View Full Version : Another Step Towards Totalitarianism
December 5th, 2006, 04:38 PM
First smoking bans and now this
Soon they will outlaw cars for "public health". This is absurd.
December 5th, 2006, 06:19 PM
In my opinion, outlawing cars or restricting their use would be a good thing here in the UK, there are too many people here thus too many cars.
I was standing at a junction earlier today waiting to cross, and as every 2 or so cars went by I got a whiff of NO2 in my face, its strange how since I've been doing this "hobby" I can always smell NO2 as a car goes by ( I cycle everywhere).
I've never been able to smell it before, and I expect all of the lazy sheeple can't smell it either.
December 5th, 2006, 09:11 PM
As human beings are the most dangerous things in New York City, I demand they be outlawed IMMEDIATELEY!
Seriously, if you gotta live in NYC the air pollution and the stress are going to kill you faster than crappy food.
December 5th, 2006, 09:54 PM
At least outlawing trans fat wont be used to put more control on the citizens of NY. Though as the definition of terrorist in the US patriot act is, an act which endangers human life and is a violation of any federal or state law, if you were to sell trans fat contain products you could be executed :mad: THIS IS NOT A JOKE! Check for yourself if you don’t already know.
December 6th, 2006, 08:40 AM
Rush Limbaugh once predicted that a tax might be placed against high fat
foods. But an actual ban ? I imagine Rush is going to have a field day
with this one on his show ! Another example of government idiocy intruding
into our lives. No wonder most thinking people despise liberals ! NYC's
mayor is truly a RINO - Republican In Name Only !
December 6th, 2006, 12:34 PM
people should know how to eat healthy anyway...theres just no excuse...about the smoking, I think its a good thing to ban smoking inside bars and such...
December 6th, 2006, 02:11 PM
Banning high fat foods is like banning drugs. Can they harm your health? Yea, but who the fuck are you to tell me I can't harm myself?
December 6th, 2006, 07:25 PM
If people were in a truly free society (which they're not, obviously), they would be free to take drugs and eat crappy food. 'Tis your own problem when you OD or have a heart attack.
I can see the logic behind banning certain adverts on kids tv, though...although people have a habit of using this as an excuse for bad parenting.
December 6th, 2006, 08:47 PM
The problem with trans fats is they don’t have to put them on the nutritional content label (at least in Australia) and they are the worst for your heart, worse than saturated fats.
If they ban trans fats you can still eat fatty food with all the saturated, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats you want but it will just eliminate the worst one for your heart.
Skean Dhu
December 6th, 2006, 09:16 PM
Well with the developements in the past 8 months or so , you 'd be hard pressed to find a food in a supermarket in the US that had trans fats in them these days, with most stuff having that silly little splash icon on them bragging about " 0g trans fats" . Most food companies have eliminated them from their product to get people to buy them. The article says it only bans 'artificial trans fats' , basically they're banning the use of certain fry oils.
How about a ban on fat people taking the elevator? Sure trans fats are bad for you but so is sitting on your ass all day but still eating a +2000 calorie diet.
As long as this stuff stays at the state an local level they can ban whatever the hell they want, its when the UN and the governments of the entire countries ban these things that it starts getting truly totalitarian.
The reason for making drugs illegal and now trans fats, isn't for your health, its for their coffers, the longer you live the more money they can milk you for. Even if they(the powers that be) created a way to tax illegal drugs they wouldn't.
December 6th, 2006, 09:39 PM
about the smoking, I think its a good thing to ban smoking inside bars and such...
Drinking, smoking, fighting, drug use.... These are activities bars are designed to facilitate. If you object to any of these activities, "DON'T GO TO THE FUCKIN BAR".
God forbid you suck up some second hand while you're trying to destroy your liver or catch a good case of syphilis from the regular bar whore who's looking better by the minute.
While we're at it lets ban titties from the tittie bar, they cause high blood pressure ya know.
December 7th, 2006, 03:07 AM
Yep...if the U.S. believed any of its own propaganda about freedom and capitalism, then they would have let the "free market" create non-smoking bars, because the demand would obviously be high right? But no, people don't want to make tough decisions like that for themselves, they don't want to be socially pressured into going to the smoking bar because they know they couldn't resist, so they make the government force everyone to do it. I'm too weak to resist trans fats, let's ban them for everyone. I'm too stupid to use drugs, let's ban them for everyone. Gov. always caters to the lowest common denominator...that practically defines democracy right there...
Jacks Complete
December 9th, 2006, 04:29 PM
The problem with letting people do what they want is that it is incompatable with the welfare state.
I see people who are just whinging soap-dodgers a lot in my job, and the refrain is always the same. It is never
"The council gave me a new house for free, that's so great! Can I paint the inside to make it nicer?"
Oh no. The exact opposite.
"The council painted my house last week (for free, again, after they burned something and got smoke damage) and the puke colour I choose isn't the right shade!"
"They said I'd have a new kitchen by Christmas, where is it?"
"I want a new front door. The old one got broken (when I kicked it in drunk the other day)"
"They still haven't re-levelled my kitchen floor (from when I flooded it and wrecked the underlay) so I'm writing to the paper! See how they like that!"
I see people so fat they cannot walk to the door, let alone work (not that they would, even if it was £50K a year for wanking), so they are given health-related benefits, they get stairlifts and remote doors and free bus passes and those little powered wheelchairs!
I mean, powered wheel chairs? When they are too fat to walk?
They should nail the doors shut, and leave them a 2 foot gap to get out of, and then just leave them for 6 months.
There should also be a law against fat people having free electric wheelchairs. What does anyone capable of thinking think is going to happen when someone who eats enough that they can't walk to the supermarket for fags or beer runs out of food? They would *have* to diet. And hell, they aren't going to starve to death. No way. They have at least 2 months of blubber on them.
Same for soap dodgers who won't get a job. Make them work for the money. Doesn't matter what the job is, just anything. Polish the statue in the park, pick up litter, vaccuum some old dears house, whatever.
Back hundreds of years ago, they built follies, big stone buildings that meant nothing at all. The lords and ladies paid for them, and they got the people who would otherwise have starved or lost the skills they wanted to keep to other areas, busy. This meant that they didn't turn into entitlement bitches, and they weren't free to walk the streets drunk, fighting and breaking into cars and houses.
So yes, ban trans-fats from those who cannot afford medical cover. Ban "ciggarettes n alchol" and more, until they get off their arses and do something with their lives. Put the money for keeping them happy into that instead, and cause them some pain, just enough to get them working, or at least keeping the place tidy...
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