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View Full Version : What is a Dangermouse?

January 12th, 2007, 01:35 AM
I was recently over at The Crucible, and happened across a project by a member there, called Dangermouse.

Seems that the offer is being made to give away (for the cost of postage) quite a bit of information. On CD, I think.

Has anybody got any more information on "Dangermouse"?

January 12th, 2007, 01:59 AM
Sounds hokey to me. Why not put it out to the people via a torrent instead of requesting an address to send it to? Anonimity must be maintained regarding our topics of interest, or you know what happens.

I'll pass...

January 12th, 2007, 02:06 AM
If giving your address to an unknown person in exchange for possible child-porn entrapment bait is your idea of a good time, go for it.

January 20th, 2007, 05:02 PM
Dangermouse was the name of a cartoon on Nickelodeon in the 80s as I recall. He was a British spy, and a mouse, that lived in London in a letterbox.

As for the dangermouse of this topics subject, all I can say is his motives are in the right place since he is offering a wealth of knowledge for free (all the best things in life are free, plus shipping and handling). However, I would recommend he offer the information via torrents as well as on disk just so people know what they are getting.

Many of us do not have the high speed bandwidth necessary to download hundreds of MB, or even GB, of data. For them a disk is an excellent compromise. He himself may not have the bandwidth to host a torrent, upload to a FTP, or other file hosting service.

With that said, has dangermouse established himself as a credible contributing member of that website (knowledgeable)? Is he a Johnny-come-lately to the scene (fedbait), or an established member? Has he indicated exactly what files he is offering on his disk (table of contents)? Is he willing to send a copy to a member who can serve up the files in a torrent? All of these questions should be addressed for the suspicious to feel at ease.