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View Full Version : KNO3 Smoke Hazards

December 13th, 2006, 12:02 AM
Hey guys.

I was planning on making some KNO3 smokes for some airsoft games that I put together, but I heard from someone that the smoke is carcinogenic. This could be bad for obvious reasons.

I tried looking around for this on other threads as well as done some research on my own, but I have found no definitive proof. I did read that there was a theory that nitrates could be carcinogenic if used as a preservative, but nothing on potassium nitrate specifically or using it as smoke. If any of you guys have heard about it, either yes or no, please let me know.

December 13th, 2006, 02:12 PM
KNO3/sugar smoke compounds are NON-Toxic
I repeat NON-Toxic, UTFSE ok??

December 13th, 2006, 04:26 PM
Donīt worry KNO3/sugar smoke compounds give off relatively harmless smoke.
But there are a LOT better smoke compounds than the standard KNO3/Sucrose mix.The main problem with them is all the heat from the reaction causing the smoke to disperse high in the air while military smoke devices are relatively cool causing the smoke to stay a lot longer in lower altitude.
Kinda wandered off topic there but anyway the smoke is harmless and KNO3/sucrose smoke mixes should work OK in your airsoft games,just donīt stand over the device inhaling.:)

December 13th, 2006, 11:51 PM
Thanks for being patient. I did search, but didn't see anything:o . I will look into some cooler ones as well, so thanks Olib.

December 14th, 2006, 06:36 AM
If you had searched you would find out that Potassium Nitrate/Sugar smoke compounds are non-toxic. The info is here I just located it by using TFSE. I suggest that you didn't UTFSE. End of story.......... I don't want this to end up as a F/L/H section so I'm done.........

December 16th, 2006, 02:51 AM
*cough* Relatively non-toxic.

I know from experience that prolonged exposure to KNO3/Sugar smoke devices will leave you

Light headed
Unable to breathe comfortably
Incapable of any exertion (forget running, dodging, shooting, etc.)

Whether this is merely from smoke inhalation or from the K2O forming KOH in your lungs, I'm not sure.