View Full Version : Kill More Kids!
January 6th, 2007, 08:08 PM
Bryan Jones, director of the Center for American Politics and Public Policy at the University of Washington, agreed that the gun lobby is the main reason politicians are unlikely to pass new control laws.[SNIP]
..."I hate to say it but it's going to take the kind of massacre that kills lots of children. That's the only way we are going to see progress," Jones said.
Asshole gun grabbing scum like this should be murdered with their favorite (often bill signing) ballpoint pen.
January 6th, 2007, 10:06 PM
This logic coming from antigunners isn't new. They capitalize on the deaths
of victims to push their agendas. It's fucking sick ! One thing George W.
Bush did may have a lasting effect on gun control. He nominated and got 2
conservatives on the Supreme Court. John Roberts and certainly Samuel
Alito may do more to protect the 2nd Amendment than any liberal would.
In 1996, Alito found himself the lone dissenter in a Federal Appeals Court
asserting that bans on machineguns are unconstitutional.
My kind of judge ! :D
January 6th, 2007, 11:35 PM
I personaly am not worried about it. I have never legitimatly purchased a firearm in my life, (Though I have quite a few ;) ). As far as gun bans go, it will never happen, and if it does it won't go over too smoothly with the people who own them.
And if it does come down to it, I'd rather have the law-abiding brain-washed sheeple unarmed and easy to control when those of us smart enough to have weapons decide we've had enough.
The fact that Jones said they're waiting for a massacre of kids is kind of wierd though. Sounds like Bush before 9/11.
January 7th, 2007, 01:09 AM
If there isn't a spontaneous shooting they can use to trump the horn of Guns are evillll!, they'll manufacture one with one of their many puppets. :(
January 7th, 2007, 09:05 AM
You see in the article that a shooting in the Jewish Federation was a reason why guns should be banned. Remember, it takes motive and means to commit a 'crime'. Why the fuck don't they just ban Jews instead of guns? Or unreasonable unfounded hate? (*wink* like against guns).
If you think that a line in your constitution is going to protect your gun ownership, then you need to think long and carefully about where to world is going and who is actually running your country.
Also note the age old line that banning guns will "protect our families and children". Protect them from what?
The ire of small game?
Perhaps the revenge of the mutant rabbit people?
Wake up and actually see how this shit happens you morons!
In Australia, you can buy automatic weapons that are ILLEGAL for all normal citizens (whether they have a firearm license of any class or not). Where did they come from? They certainly aren't stolen, cause you can't buy them you fucking idiots.
*sigh* Its the mentality of these people. "It will take a massacre to get my point across to the scared sheeple".
See, how many times in the past (read "times with less gun control") was there some kind of mass murder? People didn't take their dads gun and go to school and shoot other kids up.
It's in their heads, not their hands that the problem is. It is their subconscious realizing that society is fucked up, and it is the cognitive dissonance where their instincts (rage, anger, hatred) are being suppressed by the pussy views that have been drilled into them.
You hear how the kids were anti social, and that everyone always thought they were weird. Fucking bullshit. The other kids picked on him and he was too pussy to stand up for himself. He hated being so pussy, so one day blew them all apart. They then blame him, because they feel guilty about it.
Damn, this shit pisses me off and it isn't even my country.
January 7th, 2007, 09:39 AM
Anti-gunners annoy me to the point I just want to... anyway since that ass in tasmania sheeple australians think guns are seeds of evil that possess people and turn them into death machines from the bowels of hell.
You can get Glock 17's, 18's, Uzi's, M\LAW66, RPG 7's, steyr AUG's this is *some* of the stuff you can get here.
Dumb kids who think their nigga and wit it. Well most of the cases.
Alexires it would agitate anyone off who appreciates instruments of peace.
And also Alex, JFPO (or whatever) is an organization of jews who what firearms.
If they don't want guns they are surely to be stabbed.
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