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View Full Version : BTNEC experiences?

December 10th, 2006, 07:05 PM
Since triphosgene is in crystalline form it should be safer than phosgene, which is gas at room temperature.

Wikipedia and some other sources says that triphosgene is substitute for phosgene.

Some advantages of triphosgene for me:
I can buy it
It is in crystalline form so it is a bit safer to handle
I do not have to prepare phosgene
I do not have to use special equipment for phosgene production
I do not need to cool phosgene below 8*C
Triphosgene could be added directly to pressure reactor
Triphosgene can be weighted in exact amounts
Triphosgene can be stored much safer than phosgene

The only two disadvantages are that I do not know if it will work and that it is quite expensive. 100 g of this stuff costs about 270�.

I would really like to make some BTNEC, because I think it is a very interesting substance.

If anyone has any experience and knowledge about it, please share it ;)

December 11th, 2006, 04:24 AM
Download a copy of The War Gases, by Mario Sartori (scanned by yours truely :)) and try one of the processes listed there for making triphosgene yourself.

Or, if you can understand german, maybe the Ultra Poisons PDF in the Rapidshare Links thread.

Report back with results.