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View Full Version : EMP schematics

December 16th, 2006, 02:48 AM
After doing some research on both this forum and quite a few others, most of which we're located off of google, I found some schematics for an EMP device. The materials required for this aren't too terribly difficult to find and with a little money, and a little effort, it was quite simple to build. Now I'm not quite sure yet of all of the forum rules, so am hesitant to post the tif files I downloaded. I will however post the link where i found these 2 schematics. They both came in a single zip file the mini design is the one that I used for my EMP experiment. Although the range is not significant and the pulse not very powerful, I did in fact test it successfully on both floppy disks at a range of around 5 yards as well as a small portable radio at the same range. The floppy disks were erased and the portable radio ceased to work.

Those schematics can be found here.


December 16th, 2006, 04:18 AM
You used information from a site with porn adds down the side and got good results? :p

Good job ;)

December 16th, 2006, 10:04 AM
First weclome to the forum, Second as a newbie you are makeing some big claims, I would post pictures of your device ASAP

December 16th, 2006, 12:48 PM
I'll make sure to do so, as soon as I can borrow a digi cam :)

EDIT: I spoke with a friend earlier today, he is going to let me borrow his digital camcorder. Be with watchful eyes, and hopefully within the next couple of days, I'll add a link to youtube so you all can see how it worked.

December 16th, 2006, 02:29 PM
I personaly would like to see it as I'm sure would a few others with out doubt, seeing as I do not see any pictures in that zip file, not now nor when i first downloaded it several months ago

December 19th, 2006, 09:51 AM
Perhaps I'm missing something here; How would one use a simple air-core wire-wound inductor as a directional antenna?

I mean, if this device is said to nuke floppies and a radio @ 5 yards, then how does one isolate the electronics from the 'pulse' - the one that operates at 50% duty cycle? :rolleyes:

Not only that, but how much energy can be stored in (a) a coil without a ferrite core (b) in a capacitor of 0.1 or 1.0 uF..

Me thinks that even without the schematics, this is nothing more than a radio transmitter. I'd be surprised if the peak voltage across the coil reached more than a few thousand volts. (I'd actually be surprised if it was 1000v +)

Additionally, the parts list mentions frequencies from 156Hz to 140Khz. So could anybody explain to me how a circuit that is switching 156 times a second can ramp the voltage up anywhere _near_ fast enough to be of concern?