View Full Version : What do you do?
Red Beret
November 15th, 2006, 08:03 AM
I'm not sure if this belongs here, I put it here because I think this subject eventually boils down to opinion.
Let's say some mother fucker gets into your home. You reach for your machette, pistol, Taser etc, and when you attack the intruder, he dies as a result. You didn't set out to kill him, it was an accident;) , but now what do you do? You have a corpse on your hands, and the weapon you used to defend yourself, may be illegal.
Personally I would dispose of the body, without bringing the piggies into it, as they will try and put you behind bars. But then, you have complications. People in your house may not be able to handle that, and nieghbours may have heard suspect noises during the incident.
I guess it all boils down to your own circumstances. If you live alone (lucky bastard), it's basically up to you. If you didn't use an illegal weapon, and you think the neighbours have heard noises, calling the piggies may be a better option. But if you choose to deal with it yourself (what I would prefer), you may gain a weapon that the stiff was carrying, MAYBE some ID to toy with or something, and you will certainly learn a thing or two about body disposal, a usefull skill.
So I say, if you can, take it as a learning experience, and DIY.:D
Body disposal is, in my opinion, a very useful skill to have.
November 15th, 2006, 03:22 PM
This can be a tricky situation because you are either a hero or a criminal depending on the whims of your country/state/city/judge. Technically you should be in the right, but we all know the democrats make civilians who defend themselves into criminals and criminals into victims.
Consider if you do try to hide the crime, and you are likely to be found out, you WILL be seen as the criminal, even if you were justified in the killing or not.
Your best bet is to get an attorney, and support system in place BEFORE bringing in the cops. Remember, the dead tell no tales, so every word out of your mouth had better be about how this CRIMINAL CHILD RAPING MURDERER came to gay rape and kill your family. Always refer to him as a vile criminal, every comment, every comment, every comment. He can’t defend himself against the defamation, truth though it probably is, because he is dead. He ain’t talkin.
You may have used an illegal weapon, but that’s because you took it off of him. What’s that? He didn’t deny the charge. Failure to answer will be seen as admission of guilt. What you should learn then is how to get your fingerprints and DNA off of the weapon, get his on it, and have a damn good story why your fingerprints were on the weapon if they find any.
You have to come across as the victim in this at every turn. You are the wronged party after all. Don’t let the cops or the media try to spin this the other way and paint you as some sort of criminal. Never talk to the cops without an attorney. Tell them you are too traumatized to speak to give you time to get one. You were almost gay sodomized and killed by the child raping gay raping serial killer hopped up on what seemed like a bunch of drugs. A decent law abiding citizen forced to defend the lives of innocent children in your neighborhood will naturally be distraught.
November 15th, 2006, 03:52 PM
OK... what if the guy or guys you killed... turn out to be Pigs?
Fellow shot dead an intruder (intruder-buddies ran away). He called the cops. Cops said, you killed an officer (moonlighting as a crook obviously). Even had piggy ID in his pocket.
What saved this person? He had cameras installed inside and outside and he had recorded the encounter. Smart!
With cameras so small, if at all possible, record everything. Mount a cheap wireless camera on your gun... a gun-camera, like on a fighter-aircraft. Base unit recorder can be nearby or elsewhere on your person.
And Mega is right. Lawyers are your best friend.
Red Beret:
About body disposal.... is it practical to wash someone down the drain? Cut them up and dissolve? Acid or Lye?
November 15th, 2006, 04:53 PM
gay rape
BZZZZZT, Homophobe alert, do not collect liberal sympathy, go directly to jail.
About body disposal.... is it practical to wash someone down the drain? Cut them up and dissolve? Acid or Lye?
Thats a interesting question, the "body" is just meat, butcher the body, cut up the meat and dry it into "People Jerky", then just toss it around it the woods, ravines, etc... wherever hungry wild animals roam. (Drying the meat should make a DNA sample untennible), the major problem would be the bones, if they could be dried and pulverized they could be spread around fairly easily.
November 15th, 2006, 05:24 PM
Mega is right, as long as you are portrayed as the victim you will get off. A jury will always side with who they believe is the victim.
Does anybody remember the case a couple years back where a man on the subway in NYC shot 4 niggers because he thought they were going to mug him? He served 6 months..
Or how about the man who shot a man who raped his prepubescent son? The whole event was caught on news camaras, the man got probation on a weapons violation.
It also depends on where you live, for example, a man in louisiana shot dead a lost japanese exchange student on helloween who was tresspassing on his property (suburbia). The student apparently didn't understand him and kept approaching. The man didn't serve one day in prison. This caused a huge outrage in anti-gun Japan and I think there was a petition with over 1 million signatures on it.
The biggest concern I have is for the SWAT teams that the police love to use. There's been a huge influx in their use and they have been given increasing more power. There is nothing you can do within the law to protect yourselfs from them.
Scans from a recent article in playboy.
More info on Hudson vs Michigan -
(Fixed links - JC)
November 15th, 2006, 08:02 PM
An oldy, but a goody, by me. :D
November 15th, 2006, 09:35 PM
Thinking ahead will triple your chances of walking.
Acquire and keep hidden "within reach", a "throw away".
The intruder thus becomes armed with a deadly weapon. A weapon with which he placed you in fear of death or severe bodily harm.
November 17th, 2006, 08:27 PM
Don�t incinerate a person in a dumpster with petrol, some guy tried that, had blood all over his car but the body's DNA was too damaged to do any sort of match. That was until they took a tooth and got the DNA from its core.
My best bet would be the acid/lye trick on the flesh and good old thermite on the teeth/bones/cartilage or maybe just a furnace.
Now even if there is blood all over you and your house there is no way to match it. Unless the crim was a blood donor, not a likely chance of that.
Chris The Great
November 17th, 2006, 10:04 PM
NBK's idea seems like the best. It's cheap, easy, and effective. If you're really desperate to leave no trace at all, then dissolve the ashes into hydrochloric acid and pour them into a river. No trace left at all.
November 17th, 2006, 10:13 PM
If you decide to keep it a secret and not put yourself in the hands of the law then it would be unwise to keep anything that the person had. (i.e. clothes, weapons, or anything that could somehow be linked back to the corpse.)
Would it be feasible using a thermite like mixture since the high tempratures would cause the body to turn to carbon. (not that there would many traces left except a slag pile, and any dna or other features usable for identification would be destroyed.)
November 18th, 2006, 12:01 AM
We have another n00bie Thermite winner! :D
I was soooo tempted to delete and ban, but I thought it amusing. :p
How many kilos of Thermite would it take to boil away 50 kilos of water, and vaporize 20 kilos of carbon?
And even if it was just bones, remember that it's not just a matter of temperature, but time at that temperature, as bones are porous and filled with fatty tissue, thus insulated.
November 18th, 2006, 12:38 AM
Crush up the bones first? Although if you wanted to destroy the DNA through incineration you could just throw it in a homemade furnace, much simpler than finding the stocks of powdered Al needed to burn them away.
If your in no hurry to get rid of the body why not put some use to it, if you�ve got a hungry dog why waste precious meat on incineration?
You could hack up the body and throw it in your fridge/freezer feeding your dog daily (and cutting the cost of dog food) but feeding the bones to the dog isn�t a good idea since it would probably just bury them (not good to have human bones in your backyard).
Red Beret
November 18th, 2006, 06:14 AM
NBK, just read your human cremation article, fascinating indeed.
This topic has turned out some good ideas, various methods could be used to dispose of the corpse. I think the "self sustaining cremation" would be ideal, but maybe if you were in a hurry, you could store the body somewhere until you could carry this out. Not ideal, but these situations never are.
The main problem I can see, is getting the TASER. They are out there, but are rare compared to handguns and such. If genuine schematics for a TASER could be had, you may be able to get an electronics techie to make one. Then there is the method of ordering one to an anonymous adress, which has proven (to me at least) very difficult. I guess one could make a capacitor bank with lethal voltages, a quick touch and they're dead.
I still desperately want a real TASER though, for other purposes...:rolleyes:
I have read that a powerfull cattle prod can make someone pass out, but I've tried mine (on myself) and saw no indication that this would happen. I must try a more powerfull one though. There's too many variables with cattle prods though, and one must remember, they weren't made to incapactitate.
November 18th, 2006, 10:54 AM
Acquire and keep hidden "within reach", a "throw away".
The intruder thus becomes armed with a deadly weapon.
Don't forget to take a moment to put his finger prints on the shells too. If you fire a shot off make sure there is powder residue on HIS hand and arm not yours. This could get really complicated.
November 27th, 2006, 03:00 AM
That's why a knife is better than a gun to place on the body IMHO. All you need is to get his finger prints on the knife.
With a gun on the body the police are going to do some investigating into the background of the weapon, which could come back to you(unlikely if you are careful about getting the weapon), or raise questions about the likelihood of the weapon belonging to the stiff. Plus knives are cheaper, and are always going to be laying around in the house for quick and easy planting.
November 28th, 2006, 05:59 PM
Mega's advice is very good. Listen to it. As someone who has been in the very scenario you describe, I can vouch for it.
The one thing in your scenario (and mine, if I had it to do over) is keep a legal weapon handy, and use that if needed. Also, be sure to kill the intruder. It's actually better to deal have a dead intruder than a wounded "victim" who will sue your ass off even if you win the criminal trial.
Very first thing (after making sure the piece of shit is dead), call 911 and ask for an ambulance. You want it to seem you are actually concerned about the fuck and actually want him to live. Only then ask them to send the police.
Don�t talk to the police, other than to say �Someone broke into my house, and I was afraid for my life. I was protecting myself and my family. I want a lawyer.�
Then, get a lawyer. The best lawyer you can afford. And DO expect to be charged with 1st degree murder. Get a haircut (short), shave (clean), and try to look as young, innocent, and helpless as possible at trial (even if you�re actually the son of satan). Lose weight if you can before the trial (to look weak as possible), or (if you are already overweight) gain so much weight and go to the doctor that he will say physical exertion will cause your heart to explode.
And if you do get off, plan on being broke for the next 10 years, paying off your damn lawyer.
December 6th, 2006, 09:20 AM
I have a very deep well on my property which I use for watering my veggie garden. Any intruders would surely finish up deep-sixed down there - preferably with some weights chained to their ankles to keep them at the bottom.
Who knows, maybe the water quality would be improved with some rotting IRS inspector's corpse in it :eek:
Next year's cannabis yield is looking better already :D
December 21st, 2006, 03:27 PM
Handing yourself in claiming it is self defence in the U.K is a bad idea. There was a story a while back, there was an old bloke who lived on a isolated farm. A group of two youths broke in, the old man woke up walked down stairs with his shotgun, saw one of the youths trying to climb through the window and shot him in the back, killing him.
The main downfall for the old man was that he had caught the kid in the back, which in court will show everyone that the victim was either not looking towards you at the time or was running away, thus meaning he was not attacking you.
I believe the old man got a life sentence (about 30 years).
What you should do if you have killed a person, depends on what area you live in.
Urban area-If you shot them then most likely people heard the gunshot and if the person broke in, then neighbors may have heard this and may have seen the criminal go in and will be sucpicous when he never comes out again.
Also if the person is well known in the area, then you have a problem because it means people will wonder where he is.
Rural areas- Anything goes.
December 22nd, 2006, 03:16 PM
Exothermic- Good point, I think most people in their right mind shoud not hand themselves in to the pigs here in the UK, claiming self defence, since self defence does not exist here, legally. :mad:
I live in a small town surrounded by fields and woods, so if I had a body to dispose of, I've got lots of choice in where to bury it.:)
December 22nd, 2006, 05:12 PM
Thinking ahead will triple your chances of walking.
This, I think, is crucial.
Once you're in the dwang, it's too late.
You hafta scheme things in advance. If that involves digging large holes around your property, or keeping pigs, whatever, don't wait until you're surprised and then try to BS your way out of it, you're dead already.
'nuff said.
If you have some spare time, and are this way inclined, go read "Unintended Consequences" by John Ross, which can be had from Amazon or for download from a website with "firing" and "line" in the URL -- I would recommend the Amazon version 'cos reading a website in the bath or on the loo is downright... difficult...
December 22nd, 2006, 06:30 PM
Having already been through a similar situation, what Mega stated is
absolutely right. In my case, I did some jail time because the fucking
Democrat judge found me guilty of a handgun violation. The gun was
legal but carrying it anywhere isn't. Maryland's elite are the only civlians
who are granted carry permits. Exothermic, the farmer you refer to is
Tony Martin. After some loud protest he was released from prison after
3 years but he's financially ruined and the British government is actually
assisting the surviving robbers, and the families of the dead robbers, in
their lawsuit against him. The shotgun he used is also illegal in Britain.
Maryland politicians - kakistocrats hard at work !
Jacks Complete
December 23rd, 2006, 09:40 PM
Well, nearly. Tony Martin was declared mentally incompetant, in order to be released from jail early, on a technicality. It was a shitty verdict. Three scallies came all the way out to his farm, two broke in, and he was alone. They painted dark pictures of him at trial, and they made out it was pre-meditated because he had broken the first rule, which was he had stated that he would kill the next burglar, as he had been burglarised over 30 times! He had also set traps, which didn't help, and looked like a loony. Plus the shotgun was "left by a well-wisher".
If the police had bothered doing a search for the criminals, the guy wouldn't have died, likewise if the other shot pikey hadn't abandoned his mate and left him to die, it wouldn't have been murder, just wounding. And he refused to admit he was wrong, so the parole board would have kept him in forever - it's a fact that murder is an automatic life sentence, and you have to admit you were wrong to kill to be released on license, so anyone innocent who refuses to admit it will never be free!
As for self-defence, well, it is a legal defence, but you are not legally allowed to own anything, nor prepare anything, to help in that defence. The concept of "immediate arming" is the one used. You can run them through with a knife you were using to garden with, but having a knife by the door is a crime!
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