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View Full Version : The Hutchison Effect

November 22nd, 2006, 07:31 AM
Controlling solids, liquids, gases with electro-magnetic frequencies. Yup the technology has finally advanced as shown in this video.


So many uses for such a product you can go crazy, some for example: weapon, propulsion, free energy*.

This video includes the effect of electro-magnetic frequencies on solids, liquids, each of which has its "own channel" or its own frequency at which it responds. I always knew that people levitating just manipulated the magnetic fields of their body with their mind causing them to lift up. This has the same effect from, bending steel to lifting a 70lb. cannon ball.

When I say each has its own channel, watch him manipulate the icecream in the cup, it slowly lifts up until he changes the frequency and it shoots up.

He also mentioned turning some metals into unknown elements after its exposure to some frequencies, and the government has had this since the late 70's !, imagine how far they have gotten in advancement ae. Ion Engine for propulsion.

Definetly watch through the whole video.

Red Beret
November 22nd, 2006, 07:53 AM
That's fascinating. Unable to watch the video though. Imagine how far the government has got with this! I'd like to know what types of propulsion systems they are using, based on this.

This, I guess, would give totally silent propulsion. I once saw a "flying triangle" one night, over a built up residential area. It was totally silent, freaked me out. It was also travelling at speeds that would stall a coventional craft. This technology may explain that. It'd sure beat Pulse Detonation Wave Propulsion. Maybe not in terms of speed though.

November 22nd, 2006, 11:19 AM

There is no acceptance of Hutchison's claims among mainstream scientists. In a recent posting to the newsgroup sci.physics.research, Marc Millis, who formerly ran the now defunct Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Program for NASA, wrote:

The Hutchison Effect has been claimed for years, without any independent verification — ever. In fact, its originator can't even replicate it on demand. This has been investigated more than once, been part of documentaries on The Discovery Channel, but still never seems to pass critical muster. This is in the category of folklore. In general, the "American Antigravity" web site caters to such folklore and its enthusiasts.

—Marc G. Millis

Another problem with Hutchison's effect is that many of the effects shown, such as the levitation and heating of objects, can be produced by other physically established laws, such as the Lorentz force and acoustic levitation (which uses ultrasonic waves to levitate objects of up to ten kilograms, and can work on any material, including water, wood, metal and stone)

Hutchison states that he hasn't actually reproduced his effect since approximately 1991, though he continues to reject charges of fakery, and maintains that his "effect" has been demonstrated many times in the presence of scientists and, he says, members of the US Army Intelligence and Security Command.

And http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudoscience is linked from his wikipedia page too. Doesn't sound too interesting to me.

November 22nd, 2006, 07:53 PM
Yet another example of a discredited mumbo-jumbo 'force'. End thread.

November 22nd, 2006, 10:21 PM
A scientific principle that cannot be experimentally replicated every time is not science at all. Reproducibility is what makes science, science. Free energy is a pipe dream that entices the scientifically illiterate. I ask this question: for all those websites that offer “plans” and blueprints of free energy machines and the like, how come they never actually BUILD the devices if they are so simple?

November 22nd, 2006, 10:50 PM
This 'Hutchison Effect' is also suspiciously similiar in concept to what I've come to refer to as The Force.

You know...that Jedi ability to manipulate matter by will alone...or as former member Cutefix would say "Manipulate the Chi". :rolleyes:

The Forum is about science (for the most part) and events that are non-reproducible, not done in front of non-aligned witnesses, generate grandeous claims with no proof, and otherwise subjected to trickery and fraud, don't belong here.

This are other places, besides here, for Cold-Fusion, Loc Ness, Big Foot, UFO's, and other such things to be discussed in a 'serious' manner. ;)