December 13th, 2006, 12:02 AM
Hey guys.
I was planning on making some KNO3 smokes for some airsoft games that I put together, but I heard from someone that the smoke is carcinogenic. This could be bad for obvious reasons.
I tried looking around for this on other threads as well as done some research on my own, but I have found no definitive proof. I did read that there was a theory that nitrates could be carcinogenic if used as a preservative, but nothing on potassium nitrate specifically or using it as smoke. If any of you guys have heard about it, either yes or no, please let me know.
I was planning on making some KNO3 smokes for some airsoft games that I put together, but I heard from someone that the smoke is carcinogenic. This could be bad for obvious reasons.
I tried looking around for this on other threads as well as done some research on my own, but I have found no definitive proof. I did read that there was a theory that nitrates could be carcinogenic if used as a preservative, but nothing on potassium nitrate specifically or using it as smoke. If any of you guys have heard about it, either yes or no, please let me know.