January 15th, 2007, 06:48 PM
--- Methazonic acid is usually prepared by the action
of concentrated sodium hydroxide solution on nitromethane. --- extract by D. J. MORGAN
When searching the fourms for this I was unable to find much good advice, although I refrained from asking, as the moderators rules sternly but fairly oppose. I myself tested two methods from searching the forums and internet and here were the results:
Method 1
Mix nitromethane with aqueous sodium hydroxide. Add slowly to avoid overheating, then add 30 centigrade and the liquid will solidify into a brown mass that can be filtered to obtain crystals. I obtained a non-ignitable whitish pulp...waste of 100% nitromethane...
Method 2
Mix sodium hydroxide with nitromethane. Adding the other way round could result in immediate absorbtion of the crystals and overheating, resulting in ignition. However, as it is not fully dried, all it does is fiss violently. The sodium hydroxide should turn brown in 1 - 5 mins, but gentle heating will speed the process. If when doing this, and blue-green flame appears, blow it out and cease heating, as you have gone too far. The sodium hydroxide is added until very little NM is left , and this is poured off for later use. The sodium hydroxide is then gently heated until no trace of moisture lingers. Unconfined heating will result in a loud explosion in which trails of smoke meters long will follow the product. I have not tried confined but will get back to you on that, and although I was told this was a high explosive, I am unsure.
All info welcome - except off topic
Articles on NM available by request.
I know there are other easier ways to sensetize NM, but none have been successfull, or ingredients are too hard to obtain.:(
of concentrated sodium hydroxide solution on nitromethane. --- extract by D. J. MORGAN
When searching the fourms for this I was unable to find much good advice, although I refrained from asking, as the moderators rules sternly but fairly oppose. I myself tested two methods from searching the forums and internet and here were the results:
Method 1
Mix nitromethane with aqueous sodium hydroxide. Add slowly to avoid overheating, then add 30 centigrade and the liquid will solidify into a brown mass that can be filtered to obtain crystals. I obtained a non-ignitable whitish pulp...waste of 100% nitromethane...
Method 2
Mix sodium hydroxide with nitromethane. Adding the other way round could result in immediate absorbtion of the crystals and overheating, resulting in ignition. However, as it is not fully dried, all it does is fiss violently. The sodium hydroxide should turn brown in 1 - 5 mins, but gentle heating will speed the process. If when doing this, and blue-green flame appears, blow it out and cease heating, as you have gone too far. The sodium hydroxide is added until very little NM is left , and this is poured off for later use. The sodium hydroxide is then gently heated until no trace of moisture lingers. Unconfined heating will result in a loud explosion in which trails of smoke meters long will follow the product. I have not tried confined but will get back to you on that, and although I was told this was a high explosive, I am unsure.
All info welcome - except off topic
Articles on NM available by request.
I know there are other easier ways to sensetize NM, but none have been successfull, or ingredients are too hard to obtain.:(