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December 6th, 2006, 11:12 PM
Now you dont see this every day in the States

" residents of Cherry Tree, Pennsylvania, would be asked to own guns and know how to use them. "


Cant use trans-fats in Ny but in PA a small town may soon be asking the residents to buy/own guns and learn how to use them

Interesting country that US of A

December 7th, 2006, 05:46 AM
There are a couple in Georgia and a few in the western US. IMO this should be nationwide. The right to keep and bear arms is being raped by the ignorant as we speak. The gun control idiots lie their bums off to control the sheeple. If I had the resources I would move to one of these communities ASAP.:)

December 7th, 2006, 01:18 PM
Festergrump has posted on this very subject (mandatory gun ownership), I don't recall what thread it was in, though.

IIRC, the crime rate was very, very low in this town.

December 7th, 2006, 02:16 PM
I'd thought I'd posted about it more than twice but here's all I could find that I had posted before. The town I'm aware of is called Kennesaw and it is a suburb north of Atlanta, Georgia.


I was a little outdated on my checking up on the open carry laws, though, it seems. Georgia is NOT an open carry state anymore according to packing.org (updated as of Sep 20, 2006):


You can open carry a handgun/pistol/revolver without a permit:
(open manner and fully exposed to view means for all to see, you need to have more than just the grip in view)

* In the home you own/rent/lease or place of business you own/rent/lease
* while legally hunting or fishing with a valid hunting or fishing license(license not needed for persons not required by law to have hunting licenses) on their person and with the permission of the owner of the land
* while sport shooting when the persons have the permission of the owner of the land on which the activities are being conducted

My apologies for providing misinformation. There ARE many states in the USA which allow open carry, but Georgia is no longer one of them. :(

It is truly a great thing that certain towns, counties, ect. are taking notice of dwindling rights and trying to do something about it. But federal law will always take precedence over local law, so in effect, if the federal government ever makes owning a gun illegal... who cares what the locals say on the matter. (unless, of course, push comes to shove comes to BANG! "Fuck you and your federal law"...)

Truth is, from a legal standpoint... all it boils down to is: Will you be tried for a "Gun Ownership" crime in a state court or a federal court?

I highly recommend taking a look at your state's laws and voting only for the politicians who aren't so eager to disarm their population. They pretty much ALL want you unarmed [EDIT: on a state or federal level. Obviously there are those on a local level who still hold value in our RKBA], but some less so than others...

P.S. Pencil in Tom Selleck (sp?) on the next presidential ballot! :) Now there's a "straight-shooter" (truthful pun) we can trust!

December 7th, 2006, 06:41 PM
I was coming from the point of

The USA is disarming there population and taking away the peoples right to bear arms and freedom to eat trans-fat amoungst many many other removes of freedoms in the last 5-10 years, yet a SMALL town ( pop 400 ?) WANTS EVERY ONE TO OWN / KNOW HOW TO USE firearms

Just wierd ....

Mind you I think that every one should own/carry a visable hand gun at all times, personal defence is MY responsibility not some cop that is sitting in the local coffee shop or hurassing the hookers for a free f**k or what have you, So I am all for it, I hope that the bi-law gets voted in

December 7th, 2006, 06:55 PM
I got side-tracked trying to ammend my previous statements about open carry in Georgia. Sorry. I didn't mean to hijack your thread at all. :o I get a little carried away sometimes, but since the opportunity was there to correct myself...

Jacks Complete
December 9th, 2006, 04:56 PM
Indeed. It only takes one shithead running the country for everything to be turned upside down. Just look at Iraq and the UK.