTac, what contributions do you bring to this table that would cause any to respect your opinions?
February 6th, 2007, 02:26 AM
I thought you were just going to make one post, I knew that by baiting you, you would be unable to resist posting again. My mission was accomplished, I got you to do as I wished. Dance my puppet, dance!
February 6th, 2007, 02:37 AM
Puppets are bound to whomever holds the strings, me, being without strings, shall leave now.
But every time you see someone get banned for bad grammar or just plain idiot reasons, you will think of what I have said here.
You know I am right, you are just to scared for your reputations to stand up and say it.
So, NBK's puppets, dance.
February 6th, 2007, 02:44 AM
So, NBK's puppets, dance.
OMG, you're so Hardcore. :rolleyes:
Pretending like everyone secretly agrees with you after you've been exposed as an internet tough guy is lame.
So, since you've fled from the infamous E&W forum, how long 'till we'll be seeing him at totse?
February 6th, 2007, 03:10 AM
I know this type of character he says he is gone but he won't be. They always have to have the last word, now I just need to think of how to goad him correctly.
As to being scared for our reputations, that is certainly not a reason to be silent, fear of banning is however :D. However, if I thought you were right I would speak my mind and take the banning. That is not to say that I agree with every banning administered, just as there are times I think someone should be banned who is granted a pardon. What I do always agree with is that I am glad it is not my job to deal with the it. There are other places I would go if I secretly thought NBK was an "asshat".
As to whether or not we are NBK's puppets, I am attacking you because you attacked me not NBK. I have not defended NBK nor will I, as there is no need to, you certainly aren't going to hurt his feelings. You are not the first person to publicly attack him, you are however one of the least noteworthy. You think you are original with this post, but you are not. Others have siad the same things you have said, expecting a great revolution where the proletariat rebel and overthrow the oppressive dictatorship but they forget one thing. NBK may be a dictator, but he is our dictator.
The "trophy thread" is actually a blessing to noobies if they read it and learn what not to do.
February 6th, 2007, 04:40 AM
Looks like you have a boyfriend NBK :eek:
He went the wrong way about it if he wants to have his head up your arse, like an "Asshat"
February 6th, 2007, 04:51 AM
I know this type of character he says he is gone but he won't be.
He's been lurking here for the last four hours waiting for us to reply to his artistic and original posts. :rolleyes:
If I was an admin, TactiK and all of his posts would be "dissapeared", to deny him the attention he craves.
February 6th, 2007, 04:56 AM
When discussing explosives and the like, one needs good spelling or else things can get misunderstood (which could be fatal when dealing with explosives/poisons).
Plus good spelling makes look way more attractive for serious potential members.
As for NBK: Not everyone agrees with him on some points, but this isn't a forum about ethics, and you just simply STFU if the point of disagreement is not related to E&W.
It's as simple as that.
This place is a huge pile of information, and I don't want to lose that because I think NBK is wrong in calling a black man a nigger/mud.
Science has no ethics, so why should we care for trivial names with an ethical background?
February 6th, 2007, 07:19 AM
In addition to the excellent points made above, I might point out it all comes down to freedom of association. It just doesn't make sense to complain about any so-called "right to post" in a private forum. Where do you think you are, anyway? Hot tip: in this forum, he is God. Likewise, if you don't approve of the way things are being run, go take your contributions somewhere else. Start your own group and run it however you please.
There are plenty of fora for people who can't spell and have nothing to say; I for one, choose not to participate in them. Something for everybody. I'll admit I'm not that happy about the racism or occasional conspiracist nutjobbery you'll see here, but on balance, the benefits of reading posts outweigh the drawbacks. As soon as it tips in the opposite direction, I'll leave. As will the vast majority of worthwhile posters. Gresham's law.
February 6th, 2007, 10:21 AM
Look what happens while the Beast sleeps....the prey get brave. :rolleyes:
And tell me, oh Braveheart, what would you have us do, go easy on fools?
I know this isn't your first time here on The Forum, so you must be one of those whom I've given a warning ban to, in the hopes that they'd improve their grammar to something above the primary-school level.
However, unlike the others who've used this as a learning experience to improve, you've decided to go the 'pissy and offended' route.
I guess I could make up for such generosity on my part by going through the list of those who were given temporary bans and making them all retroactively permanent. :)
And with 12 pages of examples of stupidty to not follow, you choose to contribute towards page 13. :D
I stumbled on this site while googling for information on bypassing alarm systems. having found a website that discusses such things in an open and literate manner, you decide 'Hey, these guys are grammar nazis! I must speak out against this oppression, and the oppressor!'
What a hypocrite!
You eat of the fruit and then bitch about the tree it came from and the gardener who made it possible by carefully defending it from vermin for 7 years.
Please provide a URL for any other site that discusses what we discuss, that does so in the semi-literate manner that you seem to prefer, and of equal technical accuracy.
You can't, because minds too sloppy to put together a coherent sentence are too stupid to accomplish anything except winning a Darwin Award. :p
February 6th, 2007, 11:54 AM
:confused: What a dumbass...
February 6th, 2007, 02:29 PM :
Coventry, England. Not a proxy.
February 6th, 2007, 04:57 PM
If any of you have read Orson Scott Card's series of books like Ender's Game, Ender's Shadow (great Sci-Fi books), you will see that they treat the children pretty poorly. Why do they do this? To make them the best of the best. If you don't teach someone to do something on their own, they can't really do anything. Where am I going with this?
I'm sure that most people here have been corrected by NBK a time or two. He is trying to help us to be the best that we can be. If you highlight someone's mistakes in front of everyone else (corrections signed with NBK), the poster will make a vast effort to improve their grammar and writing styles.
It is not so much the ban (you don't miss out without an account much anyway) as much as how others see you. If he corrects you, and you come up with a retarded comeback like taKtiC, you are viewed by your peers as how you posted, a retard. If you make a mistake and make an effort to change, everyone forgets about the mistake and listens to what you have to say. You will do more research, pay more attention, and overall educate yourself.
Basically, NBK is trying to make us the best that we can be, and by doing this he saves our lives from K3wlish mistakes and other things.
So, NBK, thanks for saving my life and making me a smarter, more logical person.
February 6th, 2007, 06:20 PM
I know this isn't your first time here on The Forum, so you must be one of those whom I've given a warning ban to, in the hopes that they'd improve their grammar to something above the primary-school level.
Nope. :
Coventry, England. Not a proxy.
Wrong again. But aside from being wrong what do you think posting someone's hostname/IP is going to do?
Gonna send out the oh so l33t h4x0rs?
Also, if that's not a proxy then you would be able to check for any other users that use the same IP address, but then once again you would realise that you where wrong with your first point I previously quoted.
I am actually surprised I did not get the ban hammer for offending your ego, maybe you have got some balls after all.
I can understand that you don't want stupid people blowing there teeth out the back of there head and blaming your forum for it, but what doe's that have to do with peoples grammar and spelling?
The internet back in the day was a place free of criticism, free of race, color, nationality. Free of anything that you would get discriminated for in the real world, but now the internet has spread out to the assholes that cant take not being able to discriminate someone and they have added a new form of discrimination. Some people like to call these the Grammar/Spelling Nazi's.
It's perfectly fine that you are banning people for being complete retards, or "Kewls" as you like to put it. But the rest is just adding discrimination to a previously discrimination free realm.
Thanks to the few people that managed to reply without attempting idiotic mockery. I realise that there was slight error of judgement in my first few posts and would like to apologise to you NBK for the direct attack on you.
To be completely honest I don't even know what triggered me into making the original post, some things are just better left unsaid I suppose.
I don't think I should be sticking around here now as I seem to have worked up a few people. Especially Defendu with his idiot website, think that up all by yourself did we? I think he deserves a medal.
edit: Did you also know that this site is blocked through Saudi Arabian proxies?
How's that for freedom of information.
February 6th, 2007, 06:40 PM
You have spent the last hour and a half typing that reply.
IMHO you are mentally unstable, leave NBK alone and leave this forum alone.
Move on...............
February 6th, 2007, 06:47 PM
Just the one post for me.
Puppets are bound to whomever holds the strings, me, being without strings, shall leave now.
I don't think I should be sticking around here now as I seem to have worked up a few people.
It's all just one 'final post' after another. :rolleyes:
February 6th, 2007, 07:06 PM
It's all just one 'final post' after another. :rolleyes:
Thanks for pointing out the pointless.
February 6th, 2007, 07:15 PM
Reminds me of a certain Monty Python skit about the Spanish Inquisition...
Oh, bugger, TikTac... Just go out and come back in again. And tell Cardinal Fang to fetch the 'comfy chair'.
February 6th, 2007, 07:18 PM
Reminds me of a certain Monty Python skit about the Spanish Inquisition...
Oh, bugger, TikTac... Just go out and come back in again. And tell Cardinal Fang to fetch the 'comfy chair'.
Go grab me the damn comfy chair then.
Cant blame a man for wanting to come back and explain himself. A shame we have to deal with these idiot posts in between, aint that right Defendu :D
February 6th, 2007, 07:50 PM
Hmm. wrong clip- try again...
February 6th, 2007, 08:39 PM
The internet back in the day was a place free of criticism, free of race, color, nationality. Free of anything that you would get discriminated for in the real world, but now the internet has spread out to the assholes that cant take not being able to discriminate someone and they have added a new form of discrimination.
Stop Intelligence-Based Discrimination (
February 6th, 2007, 08:50 PM
"Hmmm... It seems he is made of harder stuff..." :p
It's all three clips, Bert. I just wonder why this is left open, besides it entertainment value, of course.
February 6th, 2007, 09:24 PM
I've never seen anyone banned for the occasional typo, misplaced apostrophe, or subject-verb disagreement. Hey, it happens to the best of us. But the way I understand it, "grammar" is basically a shorthand for "lazy, illiterate, and/or unable to put together a coherent thought".
You might have some interesting ideas, but if you can't express them in an intelligible and civilized way, you're going to alienate 99% of the worthwhile readers here. Can you name even one banned poster you think made a real contribution? What did they really have to offer? Good grammar and intelligence go together; that's just the way it is. "Caring enough to correct typos" and "conducting experiments without blowing your fingers off" are highly correlated too.
"It's perfectly fine that you are banning people for being complete retards, or "Kewls" as you like to put it. But the rest is just adding discrimination to a previously discrimination free realm."
If you have any standards at all, you ALWAYS discriminate between those who live up to them and who those who don't. I discriminate against thoughtless, lazy, stupid people all day long--and am proud of it.
If you aren't comfortable with the idea of merit being rewarded and fools paying dearly, this probably isn't the forum for you.
February 6th, 2007, 11:06 PM
I hold to the ideal of a peer-reviewed scientific journal.
You can ask mega, in order to get a doctorate in a hard science, you have to pass several english literature/grammar courses.
How can you expect to be trusted to build multi-billion dollar projects if you can't put construct a proper sentence? How many scientists are grammatically lazy?
A shifting of a decimal point by one place, to the left or right, dramatically alters the outcome of a reaction. If you can't be bothered to properly construct a sentence, complete with punctuation and all the rest, how can anyone trust your formulas?
And no, I don't ban people out of hand for criticism of me or policy, since it helps to know what the masses are thinking.
But I DO ban people for personal attacks, like that against Defundu, who's been around a hell of a lot longer than you, and contributed far more than you.
Good bye. :)
February 7th, 2007, 01:17 AM
Well I was right in my judgement of this character, unfortunately I was wrong in what way to get him to respond. I was hoping that he would jump on the small errors in spelling I purposefully left in my post, he did not :(, but he did make 2 more "last posts" vindicating me. For a little bit I thought he had the self control to at least make me look like an idiot by proving me wrong.
February 7th, 2007, 01:51 PM
Go grab me the damn comfy chair then.
Cant blame a man for wanting to come back and explain himself. A shame we have to deal with these idiot posts in between, aint that right Defendu :D
Where are you going with this, and precisely what are you trying to prove? Even if NBK was wrong to ban you initially, you've certainly proven him right by coming back, crying like a little bitch, and lashing out at the entire forum. You don't have a logical leg to stand on here, every aspect of your stupid little soap box is wrong.
February 7th, 2007, 08:41 PM
It's all just one 'final post' after another
Isn't it always?
The thing I find funny is that for some reason he never really looked back at some of the things in the past that prove just exactly why we need to be harsh on grammar. So, to save our friend some time and effort, I'll bring up the first one that comes to mind, by NBK.
We don't need anyone so badly that we'll grant exceptions to the basic rules of literacy and grammer. Anyone who spends ANY time reading here should notice a serious lack of IRC/IM style postings, with the typical 3LL3t3 spelling and lack of basic sentence structure.
To demonstrate, tell me which is which:
One is is an element, and two are gases, but which is which? One lacks proper capitalization, and another a subset 2.
Now do you see the importance of proper grammer skills?
And be grateful it wasn't a formula you were following that ended up exploding in your face, resulting in two stumps were you used to have hands, and a face full of acid.
'course, now there's no purpose, since the imbecile made a personal attack against another forum member...
February 7th, 2007, 10:48 PM
Oh for gods sake, give it a rest fool! You are one of the reasons the Internet is becoming a cesspool: you are a self aggrandizing egomaniac who thinks he knows all the answers to life's problems and feels compelled to share with us all why you know better, and anyone who disagrees with you is obviously stupid.
Well, have I got news for you. Once I submit this I will promptly forget you ever existed because that's how much of an impression you have left on me. You think you are the first person to complain about the rules? If you don't like it I kindly invite you to go away.
Would you come into someones home, eat their food, sleep in their bed, wear their cloths, and then have the gall to complain about their rules not allowing trespassers?
I could really care less what you think about my rules because they work. If they didn't, I would change them. You have accomplished nothing in your little pathetic tirade. To think you wasted your time trolling around here just to express your derision at a rule for a forum you never intend to visit again... Get a life pal, you have a serious psychological problem or a crippling Internet addiction.
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